Contacting the development team

Mailing lists

If you are seeking an advice that's related to libvirt-php or libvirt you can use our mailing lists:
Archives at
This is a high volume mailing list. It is a place for discussions about the development of libvirt-php but it is not only for libvirt-php since it's mainly for libvirt itself so please be so kind and include [libvirt-php] prefix to your e-mail to address libvirt-php.
Topics for discussion include:
  • New features for libvirt-php
  • Bug fixing of libvirt-php
  • Testing and documentation of libvirt-php

For more way to contact developers see libvirt's contacts page.

Please note, libvirt-php no longer accepts patches sent via mailing lists as it uses merge requests. It also uses gitlab's issue tracker.