Package org.libvirt.jna

JNA mappings for the libvirt library.


Interface Summary
Libvirt The libvirt interface which is exposed via JNA.
Libvirt.VirConnectAuthCallback Callback interface for authorization
Libvirt.VirErrorCallback Error callback
Libvirt.VirFreeCallback Generic Callbacks
Libvirt.VirStreamSinkFunc Stream callbacks

Class Summary
ConnectionPointer Pointer class to provide type safety to the jna interface.
DevicePointer Pointer class to provide type safety to the jna interface.
DomainPointer Pointer class to provide type safety to the jna interface.
DomainSnapshotPointer Pointer class to provide type safety to the jna interface.
InterfacePointer Pointer class to provide type safety to the jna interface.
NetworkPointer Pointer class to provide type safety to the jna interface.
SecretPointer Pointer class to provide type safety to the jna interface.
StoragePoolPointer Pointer class to provide type safety to the jna interface.
StorageVolPointer Pointer class to provide type safety to the jna interface.
StreamPointer Pointer class to provide type safety to the jna interface.
virConnectAuth JNA mapping for the virConnectAuth structure
virConnectCredential JNA mapping for the virConnectCredential structure
virDomainBlockStats JNA mapping for the virDomainBlockStats structure
virDomainInfo JNA mapping for the virDomainInfo structure
virDomainInterfaceStats JNA mapping for the virDomainInterfaceStats structure
virError JNA mapping for the virError structure
virNodeInfo JNA mapping for the virNodeInfo structure
virSchedParameter JNA mapping for the virSchedParameter structure
virSchedParameterValue JNA mapping for the virSchedParameterValue structure
virStoragePoolInfo JNA mapping for the virStoragePoolInfo structure
virStorageVolInfo JNA mapping for the virStorageVolInfo structure
virVcpuInfo JNA mapping for the virVcpuInfo structure

Package org.libvirt.jna Description

JNA mappings for the libvirt library.