Provides APIs for the management of storage pools and volumes
typedef enum virConnectListAllStoragePoolsFlags typedef struct _virStoragePool virStoragePool typedef enum virStoragePoolBuildFlags typedef enum virStoragePoolCreateFlags typedef enum virStoragePoolDefineFlags typedef enum virStoragePoolDeleteFlags typedef enum virStoragePoolEventID typedef enum virStoragePoolEventLifecycleType typedef struct _virStoragePoolInfo virStoragePoolInfo typedef virStoragePoolInfo * virStoragePoolInfoPtr typedef virStoragePool * virStoragePoolPtr typedef enum virStoragePoolState typedef struct _virStorageVol virStorageVol typedef enum virStorageVolCreateFlags typedef enum virStorageVolDeleteFlags typedef enum virStorageVolDownloadFlags typedef struct _virStorageVolInfo virStorageVolInfo typedef enum virStorageVolInfoFlags typedef virStorageVolInfo * virStorageVolInfoPtr typedef virStorageVol * virStorageVolPtr typedef enum virStorageVolResizeFlags typedef enum virStorageVolType typedef enum virStorageVolUploadFlags typedef enum virStorageVolWipeAlgorithm typedef enum virStorageXMLFlags
char * virConnectFindStoragePoolSources (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * type,
const char * srcSpec,
unsigned int flags) char * virConnectGetStoragePoolCapabilities (virConnectPtr conn,
unsigned int flags) int virConnectListAllStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn,
virStoragePoolPtr ** pools,
unsigned int flags) int virConnectListDefinedStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn,
char ** const names,
int maxnames) int virConnectListStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn,
char ** const names,
int maxnames) int virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn) int virConnectNumOfStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn) int virConnectStoragePoolEventDeregisterAny (virConnectPtr conn,
int callbackID) typedef virConnectStoragePoolEventGenericCallback void virConnectStoragePoolEventGenericCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virStoragePoolPtr pool,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectStoragePoolEventLifecycleCallback void virConnectStoragePoolEventLifecycleCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virStoragePoolPtr pool,
int event,
int detail,
void * opaque) int virConnectStoragePoolEventRegisterAny (virConnectPtr conn,
virStoragePoolPtr pool,
int eventID,
virConnectStoragePoolEventGenericCallback cb,
void * opaque,
virFreeCallback freecb) int virStoragePoolBuild (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
unsigned int flags) int virStoragePoolCreate (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
unsigned int flags) virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolCreateXML (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * xmlDesc,
unsigned int flags) virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolDefineXML (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * xml,
unsigned int flags) int virStoragePoolDelete (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
unsigned int flags) int virStoragePoolDestroy (virStoragePoolPtr pool) int virStoragePoolFree (virStoragePoolPtr pool) int virStoragePoolGetAutostart (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
int * autostart) virConnectPtr virStoragePoolGetConnect (virStoragePoolPtr pool) int virStoragePoolGetInfo (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
virStoragePoolInfoPtr info) const char * virStoragePoolGetName (virStoragePoolPtr pool) int virStoragePoolGetUUID (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
unsigned char * uuid) int virStoragePoolGetUUIDString (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
char * buf) char * virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
unsigned int flags) int virStoragePoolIsActive (virStoragePoolPtr pool) int virStoragePoolIsPersistent (virStoragePoolPtr pool) int virStoragePoolListAllVolumes (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
virStorageVolPtr ** vols,
unsigned int flags) int virStoragePoolListVolumes (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
char ** const names,
int maxnames) virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolLookupByName (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * name) virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolLookupByTargetPath (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * path) virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolLookupByUUID (virConnectPtr conn,
const unsigned char * uuid) virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolLookupByUUIDString (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * uuidstr) virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolLookupByVolume (virStorageVolPtr vol) int virStoragePoolNumOfVolumes (virStoragePoolPtr pool) int virStoragePoolRef (virStoragePoolPtr pool) int virStoragePoolRefresh (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
unsigned int flags) int virStoragePoolSetAutostart (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
int autostart) int virStoragePoolUndefine (virStoragePoolPtr pool) virStorageVolPtr virStorageVolCreateXML (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
const char * xmlDesc,
unsigned int flags) virStorageVolPtr virStorageVolCreateXMLFrom (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
const char * xmlDesc,
virStorageVolPtr clonevol,
unsigned int flags) int virStorageVolDelete (virStorageVolPtr vol,
unsigned int flags) int virStorageVolDownload (virStorageVolPtr vol,
virStreamPtr stream,
unsigned long long offset,
unsigned long long length,
unsigned int flags) int virStorageVolFree (virStorageVolPtr vol) virConnectPtr virStorageVolGetConnect (virStorageVolPtr vol) int virStorageVolGetInfo (virStorageVolPtr vol,
virStorageVolInfoPtr info) int virStorageVolGetInfoFlags (virStorageVolPtr vol,
virStorageVolInfoPtr info,
unsigned int flags) const char * virStorageVolGetKey (virStorageVolPtr vol) const char * virStorageVolGetName (virStorageVolPtr vol) char * virStorageVolGetPath (virStorageVolPtr vol) char * virStorageVolGetXMLDesc (virStorageVolPtr vol,
unsigned int flags) virStorageVolPtr virStorageVolLookupByKey (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * key) virStorageVolPtr virStorageVolLookupByName (virStoragePoolPtr pool,
const char * name) virStorageVolPtr virStorageVolLookupByPath (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * path) int virStorageVolRef (virStorageVolPtr vol) int virStorageVolResize (virStorageVolPtr vol,
unsigned long long capacity,
unsigned int flags) int virStorageVolUpload (virStorageVolPtr vol,
virStreamPtr stream,
unsigned long long offset,
unsigned long long length,
unsigned int flags) int virStorageVolWipe (virStorageVolPtr vol,
unsigned int flags) int virStorageVolWipePattern (virStorageVolPtr vol,
unsigned int algorithm,
unsigned int flags)
Used to cast the event specific callback into the generic one for use for virConnectStoragePoolEventRegisterAny()
¶Flags used to tune pools returned by virConnectListAllStoragePools(). Note that these flags come in groups; if all bits from a group are 0, then that group is not used to filter results.
enum virConnectListAllStoragePoolsFlags {
¶struct virStoragePool {
¶enum virStoragePoolBuildFlags {
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_NEW | = | 0 (0x0) | Regular build from scratch |
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_REPAIR | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Repair / reinitialize |
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_RESIZE | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Extend existing pool |
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_NO_OVERWRITE | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Do not overwrite existing pool |
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_OVERWRITE | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | Overwrite data |
¶enum virStoragePoolCreateFlags {
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_CREATE_NORMAL | = | 0 (0x0) | Create the pool but do not perform pool build |
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_CREATE_WITH_BUILD | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Create the pool and perform pool build without any flags |
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_CREATE_WITH_BUILD_OVERWRITE | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Create the pool and perform pool build using the VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_OVERWRITE flag. This is mutually exclusive to VIR_STORAGE_POOL_CREATE_WITH_BUILD_NO_OVERWRITE |
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_CREATE_WITH_BUILD_NO_OVERWRITE | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Create the pool and perform pool build using the VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_NO_OVERWRITE flag. This is mutually exclusive to VIR_STORAGE_POOL_CREATE_WITH_BUILD_OVERWRITE |
¶enum virStoragePoolDefineFlags {
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DEFINE_VALIDATE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Validate the XML document against schema |
¶enum virStoragePoolDeleteFlags {
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DELETE_NORMAL | = | 0 (0x0) | Delete metadata only (fast) |
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DELETE_ZEROED | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Clear all data to zeros (slow) |
¶An enumeration of supported eventId parameters for virConnectStoragePoolEventRegisterAny(). Each event id determines which signature of callback function will be used.
enum virStoragePoolEventID {
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_ID_LAST | = | 2 (0x2) | NB: this enum value will increase over time as new events are added to the libvirt API. It reflects the last event ID supported by this version of the libvirt API. |
¶a virStoragePoolEventLifecycleType is emitted during storage pool lifecycle events
enum virStoragePoolEventLifecycleType {
¶struct virStoragePoolInfo {
int | state | virStoragePoolState flags |
unsigned long long | capacity | Logical size bytes |
unsigned long long | allocation | Current allocation bytes |
unsigned long long | available | Remaining free space bytes |
¶typedef virStoragePoolInfo * virStoragePoolInfoPtr;
¶typedef virStoragePool * virStoragePoolPtr;
a virStoragePoolPtr is pointer to a virStoragePool private structure, this is the type used to reference a storage pool in the API.
¶enum virStoragePoolState {
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_INACTIVE | = | 0 (0x0) | Not running |
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILDING | = | 1 (0x1) | Initializing pool, not available |
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_RUNNING | = | 2 (0x2) | Running normally |
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_DEGRADED | = | 3 (0x3) | Running degraded |
VIR_STORAGE_POOL_INACCESSIBLE | = | 4 (0x4) | Running, but not accessible |
¶struct virStorageVol {
¶enum virStorageVolCreateFlags {
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_CREATE_REFLINK | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | perform a btrfs lightweight copy |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_CREATE_VALIDATE | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Validate the XML document against schema |
¶enum virStorageVolDeleteFlags {
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DELETE_NORMAL | = | 0 (0x0) | Delete metadata only (fast) |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DELETE_ZEROED | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Clear all data to zeros (slow) |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DELETE_WITH_SNAPSHOTS | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Force removal of volume, even if in use |
¶enum virStorageVolDownloadFlags {
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DOWNLOAD_SPARSE_STREAM | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Use sparse stream |
¶struct virStorageVolInfo {
int | type | virStorageVolType flags |
unsigned long long | capacity | Logical size bytes |
unsigned long long | allocation | Current allocation bytes |
¶enum virStorageVolInfoFlags {
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_GET_PHYSICAL | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Return the physical size in allocation |
¶typedef virStorageVolInfo * virStorageVolInfoPtr;
¶typedef virStorageVol * virStorageVolPtr;
a virStorageVolPtr is pointer to a virStorageVol private structure, this is the type used to reference a storage volume in the API.
¶enum virStorageVolResizeFlags {
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_ALLOCATE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | force allocation of new size |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_DELTA | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | size is relative to current |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_SHRINK | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | allow decrease in capacity |
¶enum virStorageVolType {
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_FILE | = | 0 (0x0) | Regular file based volumes |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_BLOCK | = | 1 (0x1) | Block based volumes |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_DIR | = | 2 (0x2) | Directory-passthrough based volume |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_NETWORK | = | 3 (0x3) | Network volumes like RBD (RADOS Block Device) |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_NETDIR | = | 4 (0x4) | Network accessible directory that can contain other network volumes |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_PLOOP | = | 5 (0x5) | Ploop based volumes |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_LAST | = | 6 (0x6) |
¶enum virStorageVolUploadFlags {
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_UPLOAD_SPARSE_STREAM | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Use sparse stream |
¶enum virStorageVolWipeAlgorithm {
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_ZERO | = | 0 (0x0) | 1-pass, all zeroes |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_NNSA | = | 1 (0x1) | 4-pass NNSA Policy Letter NAP-14.1-C (XVI-8) |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_DOD | = | 2 (0x2) | 4-pass DoD 5220.22-M section 8-306 procedure |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_BSI | = | 3 (0x3) | 9-pass method recommended by the German Center of Security in Information Technologies |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_GUTMANN | = | 4 (0x4) | The canonical 35-pass sequence |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_SCHNEIER | = | 5 (0x5) | 7-pass method described by Bruce Schneier in "Applied Cryptography" (1996) |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_PFITZNER7 | = | 6 (0x6) | 7-pass random data |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_PFITZNER33 | = | 7 (0x7) | 33-pass random data |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_RANDOM | = | 8 (0x8) | 1-pass random data |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_TRIM | = | 9 (0x9) | 1-pass, trim all data on the volume by using TRIM or DISCARD |
VIR_STORAGE_VOL_WIPE_ALG_LAST | = | 10 (0xa) | NB: this enum value will increase over time as new algorithms are added to the libvirt API. It reflects the last algorithm supported by this version of the libvirt API. |
¶enum virStorageXMLFlags {
VIR_STORAGE_XML_INACTIVE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | dump inactive pool/volume information |
¶char * virConnectFindStoragePoolSources (virConnectPtr conn, const char * type, const char * srcSpec, unsigned int flags)
Talks to a storage backend and attempts to auto-discover the set of available storage pool sources. e.g. For iSCSI this would be a set of iSCSI targets. For NFS this would be a list of exported paths. The srcSpec (optional for some storage pool types, e.g. local ones) is an instance of the storage pool's source element specifying where to look for the pools.
srcSpec is not required for some types (e.g., those querying local storage resources only)
Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | detect-storage-pools | - |
¶char * virConnectGetStoragePoolCapabilities (virConnectPtr conn, unsigned int flags)
Prior creating a storage pool (for instance via virStoragePoolCreateXML or virStoragePoolDefineXML) it may be suitable to know what pool types are supported along with the file/disk formats for each pool.
¶int virConnectListAllStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn, virStoragePoolPtr ** pools, unsigned int flags)
Collect the list of storage pools, and allocate an array to store those objects. This API solves the race inherent between virConnectListStoragePools and virConnectListDefinedStoragePools.
Normally, all storage pools are returned; however, flags
can be used to filter the results for a smaller list of targeted pools. The valid flags are divided into groups, where each group contains bits that describe mutually exclusive attributes of a pool, and where all bits within a group describe all possible pools.
The first group of flags
is VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_ACTIVE (online) and VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_INACTIVE (offline) to filter the pools by state.
The second group of flags
is VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_PERSITENT (defined) and VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_TRANSIENT (running but not defined), to filter the pools by whether they have persistent config or not.
The third group of flags
is VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_AUTOSTART and VIR_CONNECT_LIST_STORAGE_POOLS_NO_AUTOSTART, to filter the pools by whether they are marked as autostart or not.
The last group of flags
to NULL in case of error. On success, the array stored into pools
is guaranteed to have an extra allocated element set to NULL but not included in the return count, to make iteration easier. The caller is responsible for calling virStoragePoolFree() on each array element, then calling free() on pools
.Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-storage-pools | - |
Object | Permission |
storage-pool | getattr |
¶int virConnectListDefinedStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn, char ** const names, int maxnames)
Provides the list of names of inactive storage pools up to maxnames. If there are more than maxnames, the remaining names will be silently ignored.
The use of this function is discouraged. Instead, use virConnectListAllStoragePools().
. The client must call free() on each returned name.Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-storage-pools | - |
Object | Permission |
storage-pool | getattr |
¶int virConnectListStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn, char ** const names, int maxnames)
Provides the list of names of active storage pools up to maxnames. If there are more than maxnames, the remaining names will be silently ignored.
The use of this function is discouraged. Instead, use virConnectListAllStoragePools().
. The client must call free() on each returned name.Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-storage-pools | - |
Object | Permission |
storage-pool | getattr |
¶int virConnectNumOfDefinedStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn)
Provides the number of inactive storage pools
Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-storage-pools | - |
Object | Permission |
storage-pool | getattr |
¶int virConnectNumOfStoragePools (virConnectPtr conn)
Provides the number of active storage pools
Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-storage-pools | - |
Object | Permission |
storage-pool | getattr |
¶int virConnectStoragePoolEventDeregisterAny (virConnectPtr conn, int callbackID)
Removes an event callback. The callbackID parameter should be the value obtained from a previous virConnectStoragePoolEventRegisterAny() method.
¶typedef void (*virConnectStoragePoolEventGenericCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virStoragePoolPtr pool, void * opaque)
A generic storage pool event callback handler, for use with virConnectStoragePoolEventRegisterAny(). Specific events usually have a customization with extra parameters, often with opaque
being passed in a different parameter position; use VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_CALLBACK() when registering an appropriate handler.
¶typedef void (*virConnectStoragePoolEventLifecycleCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virStoragePoolPtr pool, int event, int detail, void * opaque)
This callback is called when a pool lifecycle action is performed, like start or stop.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_ID_LIFECYCLE with virConnectStoragePoolEventRegisterAny()
¶int virConnectStoragePoolEventRegisterAny (virConnectPtr conn, virStoragePoolPtr pool, int eventID, virConnectStoragePoolEventGenericCallback cb, void * opaque, virFreeCallback freecb)
Adds a callback to receive notifications of arbitrary storage pool events occurring on a storage pool. This function requires that an event loop has been previously registered with virEventRegisterImpl() or virEventRegisterDefaultImpl().
If pool
is NULL, then events will be monitored for any storage pool. If pool
is non-NULL, then only the specific storage pool will be monitored.
Most types of events have a callback providing a custom set of parameters for the event. When registering an event, it is thus necessary to use the VIR_STORAGE_POOL_EVENT_CALLBACK() macro to cast the supplied function pointer to match the signature of this method.
The virStoragePoolPtr object handle passed into the callback upon delivery of an event is only valid for the duration of execution of the callback. If the callback wishes to keep the storage pool object after the callback returns, it shall take a reference to it, by calling virStoragePoolRef(). The reference can be released once the object is no longer required by calling virStoragePoolFree().
The return value from this method is a positive integer identifier for the callback. To unregister a callback, this callback ID should be passed to the virConnectStoragePoolEventDeregisterAny() method.
Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-storage-pools | - |
Object | Permission |
storage-pool | getattr |
¶int virStoragePoolBuild (virStoragePoolPtr pool, unsigned int flags)
Currently only filesystem pool accepts flags VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_OVERWRITE and VIR_STORAGE_POOL_BUILD_NO_OVERWRITE.
Build the underlying storage pool
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | format | - |
¶int virStoragePoolCreate (virStoragePoolPtr pool, unsigned int flags)
Starts an inactive storage pool
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | start | - |
¶virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolCreateXML (virConnectPtr conn, const char * xmlDesc, unsigned int flags)
Create a new storage based on its XML description. The pool is not persistent, so its definition will disappear when it is destroyed, or if the host is restarted
virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | start | - |
storage-pool | write | - |
¶virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolDefineXML (virConnectPtr conn, const char * xml, unsigned int flags)
Define an inactive persistent storage pool or modify an existing persistent one from the XML description.
virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | write | - |
storage-pool | save | - |
¶int virStoragePoolDelete (virStoragePoolPtr pool, unsigned int flags)
Delete the underlying pool resources. This is a non-recoverable operation. The virStoragePoolPtr object itself is not free'd.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | format | - |
¶int virStoragePoolDestroy (virStoragePoolPtr pool)
Destroy an active storage pool. This will deactivate the pool on the host, but keep any persistent config associated with it. If it has a persistent config it can later be restarted with virStoragePoolCreate(). This does not free the associated virStoragePoolPtr object.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | stop | - |
¶int virStoragePoolFree (virStoragePoolPtr pool)
Free a storage pool object, releasing all memory associated with it. Does not change the state of the pool on the host.
¶int virStoragePoolGetAutostart (virStoragePoolPtr pool, int * autostart)
Fetches the value of the autostart flag, which determines whether the pool is automatically started at boot time
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | read | - |
¶virConnectPtr virStoragePoolGetConnect (virStoragePoolPtr pool)
Provides the connection pointer associated with a storage pool. The reference counter on the connection is not increased by this call.
¶int virStoragePoolGetInfo (virStoragePoolPtr pool, virStoragePoolInfoPtr info)
Get volatile information about the storage pool such as free space / usage summary
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | read | - |
¶const char * virStoragePoolGetName (virStoragePoolPtr pool)
Fetch the locally unique name of the storage pool
¶int virStoragePoolGetUUID (virStoragePoolPtr pool, unsigned char * uuid)
Fetch the globally unique ID of the storage pool
¶int virStoragePoolGetUUIDString (virStoragePoolPtr pool, char * buf)
Fetch the globally unique ID of the storage pool as a string
¶char * virStoragePoolGetXMLDesc (virStoragePoolPtr pool, unsigned int flags)
Fetch an XML document describing all aspects of the storage pool. This is suitable for later feeding back into the virStoragePoolCreateXML method.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | read | - |
¶int virStoragePoolIsActive (virStoragePoolPtr pool)
Determine if the storage pool is currently running
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | read | - |
¶int virStoragePoolIsPersistent (virStoragePoolPtr pool)
Determine if the storage pool has a persistent configuration which means it will still exist after shutting down
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | read | - |
¶int virStoragePoolListAllVolumes (virStoragePoolPtr pool, virStorageVolPtr ** vols, unsigned int flags)
Collect the list of storage volumes, and allocate an array to store those objects.
to NULL in case of error. On success, the array stored into vols
is guaranteed to have an extra allocated element set to NULL but not included in the return count, to make iteration easier. The caller is responsible for calling virStorageVolFree() on each array element, then calling free() on vols
.Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | search-storage-vols | - |
Object | Permission |
storage-vol | getattr |
¶int virStoragePoolListVolumes (virStoragePoolPtr pool, char ** const names, int maxnames)
Fetch list of storage volume names, limiting to at most maxnames.
The use of this function is discouraged. Instead, use virStoragePoolListAllVolumes().
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | search-storage-vols | - |
Object | Permission |
storage-vol | getattr |
¶virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolLookupByName (virConnectPtr conn, const char * name)
Fetch a storage pool based on its unique name
virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | getattr | - |
¶virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolLookupByTargetPath (virConnectPtr conn, const char * path)
Fetch a storage pool which maps to a particular target directory. If more than one pool maps to the path, it is undefined which will be returned first.
virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | getattr | - |
¶virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolLookupByUUID (virConnectPtr conn, const unsigned char * uuid)
Fetch a storage pool based on its globally unique id
virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | getattr | - |
¶virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolLookupByUUIDString (virConnectPtr conn, const char * uuidstr)
Fetch a storage pool based on its globally unique id
virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed.
¶virStoragePoolPtr virStoragePoolLookupByVolume (virStorageVolPtr vol)
Fetch a storage pool which contains a particular volume
virStoragePoolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage pool object is no longer needed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | getattr | - |
¶int virStoragePoolNumOfVolumes (virStoragePoolPtr pool)
Fetch the number of storage volumes within a pool
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | search-storage-vols | - |
Object | Permission |
storage-vol | getattr |
¶int virStoragePoolRef (virStoragePoolPtr pool)
Increment the reference count on the pool. For each additional call to this method, there shall be a corresponding call to virStoragePoolFree to release the reference count, once the caller no longer needs the reference to this object.
This method is typically useful for applications where multiple threads are using a connection, and it is required that the connection remain open until all threads have finished using it. ie, each new thread using a pool would increment the reference count.
¶int virStoragePoolRefresh (virStoragePoolPtr pool, unsigned int flags)
Request that the pool refresh its list of volumes. This may involve communicating with a remote server, and/or initializing new devices at the OS layer
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | refresh | - |
¶int virStoragePoolSetAutostart (virStoragePoolPtr pool, int autostart)
Configure the storage pool to be automatically started when the host machine boots.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | write | - |
¶int virStoragePoolUndefine (virStoragePoolPtr pool)
Undefine an inactive storage pool
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-pool | delete | - |
¶virStorageVolPtr virStorageVolCreateXML (virStoragePoolPtr pool, const char * xmlDesc, unsigned int flags)
Create a storage volume within a pool based on an XML description. Not all pools support creation of volumes.
Since 1.0.1 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_CREATE_PREALLOC_METADATA in flags can be used to get higher performance with qcow2 image files which don't support full preallocation, by creating a sparse image file with metadata.
virStorageVolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage volume object is no longer needed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | create | - |
¶virStorageVolPtr virStorageVolCreateXMLFrom (virStoragePoolPtr pool, const char * xmlDesc, virStorageVolPtr clonevol, unsigned int flags)
Create a storage volume in the parent pool, using the 'clonevol' volume as input. Information for the new volume (name, perms) are passed via a typical volume XML description.
Since 1.0.1 VIR_STORAGE_VOL_CREATE_PREALLOC_METADATA in flags can be used to get higher performance with qcow2 image files which don't support full preallocation, by creating a sparse image file with metadata.
virStorageVolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage volume object is no longer needed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | create | - |
¶int virStorageVolDelete (virStorageVolPtr vol, unsigned int flags)
Delete the storage volume from the pool
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | delete | - |
¶int virStorageVolDownload (virStorageVolPtr vol, virStreamPtr stream, unsigned long long offset, unsigned long long length, unsigned int flags)
Download the content of the volume as a stream. If length
is zero, then the remaining contents of the volume after offset
will be downloaded. Please note that the stream transports the volume itself as is, so the downloaded data may not correspond to guest OS visible state in cases when a complex storage format such as qcow2 or vmdk is used.
effective transmission of holes is enabled. This assumes using the stream
with combination of virStreamSparseRecvAll() or virStreamRecvFlags(stream, ..., flags = VIR_STREAM_RECV_STOP_AT_HOLE) for honouring holes sent by server.
This call sets up an asynchronous stream; subsequent use of stream APIs is necessary to transfer the actual data, determine how much data is successfully transferred, and detect any errors. The results will be unpredictable if another active stream is writing to the storage volume.
to start reading fromObject | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | data-read | - |
¶int virStorageVolFree (virStorageVolPtr vol)
Release the storage volume handle. The underlying storage volume continues to exist.
¶virConnectPtr virStorageVolGetConnect (virStorageVolPtr vol)
Provides the connection pointer associated with a storage volume. The reference counter on the connection is not increased by this call.
¶int virStorageVolGetInfo (virStorageVolPtr vol, virStorageVolInfoPtr info)
Fetches volatile information about the storage volume such as its current allocation
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | read | - |
¶int virStorageVolGetInfoFlags (virStorageVolPtr vol, virStorageVolInfoPtr info, unsigned int flags)
Fetches volatile information about the storage volume such as its current allocation.
If the flags
argument is VIR_STORAGE_VOL_GET_PHYSICAL, then the physical bytes used for the volume will be returned in the info
allocation field. This is useful for sparse files and certain volume file types where the physical on disk usage can be different than the calculated allocation value as is the case with qcow2 files.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | read | - |
¶const char * virStorageVolGetKey (virStorageVolPtr vol)
Fetch the storage volume key. This is globally unique, so the same volume will have the same key no matter what host it is accessed from
¶const char * virStorageVolGetName (virStorageVolPtr vol)
Fetch the storage volume name. This is unique within the scope of a pool
¶char * virStorageVolGetPath (virStorageVolPtr vol)
Fetch the storage volume path. Depending on the pool configuration this is either persistent across hosts, or dynamically assigned at pool startup. Consult pool documentation for information on getting the persistent naming
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | read | - |
¶char * virStorageVolGetXMLDesc (virStorageVolPtr vol, unsigned int flags)
Fetch an XML document describing all aspects of the storage volume
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | read | - |
¶virStorageVolPtr virStorageVolLookupByKey (virConnectPtr conn, const char * key)
Fetch a pointer to a storage volume based on its globally unique key
virStorageVolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage volume object is no longer needed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | getattr | - |
¶virStorageVolPtr virStorageVolLookupByName (virStoragePoolPtr pool, const char * name)
Fetch a pointer to a storage volume based on its name within a pool
virStorageVolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage volume object is no longer needed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | getattr | - |
¶virStorageVolPtr virStorageVolLookupByPath (virConnectPtr conn, const char * path)
Fetch a pointer to a storage volume based on its locally (host) unique path
virStorageVolFree should be used to free the resources after the storage volume object is no longer needed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | getattr | - |
¶int virStorageVolRef (virStorageVolPtr vol)
Increment the reference count on the vol. For each additional call to this method, there shall be a corresponding call to virStorageVolFree to release the reference count, once the caller no longer needs the reference to this object.
This method is typically useful for applications where multiple threads are using a connection, and it is required that the connection remain open until all threads have finished using it. ie, each new thread using a vol would increment the reference count.
¶int virStorageVolResize (virStorageVolPtr vol, unsigned long long capacity, unsigned int flags)
Changes the capacity of the storage volume vol
to capacity
. The operation will fail if the new capacity requires allocation that would exceed the remaining free space in the parent pool. The contents of the new capacity will appear as all zero bytes. The capacity value will be rounded to the granularity supported by the hypervisor.
Normally, the operation will attempt to affect capacity with a minimum impact on allocation (that is, the default operation favors a sparse resize). If flags
contains VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_ALLOCATE, then the operation will ensure that allocation is sufficient for the new capacity; this may make the operation take noticeably longer.
Normally, the operation treats capacity
as the new size in bytes; but if flags
contains VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_DELTA, then capacity
represents the size difference to add to the current size. It is up to the storage pool implementation whether unaligned requests are rounded up to the next valid boundary, or rejected.
Normally, this operation should only be used to enlarge capacity; but if flags
contains VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_SHRINK, it is possible to attempt a reduction in capacity even though it might cause data loss. If VIR_STORAGE_VOL_RESIZE_DELTA is also present, then capacity
is subtracted from the current size; without it, capacity
represents the absolute new size regardless of whether it is larger or smaller than the current size.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | resize | - |
¶int virStorageVolUpload (virStorageVolPtr vol, virStreamPtr stream, unsigned long long offset, unsigned long long length, unsigned int flags)
Upload new content to the volume from a stream. This call will fail if offset
+ length
exceeds the size of the volume. Otherwise, if length
is non-zero, an error will be raised if an attempt is made to upload greater than length
bytes of data. Please note that the stream transports the volume itself as is, so the downloaded data may not correspond to guest OS visible state in cases when a complex storage format such as qcow2 or vmdk is used.
effective transmission of holes is enabled. This assumes using the stream
with combination of virStreamSparseSendAll() or virStreamSendHole() to preserve source file sparseness.
This call sets up an asynchronous stream; subsequent use of stream APIs is necessary to transfer the actual data, determine how much data is successfully transferred, and detect any errors. The results will be unpredictable if another active stream is writing to the storage volume.
When the data stream is closed whether the upload is successful or not an attempt will be made to refresh the target storage pool if an asynchronous build is not running in order to reflect pool and volume changes as a result of the upload. Depending on the target volume storage backend and the source stream type for a successful upload, the target volume may take on the characteristics from the source stream such as format type, capacity, and allocation.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | data-write | - |
¶int virStorageVolWipe (virStorageVolPtr vol, unsigned int flags)
Ensure data previously on a volume is not accessible to future reads.
The data to be wiped may include the format and possibly size information, so non-raw images might become raw with a different size. It is storage backend dependent whether the format and size information is regenerated once the initial volume wipe is completed.
Depending on the actual volume representation, this call may not overwrite the physical location of the volume. For instance, files stored journaled, log structured, copy-on-write, versioned, and network file systems are known to be problematic.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | format | - |
¶int virStorageVolWipePattern (virStorageVolPtr vol, unsigned int algorithm, unsigned int flags)
Similar to virStorageVolWipe, but one can choose between different wiping algorithms. Also note, that depending on the actual volume representation, this call may not really overwrite the physical location of the volume. For instance, files stored journaled, log structured, copy-on-write, versioned, and network file systems are known to be problematic.
Object | Permission | Condition |
storage-vol | format | - |