Provides APIs for the management of domains
typedef struct _virTypedParameter virBlkioParameter typedef virBlkioParameter * virBlkioParameterPtr typedef enum virBlkioParameterType typedef enum virConnectDomainEventAgentLifecycleReason typedef enum virConnectDomainEventAgentLifecycleState typedef enum virConnectDomainEventBlockJobStatus typedef enum virConnectDomainEventDiskChangeReason typedef enum virConnectGetAllDomainStatsFlags typedef enum virConnectGetDomainCapabilitiesFlags typedef enum virConnectListAllDomainsFlags typedef struct _virDomain virDomain typedef enum virDomainAbortJobFlagsValues typedef enum virDomainAgentResponseTimeoutValues typedef enum virDomainAuthorizedSSHKeysSetFlags typedef enum virDomainBackupBeginFlags typedef enum virDomainBlockCommitFlags typedef enum virDomainBlockCopyFlags typedef struct _virDomainBlockInfo virDomainBlockInfo typedef virDomainBlockInfo * virDomainBlockInfoPtr typedef enum virDomainBlockJobAbortFlags typedef unsigned long long virDomainBlockJobCursor typedef struct _virDomainBlockJobInfo virDomainBlockJobInfo typedef enum virDomainBlockJobInfoFlags typedef virDomainBlockJobInfo * virDomainBlockJobInfoPtr typedef enum virDomainBlockJobSetSpeedFlags typedef enum virDomainBlockJobType typedef enum virDomainBlockPullFlags typedef enum virDomainBlockRebaseFlags typedef enum virDomainBlockResizeFlags typedef virDomainBlockStatsStruct * virDomainBlockStatsPtr typedef struct _virDomainBlockStats virDomainBlockStatsStruct typedef enum virDomainBlockedReason typedef enum virDomainChannelFlags typedef enum virDomainConsoleFlags typedef enum virDomainControlErrorReason typedef struct _virDomainControlInfo virDomainControlInfo typedef virDomainControlInfo * virDomainControlInfoPtr typedef enum virDomainControlState typedef enum virDomainCoreDumpFlags typedef enum virDomainCoreDumpFormat typedef enum virDomainCrashedReason typedef enum virDomainCreateFlags typedef enum virDomainDefineFlags typedef enum virDomainDestroyFlagsValues typedef enum virDomainDeviceModifyFlags typedef enum virDomainDirtyRateCalcFlags typedef enum virDomainDirtyRateStatus typedef struct _virDomainDiskError virDomainDiskError typedef enum virDomainDiskErrorCode typedef virDomainDiskError * virDomainDiskErrorPtr typedef enum virDomainEventCrashedDetailType typedef enum virDomainEventDefinedDetailType typedef struct _virDomainEventGraphicsAddress virDomainEventGraphicsAddress typedef virDomainEventGraphicsAddress * virDomainEventGraphicsAddressPtr typedef enum virDomainEventGraphicsAddressType typedef enum virDomainEventGraphicsPhase typedef struct _virDomainEventGraphicsSubject virDomainEventGraphicsSubject typedef struct _virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectIdentity virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectIdentity typedef virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectIdentity * virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectIdentityPtr typedef virDomainEventGraphicsSubject * virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectPtr typedef enum virDomainEventID typedef enum virDomainEventIOErrorAction typedef enum virDomainEventPMSuspendedDetailType typedef enum virDomainEventResumedDetailType typedef enum virDomainEventShutdownDetailType typedef enum virDomainEventStartedDetailType typedef enum virDomainEventStoppedDetailType typedef enum virDomainEventSuspendedDetailType typedef enum virDomainEventTrayChangeReason typedef enum virDomainEventType typedef enum virDomainEventUndefinedDetailType typedef enum virDomainEventWatchdogAction typedef enum virDomainFDAssociateFlags typedef struct _virDomainFSInfo virDomainFSInfo typedef virDomainFSInfo * virDomainFSInfoPtr typedef enum virDomainGetHostnameFlags typedef enum virDomainGetJobStatsFlags typedef enum virDomainGraphicsReloadType typedef enum virDomainGuestInfoTypes typedef struct _virDomainIOThreadInfo virDomainIOThreadInfo typedef virDomainIOThreadInfo * virDomainIOThreadInfoPtr typedef struct _virDomainInterfaceIPAddress virDomainIPAddress typedef virDomainIPAddress * virDomainIPAddressPtr typedef struct _virDomainInfo virDomainInfo typedef virDomainInfo * virDomainInfoPtr typedef struct _virDomainInterface virDomainInterface typedef enum virDomainInterfaceAddressesSource typedef virDomainInterface * virDomainInterfacePtr typedef virDomainInterfaceStatsStruct * virDomainInterfaceStatsPtr typedef struct _virDomainInterfaceStats virDomainInterfaceStatsStruct typedef struct _virDomainJobInfo virDomainJobInfo typedef virDomainJobInfo * virDomainJobInfoPtr typedef enum virDomainJobOperation typedef enum virDomainJobType typedef enum virDomainLifecycle typedef enum virDomainLifecycleAction typedef enum virDomainMemoryFailureActionType typedef enum virDomainMemoryFailureFlags typedef enum virDomainMemoryFailureRecipientType typedef enum virDomainMemoryFlags typedef enum virDomainMemoryModFlags typedef virDomainMemoryStatStruct * virDomainMemoryStatPtr typedef struct _virDomainMemoryStat virDomainMemoryStatStruct typedef enum virDomainMemoryStatTags typedef enum virDomainMessageType typedef enum virDomainMetadataType typedef enum virDomainMigrateFlags typedef enum virDomainMigrateMaxSpeedFlags typedef enum virDomainModificationImpact typedef enum virDomainNostateReason typedef enum virDomainNumatuneMemMode typedef enum virDomainOpenGraphicsFlags typedef enum virDomainPMSuspendedDiskReason typedef enum virDomainPMSuspendedReason typedef enum virDomainPausedReason typedef enum virDomainProcessSignal typedef virDomain * virDomainPtr typedef enum virDomainRebootFlagValues typedef enum virDomainRunningReason typedef enum virDomainSaveImageXMLFlags typedef enum virDomainSaveRestoreFlags typedef enum virDomainSetTimeFlags typedef enum virDomainSetUserPasswordFlags typedef enum virDomainShutdownFlagValues typedef enum virDomainShutdownReason typedef enum virDomainShutoffReason typedef enum virDomainState typedef struct _virDomainStatsRecord virDomainStatsRecord typedef virDomainStatsRecord * virDomainStatsRecordPtr typedef enum virDomainStatsTypes typedef enum virDomainUndefineFlagsValues typedef enum virDomainVcpuFlags typedef enum virDomainXMLFlags typedef enum virKeycodeSet typedef struct _virTypedParameter virMemoryParameter typedef virMemoryParameter * virMemoryParameterPtr typedef enum virMemoryParameterType typedef struct _virTypedParameter virSchedParameter typedef virSchedParameter * virSchedParameterPtr typedef enum virSchedParameterType typedef enum virVcpuHostCpuState typedef struct _virVcpuInfo virVcpuInfo typedef virVcpuInfo * virVcpuInfoPtr typedef enum virVcpuState
typedef virConnectDomainEventAgentLifecycleCallback void virConnectDomainEventAgentLifecycleCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
int state,
int reason,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventBalloonChangeCallback void virConnectDomainEventBalloonChangeCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
unsigned long long actual,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventBlockJobCallback void virConnectDomainEventBlockJobCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
int type,
int status,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventBlockThresholdCallback void virConnectDomainEventBlockThresholdCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
const char * dev,
const char * path,
unsigned long long threshold,
unsigned long long excess,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventCallback int virConnectDomainEventCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
int event,
int detail,
void * opaque) int virConnectDomainEventDeregister (virConnectPtr conn,
virConnectDomainEventCallback cb) int virConnectDomainEventDeregisterAny (virConnectPtr conn,
int callbackID) typedef virConnectDomainEventDeviceAddedCallback void virConnectDomainEventDeviceAddedCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
const char * devAlias,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventDeviceRemovalFailedCallback void virConnectDomainEventDeviceRemovalFailedCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
const char * devAlias,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventDeviceRemovedCallback void virConnectDomainEventDeviceRemovedCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
const char * devAlias,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventDiskChangeCallback void virConnectDomainEventDiskChangeCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
const char * oldSrcPath,
const char * newSrcPath,
const char * devAlias,
int reason,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventGenericCallback void virConnectDomainEventGenericCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventGraphicsCallback void virConnectDomainEventGraphicsCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
int phase,
const virDomainEventGraphicsAddress * local,
const virDomainEventGraphicsAddress * remote,
const char * authScheme,
const virDomainEventGraphicsSubject * subject,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventIOErrorCallback void virConnectDomainEventIOErrorCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
const char * srcPath,
const char * devAlias,
int action,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventIOErrorReasonCallback void virConnectDomainEventIOErrorReasonCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
const char * srcPath,
const char * devAlias,
int action,
const char * reason,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventJobCompletedCallback void virConnectDomainEventJobCompletedCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventMemoryDeviceSizeChangeCallback void virConnectDomainEventMemoryDeviceSizeChangeCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
const char * alias,
unsigned long long size,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventMemoryFailureCallback void virConnectDomainEventMemoryFailureCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
int recipient,
int action,
unsigned int flags,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventMetadataChangeCallback void virConnectDomainEventMetadataChangeCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
int type,
const char * nsuri,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventMigrationIterationCallback void virConnectDomainEventMigrationIterationCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
int iteration,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventPMSuspendCallback void virConnectDomainEventPMSuspendCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
int reason,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventPMSuspendDiskCallback void virConnectDomainEventPMSuspendDiskCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
int reason,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventPMWakeupCallback void virConnectDomainEventPMWakeupCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
int reason,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventRTCChangeCallback void virConnectDomainEventRTCChangeCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
long long utcoffset,
void * opaque) int virConnectDomainEventRegister (virConnectPtr conn,
virConnectDomainEventCallback cb,
void * opaque,
virFreeCallback freecb) int virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
int eventID,
virConnectDomainEventGenericCallback cb,
void * opaque,
virFreeCallback freecb) typedef virConnectDomainEventTrayChangeCallback void virConnectDomainEventTrayChangeCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
const char * devAlias,
int reason,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventTunableCallback void virConnectDomainEventTunableCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
void * opaque) typedef virConnectDomainEventWatchdogCallback void virConnectDomainEventWatchdogCallback (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr dom,
int action,
void * opaque) char * virConnectDomainXMLFromNative (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * nativeFormat,
const char * nativeConfig,
unsigned int flags) char * virConnectDomainXMLToNative (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * nativeFormat,
const char * domainXml,
unsigned int flags) int virConnectGetAllDomainStats (virConnectPtr conn,
unsigned int stats,
virDomainStatsRecordPtr ** retStats,
unsigned int flags) char * virConnectGetDomainCapabilities (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * emulatorbin,
const char * arch,
const char * machine,
const char * virttype,
unsigned int flags) int virConnectListAllDomains (virConnectPtr conn,
virDomainPtr ** domains,
unsigned int flags) int virConnectListDefinedDomains (virConnectPtr conn,
char ** const names,
int maxnames) int virConnectListDomains (virConnectPtr conn,
int * ids,
int maxids) int virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains (virConnectPtr conn) int virConnectNumOfDomains (virConnectPtr conn) int virDomainAbortJob (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainAbortJobFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainAddIOThread (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int iothread_id,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainAgentSetResponseTimeout (virDomainPtr domain,
int timeout,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainAttachDevice (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * xml) int virDomainAttachDeviceFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * xml,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainAuthorizedSSHKeysGet (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * user,
char *** keys,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainAuthorizedSSHKeysSet (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * user,
const char ** keys,
unsigned int nkeys,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainBackupBegin (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * backupXML,
const char * checkpointXML,
unsigned int flags) char * virDomainBackupGetXMLDesc (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainBlockCommit (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
const char * base,
const char * top,
unsigned long bandwidth,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainBlockCopy (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
const char * destxml,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainBlockJobAbort (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
unsigned long bandwidth,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainBlockPeek (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
unsigned long long offset,
size_t size,
void * buffer,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainBlockPull (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
unsigned long bandwidth,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainBlockRebase (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
const char * base,
unsigned long bandwidth,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainBlockResize (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
unsigned long long size,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainBlockStats (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
virDomainBlockStatsPtr stats,
size_t size) int virDomainBlockStatsFlags (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int * nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainCoreDump (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * to,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainCoreDumpWithFormat (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * to,
unsigned int dumpformat,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainCreate (virDomainPtr domain) virDomainPtr virDomainCreateLinux (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * xmlDesc,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainCreateWithFiles (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int nfiles,
int * files,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainCreateWithFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) virDomainPtr virDomainCreateXML (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * xmlDesc,
unsigned int flags) virDomainPtr virDomainCreateXMLWithFiles (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * xmlDesc,
unsigned int nfiles,
int * files,
unsigned int flags) virDomainPtr virDomainDefineXML (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * xml) virDomainPtr virDomainDefineXMLFlags (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * xml,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainDelIOThread (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int iothread_id,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainDelThrottleGroup (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * group,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainDestroy (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainDestroyFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainDetachDevice (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * xml) int virDomainDetachDeviceAlias (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * alias,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainDetachDeviceFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * xml,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainFDAssociate (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * name,
unsigned int nfds,
int * fds,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainFSFreeze (virDomainPtr dom,
const char ** mountpoints,
unsigned int nmountpoints,
unsigned int flags) void virDomainFSInfoFree (virDomainFSInfoPtr info) int virDomainFSThaw (virDomainPtr dom,
const char ** mountpoints,
unsigned int nmountpoints,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainFSTrim (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * mountPoint,
unsigned long long minimum,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainFree (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainGetAutostart (virDomainPtr domain,
int * autostart) int virDomainGetAutostartOnce (virDomainPtr domain,
int * autostart) int virDomainGetBlkioParameters (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int * nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetBlockInfo (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * disk,
virDomainBlockInfoPtr info,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetBlockIoTune (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int * nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetBlockJobInfo (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
virDomainBlockJobInfoPtr info,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetCPUStats (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
unsigned int nparams,
int start_cpu,
unsigned int ncpus,
unsigned int flags) virConnectPtr virDomainGetConnect (virDomainPtr dom) int virDomainGetControlInfo (virDomainPtr domain,
virDomainControlInfoPtr info,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetDiskErrors (virDomainPtr dom,
virDomainDiskErrorPtr errors,
unsigned int maxerrors,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetEmulatorPinInfo (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned char * cpumap,
int maplen,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetFSInfo (virDomainPtr dom,
virDomainFSInfoPtr ** info,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetGuestInfo (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int types,
virTypedParameterPtr * params,
int * nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetGuestVcpus (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr * params,
unsigned int * nparams,
unsigned int flags) char * virDomainGetHostname (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) unsigned int virDomainGetID (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainGetIOThreadInfo (virDomainPtr dom,
virDomainIOThreadInfoPtr ** info,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetInfo (virDomainPtr domain,
virDomainInfoPtr info) int virDomainGetInterfaceParameters (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * device,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int * nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetJobInfo (virDomainPtr domain,
virDomainJobInfoPtr info) int virDomainGetJobStats (virDomainPtr domain,
int * type,
virTypedParameterPtr * params,
int * nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetLaunchSecurityInfo (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr * params,
int * nparams,
unsigned int flags) unsigned long virDomainGetMaxMemory (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainGetMaxVcpus (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainGetMemoryParameters (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int * nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetMessages (virDomainPtr domain,
char *** msgs,
unsigned int flags) char * virDomainGetMetadata (virDomainPtr domain,
int type,
const char * uri,
unsigned int flags) const char * virDomainGetName (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainGetNumaParameters (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int * nparams,
unsigned int flags) char * virDomainGetOSType (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainGetPerfEvents (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr * params,
int * nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetSchedulerParameters (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int * nparams) int virDomainGetSchedulerParametersFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int * nparams,
unsigned int flags) char * virDomainGetSchedulerType (virDomainPtr domain,
int * nparams) int virDomainGetSecurityLabel (virDomainPtr domain,
virSecurityLabelPtr seclabel) int virDomainGetSecurityLabelList (virDomainPtr domain,
virSecurityLabelPtr * seclabels) int virDomainGetState (virDomainPtr domain,
int * state,
int * reason,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetTime (virDomainPtr dom,
long long * seconds,
unsigned int * nseconds,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetUUID (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned char * uuid) int virDomainGetUUIDString (virDomainPtr domain,
char * buf) int virDomainGetVcpuPinInfo (virDomainPtr domain,
int ncpumaps,
unsigned char * cpumaps,
int maplen,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGetVcpus (virDomainPtr domain,
virVcpuInfoPtr info,
int maxinfo,
unsigned char * cpumaps,
int maplen) int virDomainGetVcpusFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) char * virDomainGetXMLDesc (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainGraphicsReload (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int type,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainHasManagedSaveImage (virDomainPtr dom,
unsigned int flags) void virDomainIOThreadInfoFree (virDomainIOThreadInfoPtr info) int virDomainInjectNMI (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainInterfaceAddresses (virDomainPtr dom,
virDomainInterfacePtr ** ifaces,
unsigned int source,
unsigned int flags) void virDomainInterfaceFree (virDomainInterfacePtr iface) int virDomainInterfaceStats (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * device,
virDomainInterfaceStatsPtr stats,
size_t size) int virDomainIsActive (virDomainPtr dom) int virDomainIsPersistent (virDomainPtr dom) int virDomainIsUpdated (virDomainPtr dom) int virDomainListGetStats (virDomainPtr * doms,
unsigned int stats,
virDomainStatsRecordPtr ** retStats,
unsigned int flags) virDomainPtr virDomainLookupByID (virConnectPtr conn,
int id) virDomainPtr virDomainLookupByName (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * name) virDomainPtr virDomainLookupByUUID (virConnectPtr conn,
const unsigned char * uuid) virDomainPtr virDomainLookupByUUIDString (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * uuidstr) int virDomainManagedSave (virDomainPtr dom,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainManagedSaveDefineXML (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * dxml,
unsigned int flags) char * virDomainManagedSaveGetXMLDesc (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainManagedSaveRemove (virDomainPtr dom,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainMemoryPeek (virDomainPtr dom,
unsigned long long start,
size_t size,
void * buffer,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainMemoryStats (virDomainPtr dom,
virDomainMemoryStatPtr stats,
unsigned int nr_stats,
unsigned int flags) virDomainPtr virDomainMigrate (virDomainPtr domain,
virConnectPtr dconn,
unsigned long flags,
const char * dname,
const char * uri,
unsigned long bandwidth) virDomainPtr virDomainMigrate2 (virDomainPtr domain,
virConnectPtr dconn,
const char * dxml,
unsigned long flags,
const char * dname,
const char * uri,
unsigned long bandwidth) virDomainPtr virDomainMigrate3 (virDomainPtr domain,
virConnectPtr dconn,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
unsigned int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainMigrateGetCompressionCache (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned long long * cacheSize,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainMigrateGetMaxDowntime (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned long long * downtime,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainMigrateGetMaxSpeed (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned long * bandwidth,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainMigrateSetCompressionCache (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned long long cacheSize,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainMigrateSetMaxDowntime (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned long long downtime,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainMigrateSetMaxSpeed (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned long bandwidth,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainMigrateStartPostCopy (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainMigrateToURI (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * duri,
unsigned long flags,
const char * dname,
unsigned long bandwidth) int virDomainMigrateToURI2 (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * dconnuri,
const char * miguri,
const char * dxml,
unsigned long flags,
const char * dname,
unsigned long bandwidth) int virDomainMigrateToURI3 (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * dconnuri,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
unsigned int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainOpenChannel (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * name,
virStreamPtr st,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainOpenConsole (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * dev_name,
virStreamPtr st,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainOpenGraphics (virDomainPtr dom,
unsigned int idx,
int fd,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainOpenGraphicsFD (virDomainPtr dom,
unsigned int idx,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainPMSuspendForDuration (virDomainPtr dom,
unsigned int target,
unsigned long long duration,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainPMWakeup (virDomainPtr dom,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainPinEmulator (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned char * cpumap,
int maplen,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainPinIOThread (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int iothread_id,
unsigned char * cpumap,
int maplen,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainPinVcpu (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int vcpu,
unsigned char * cpumap,
int maplen) int virDomainPinVcpuFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int vcpu,
unsigned char * cpumap,
int maplen,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainReboot (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainRef (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainRename (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * new_name,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainReset (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainRestore (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * from) int virDomainRestoreFlags (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * from,
const char * dxml,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainRestoreParams (virConnectPtr conn,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainResume (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainSave (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * to) int virDomainSaveFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * to,
const char * dxml,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSaveImageDefineXML (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * file,
const char * dxml,
unsigned int flags) char * virDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc (virConnectPtr conn,
const char * file,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSaveParams (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) char * virDomainScreenshot (virDomainPtr domain,
virStreamPtr stream,
unsigned int screen,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSendKey (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int codeset,
unsigned int holdtime,
unsigned int * keycodes,
int nkeycodes,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSendProcessSignal (virDomainPtr domain,
long long pid_value,
unsigned int signum,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetAutostart (virDomainPtr domain,
int autostart) int virDomainSetAutostartOnce (virDomainPtr domain,
int autostart) int virDomainSetBlkioParameters (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetBlockIoTune (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * disk,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetBlockThreshold (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * dev,
unsigned long long threshold,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetGuestVcpus (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * cpumap,
int state,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetIOThreadParams (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int iothread_id,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetInterfaceParameters (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * device,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetLaunchSecurityState (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetLifecycleAction (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int type,
unsigned int action,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetMaxMemory (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned long memory) int virDomainSetMemory (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned long memory) int virDomainSetMemoryFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned long memory,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetMemoryParameters (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetMemoryStatsPeriod (virDomainPtr domain,
int period,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetMetadata (virDomainPtr domain,
int type,
const char * metadata,
const char * key,
const char * uri,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetNumaParameters (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetPerfEvents (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetSchedulerParameters (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams) int virDomainSetSchedulerParametersFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetThrottleGroup (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * group,
virTypedParameterPtr params,
int nparams,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetTime (virDomainPtr dom,
long long seconds,
unsigned int nseconds,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetUserPassword (virDomainPtr dom,
const char * user,
const char * password,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetVcpu (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * vcpumap,
int state,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainSetVcpus (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int nvcpus) int virDomainSetVcpusFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int nvcpus,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainShutdown (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainShutdownFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainStartDirtyRateCalc (virDomainPtr domain,
int seconds,
unsigned int flags) void virDomainStatsRecordListFree (virDomainStatsRecordPtr * stats) int virDomainSuspend (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainUndefine (virDomainPtr domain) int virDomainUndefineFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
unsigned int flags) int virDomainUpdateDeviceFlags (virDomainPtr domain,
const char * xml,
unsigned int flags)
This macro is to be used in conjunction with virDomainGetVcpus() and virDomainPinVcpu() APIs. VIR_COPY_CPUMAP macro extracts the cpumap of the specified vcpu from cpumaps array and copies it into cpumap to be used later by virDomainPinVcpu() API.
This macro is to be used in conjunction with virDomainPinVcpu() API. It returns the length (in bytes) required to store the complete CPU map between a single virtual & all physical CPUs of a domain.
This macro is to be used in conjunction with virDomainGetVcpus() API. VIR_CPU_USABLE macro returns a non-zero value (true) if the cpu is usable by the vcpu, and 0 otherwise.
¶#define VIR_CPU_USED
This macro can be used in conjunction with virNodeGetCPUMap() API. It returns non-zero if the bit of the related CPU is set.
Macro represents the inbound average of NIC bandwidth, as a uint.
Macro represents the inbound burst of NIC bandwidth, as a uint.
Macro represents the inbound floor of NIC bandwidth, as a uint.
Macro represents the inbound peak of NIC bandwidth, as a uint.
Macro represents the outbound average of NIC bandwidth, as a uint.
Macro represents the outbound burst of NIC bandwidth, as a uint.
Macro represents the outbound peak of NIC bandwidth, as a uint.
Macro for the blkio tunable throttle.read_iops_device: it represents the bytes of reading the block device per second, as a string. The string is parsed as a series of /path/to/device, read_bps elements, separated by ','.
Macro for the blkio tunable throttle.read_iops_device: it represents the number of reading the block device per second, as a string. The string is parsed as a series of /path/to/device, read_iops elements, separated by ','.
Macro for the blkio tunable weight_device: it represents the per-device weight, as a string. The string is parsed as a series of /path/to/device,weight elements, separated by ','.
Macro for the blkio tunable throttle.read_iops_device: it represents the number of reading the block device per second, as a string. The string is parsed as a series of /path/to/device, write_bps elements, separated by ','.
Macro for the blkio tunable throttle.write_iops_device: it represents the number of writing the block device per second, as a string. The string is parsed as a series of /path/to/device, write_iops elements, separated by ','.
Macro providing the field length of virBlkioParameter. Provided for backwards compatibility; VIR_TYPED_PARAM_FIELD_LENGTH is the preferred value.
Macro for the Blkio tunable weight: it represents the io weight the guest can use, as a uint.
Macro for the virDomainBlockCopy bandwidth tunable: it represents the maximum bandwidth in bytes/s, and is used while getting the copy operation into the mirrored phase, with a type of ullong. For compatibility with virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed(), values larger than 2^52 bytes/sec (a 32-bit MiB/s value) may be rejected on input due to overflow considerations (but do you really have an interface with that much bandwidth?), and values larger than 2^31 bytes/sec may cause overflow problems if queried in bytes/sec. Hypervisors may further restrict the set of valid values. Specifying 0 is the same as omitting this parameter, to request no bandwidth limiting. Some hypervisors may lack support for this parameter, while still allowing a subsequent change of bandwidth via virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed(). The actual speed can be determined with virDomainGetBlockJobInfo().
Macro for the virDomainBlockCopy buffer size tunable: it represents how much data in bytes can be in flight between source and destination, as an unsigned long long. Specifying 0 is the same as omitting this parameter, to request the hypervisor default.
Macro for the virDomainBlockCopy granularity tunable: it represents the granularity in bytes at which the copy operation recognizes dirty blocks that need copying, as an unsigned int. Hypervisors may restrict this to be a power of two or fall within a certain range. Specifying 0 is the same as omitting this parameter, to request the hypervisor default.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents a group name to allow sharing of I/O throttling quota between multiple drives, as a string.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the read bytes per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the maximum read bytes per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the duration in seconds for the burst allowed by read_bytes_sec_max, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the read I/O operations per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the maximum read I/O operations per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the duration in seconds for the burst allowed by read_iops_sec_max, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the size I/O operations per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the total bytes per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the maximum total bytes per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the duration in seconds for the burst allowed by total_bytes_sec_max, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the total I/O operations per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the maximum I/O operations per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the duration in seconds for the burst allowed by total_iops_sec_max, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the write bytes per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the maximum write bytes per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the duration in seconds for the burst allowed by write_bytes_sec_max, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the write I/O operations per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the maximum write I/O operations per second permitted through a block device, as a ullong.
Macro for the BlockIoTune tunable weight: it represents the duration in seconds for the burst allowed by write_iops_sec_max, as a ullong.
In Xen this returns the mysterious 'oo_req', as an llong.
Macro providing the field length of parameter names when using virDomainBlockStatsFlags().
Macro represents the total flush requests of the block device, as an llong.
Macro represents the total time spend on cache flushing in nano-seconds of the block device, as an llong.
Macro represents the total number of read bytes of the block device, as an llong.
Macro represents the total read requests of the block device, as an llong.
Macro represents the total time spend on cache reads in nano-seconds of the block device, as an llong.
Macro represents the total number of write bytes of the block device, as an llong.
Macro represents the total write requests of the block device, as an llong.
Macro represents the total time spend on cache writes in nano-seconds of the block device, as an llong.
cpu usage (sum of both vcpu and hypervisor usage) in nanoseconds, as a ullong
cpu time charged to system instructions in nanoseconds, as a ullong
cpu time charged to user instructions in nanoseconds, as a ullong
vcpu usage in nanoseconds (cpu_time excluding hypervisor time), as a ullong
Used to cast the event specific callback into the generic one for use for virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
The number of disks defined on this domain as an unsigned int.
The parameter name prefix to access each disk entry. Concatenate the prefix, the entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the disk suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
The device alias of the disk (e.g. sda) as a string.
The number of device dependencies as an unsigned int. e.g. for LVs of the LVM this will hold the list of PVs, for LUKS encrypted volume this will contain the disk where the volume is placed. (Linux).
The parameter name prefix to access each dependency entry. Concatenate the disk prefix, the disk entry number formatted as an unsigned integer, the dependency prefix, the dependency entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the dependency suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
A dependency name as a string.
Optional alias assigned to the disk, on Linux this is a name assigned by device mapper, as a string.
Disk bus as reported by the guest OS.
Device node (Linux) or device UNC (Windows) as a string.
Whether this is a partition (true) or disk (false) as a boolean.
Optional disk serial number as a string.
The number of filesystems defined on this domain as an unsigned int.
The parameter name prefix to access each filesystem entry. Concatenate the prefix, the entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the filesystem suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
The number of disks targeted by this filesystem as an int.
The parameter name prefix to access each disk entry. Concatenate the filesystem prefix, the filesystem entry number formatted as an unsigned integer, the disk prefix, the disk entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the disk suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
The device alias of the disk (e.g. sda) as a string.
The device node of the disk as a string.
The serial number of the disk as a string.
The type of filesystem as a string.
The path to the mount point for the filesystem as a string.
Device name in the guest (e.g. "sda1") as a string.
The total size of the filesystem as an unsigned long long.
The number of bytes used in the filesystem as an unsigned long long.
The hostname of the domain as a string.
The number of interfaces defined on this domain as an unsigned int.
The parameter name prefix to access each interface entry. Concatenate the prefix, the entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the interface suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
The number of IP addresses of interface as an unsigned int.
The parameter name prefix to access each address entry. Concatenate the interface prefix, the interface entry number formatted as an unsigned integer, the address prefix, the address entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the address suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
The IP address as a string.
The prefix of IP address as an unsigned int.
The IP address type (e.g. ipv4) as a string.
Hardware address in the guest of the interface as a string.
Name in the guest (e.g. ``eth0``) for the interface as a string.
The guest load averaged over 15 minutes as a double
The guest load averaged over 1 minute as a double
The guest load averaged over 5 minutes as a double
A string identifying the operating system.
The release of the operating system kernel, as a string.
The version of the operating system kernel, as a string.
The machine hardware name as a string.
The name of the operating system, suitable for presentation to a user, as a string.
A pretty name for the operating system, suitable for presentation to a user, as a string.
A specific variant or edition of the operating system suitable for presentation to a user, as a string.
The id for a specific variant or edition of the operating system, as a string.
The version of the operating system suitable for presentation to a user, as a string.
The version id of the operating system suitable for processing by scripts, as a string.
The name of the timezone as a string.
The offset to UTC in seconds as an int.
The number of active users on this domain as an unsigned int.
The parameter name prefix to access each user entry. Concatenate the prefix, the entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the user suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
Domain of the user as a string (may only be present on certain guest types).
The login time of a user in milliseconds since the epoch as unsigned long long.
Username of the user as a string.
This provides a value for the dynamic polling adjustment algorithm to use to grow its polling interval up to the poll_max_ns value. A value of 0 (zero) allows the hypervisor to choose its own value. The algorithm to use for adjustment is hypervisor specific. Accepted type is VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT or since 9.3.0 VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
The maximum polling time that can be used by polling algorithm in ns. The polling time starts at 0 (zero) and is the time spent by the guest to process IOThread data before returning the CPU to the host. The polling time will be dynamically modified over time based on the poll_grow and poll_shrink parameters provided. A value set too large will cause more CPU time to be allocated the guest. A value set too small will not provide enough cycles for the guest to process data. Accepted type is VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
This provides a value for the dynamic polling adjustment algorithm to use to shrink its polling interval when the polling interval exceeds the poll_max_ns value. A value of 0 (zero) allows the hypervisor to choose its own value. The algorithm to use for adjustment is hypervisor specific. Accepted type is VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT or since 9.3.0 VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Sets the upper bound for thread pool size. A value of -1 disables this bound leaving hypervisor use its default value, though this value is not accepted for running domains. Since the upper band has to be equal to or greater than lower bound value of 0 is not accepted. Accepted type is VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT.
Sets the lower bound for thread pool size. A value of -1 disables this bound leaving hypervisor use its default value, though this value is not accepted for running domains. Accepted type is VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT.
virDomainGetJobStats field: current percentage guest CPUs are throttled to when auto-convergence decided migration was not converging, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT.
virDomainGetJobStats field: number of compressed bytes transferred since the beginning of migration, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: size of the cache (in bytes) used for compressing repeatedly transferred memory pages during live migration, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: number of repeatedly changing pages that were not found in compression cache and thus could not be compressed, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: number of repeatedly changing pages that were found in compression cache but were sent uncompressed because the result of compression was larger than the original page as a whole, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: number of compressed pages transferred since the beginning of migration, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: number of bytes transferred from the beginning of the job, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This field corresponds to dataProcessed field in virDomainJobInfo.
virDomainGetJobStats field: number of bytes that still need to be transferred, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This field corresponds to dataRemaining field in virDomainJobInfo.
virDomainGetJobStats field: total number of bytes supposed to be transferred, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. For VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_UNBOUNDED jobs, this may be less than the sum of VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_PROCESSED and VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_REMAINING in the event that the hypervisor has to repeat some data, e.g., due to dirtied pages during migration. For VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_BOUNDED jobs, VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_TOTAL shall always equal VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_PROCESSED + VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_REMAINING. This field corresponds to dataTotal field in virDomainJobInfo.
virDomainGetJobStats field: network throughput used while migrating disks in Bytes per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: as VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_PROCESSED but only tracking guest disk progress, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This field corresponds to fileProcessed field in virDomainJobInfo.
virDomainGetJobStats field: as VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_REMAINING but only tracking guest disk progress, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This field corresponds to fileRemaining field in virDomainJobInfo.
virDomainGetJobStats field: possible total temporary disk space for the job in bytes as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: current usage of temporary disk space for the job in bytes as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: as VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_TOTAL but only tracking guest disk progress, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This field corresponds to fileTotal field in virDomainJobInfo.
virDomainGetJobStats field: downtime (ms) that is expected to happen during migration, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. The real computed downtime between the time guest CPUs were paused and the time they were resumed is reported for completed migration.
virDomainGetJobStats field: real measured downtime (ms) NOT including the time required to transfer control flow from the source host to the destination host, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: Present only in statistics for a completed job. Optional error message for a failed job.
virDomainGetJobStats field: network throughput used while migrating memory in Bytes per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: number of pages filled with a constant byte (all bytes in a single page are identical) transferred since the beginning of the migration job, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. The most common example of such pages are zero pages, i.e., pages filled with zero bytes.
virDomainGetJobStats field: number of memory pages dirtied by the guest per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This statistics makes sense only when live migration is running.
virDomainGetJobStats field: current iteration over domain's memory during live migration, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This is set to zero when memory starts to be transferred and the value is increased by one every time a new iteration is started to transfer memory pages dirtied since the last iteration.
virDomainGetJobStats field: number of pages that were transferred without any kind of compression (i.e., pages which were not filled with a constant byte and which could not be compressed) transferred since the beginning of the migration job, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: number of bytes transferred as normal pages, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. See VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_MEMORY_NORMAL for more details.
virDomainGetJobStats field: memory page size in bytes, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. If present, this parameter can be used to convert other page based statistics, such as VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_MEMORY_DIRTY_RATE or VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_COMPRESSION_PAGES to bytes.
virDomainGetJobStats field: number page requests received from the destination host during post-copy migration, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This counter is incremented whenever the migrated domain tries to access a memory page which has not been transferred from the source host yet.
virDomainGetJobStats field: as VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_PROCESSED but only tracking guest memory progress, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This field corresponds to memProcessed field in virDomainJobInfo.
virDomainGetJobStats field: as VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_REMAINING but only tracking guest memory progress, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This field corresponds to memRemaining field in virDomainJobInfo.
virDomainGetJobStats field: as VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_DATA_TOTAL but only tracking guest memory progress, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This field corresponds to memTotal field in virDomainJobInfo.
virDomainGetJobStats field: the operation which started the job as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT. The values correspond to the items in virDomainJobOperation enum.
virDomainGetJobStats field: total time in milliseconds spent preparing the migration in the 'setup' phase before the iterations begin, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: Present only in statistics for a completed job. Successful completion of the job as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_BOOLEAN.
virDomainGetJobStats field: time (ms) since the beginning of the job, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This field corresponds to timeElapsed field in virDomainJobInfo.
virDomainGetJobStats field: time (ms) since the beginning of the migration job NOT including the time required to transfer control flow from the source host to the destination host, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainGetJobStats field: remaining time (ms) for VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_BOUNDED jobs, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. This field corresponds to timeRemaining field in virDomainJobInfo.
virDomainGetJobStats field: number of bytes transferred by VFIO devices in that iteration, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the API major version of the SEV host, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT.
Macro represents the API minor version of the SEV guest, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT.
Macro represents the build ID of the SEV host, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT.
Macro represents the launch measurement of the SEV guest, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING.
Macro represents the policy of the SEV guest, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_UINT.
A macro used to represent the SEV launch secret. The secret is a base64-encoded VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING containing an encrypted launch secret. The secret is created by the domain owner after the SEV launch measurement is retrieved and verified.
A macro used to represent the SEV launch secret header. The secret header is a base64-encoded VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING containing artifacts needed by the SEV firmware to recover the plain text of the launch secret. See section "6.6 LAUNCH_SECRET" in the SEV API specification for a detailed description of the secret header.
A macro used to represent the physical address within the guest's memory where the secret will be set, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. If not specified, the address will be determined by the hypervisor.
Macro represents the policy of the SEV-SNP guest, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro providing the field length of virMemoryParameter. Provided for backwards compatibility; VIR_TYPED_PARAM_FIELD_LENGTH is the preferred value.
Macro for the memory tunable hard_limit: it represents the maximum memory the guest can use, as a ullong.
Macro for the memory tunable min_guarantee: it represents the minimum memory guaranteed to be reserved for the guest, as a ullong.
Macro providing the virMemoryParameter value that indicates "unlimited"
Macro for the memory tunable soft_limit: it represents the memory upper limit enforced during memory contention, as a ullong.
Macro for the swap tunable swap_hard_limit: it represents the maximum swap plus memory the guest can use, as a ullong. This limit has to be more than VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_HARD_LIMIT.
Macro for typed parameter name that lists the numa mode of a domain, as an int containing a virDomainNumatuneMemMode value.
Macro for typed parameter name that lists the numa nodeset of a domain, as a string.
an optional parameter used to adjust guest xml on restore. If the hypervisor supports it, it can be used to alter host-specific portions of the domain XML that will be used when restoring an image. For example, it is possible to alter the device while the domain is stopped.
the parameter used to specify the savestate file to save to or restore from.
an optional parameter used to specify the format of the save image. Valid formats are raw, zstd, lzop, gzip, bzip2, and xz. If not specified, the save_image_format setting in qemu.conf is used, which defaults to raw. As VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING.
an optional parameter used to specify the number of IO channels to use during parallel save. As VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT.
Macro represents the maximum scheduler cap, when using the credit scheduler, as a uint.
Macro represents proportional weight of the scheduler used on the host cpu, when using the posix scheduler, as a ullong.
Macro represents the enforcement period for a quota in microseconds, when using the posix scheduler, for all emulator activity not tied to vcpus, as a ullong.
Macro represents the maximum bandwidth to be used within a period for all emulator activity not tied to vcpus, when using the posix scheduler, as an llong.
Macro represents the enforcement period for a quota, in microseconds, for whole domain, when using the posix scheduler, as a ullong.
Macro represents the maximum bandwidth to be used within a period for whole domain, when using the posix scheduler, as an llong.
Macro represents the enforcement period for a quota, in microseconds, for IOThreads only, when using the posix scheduler, as a ullong.
Macro represents the maximum bandwidth to be used within a period for IOThreads only, when using the posix scheduler, as an llong.
Macro represents the scheduler limit value, when using the allocation scheduler, as an llong.
Macro represents the scheduler reservation value, when using the allocation scheduler, as an llong.
Macro represents the scheduler shares value, when using the allocation scheduler, as an int.
Macro represents the enforcement period for a quota, in microseconds, for vcpus only, when using the posix scheduler, as a ullong.
Macro represents the maximum bandwidth to be used within a period for vcpus only, when using the posix scheduler, as an llong.
Macro represents the relative weight, when using the credit scheduler, as a uint.
Macro providing the field length of virSchedParameter. Provided for backwards compatibility; VIR_TYPED_PARAM_FIELD_LENGTH is the preferred value
Maximum number of keycodes that can be sent in one virDomainSendKey() call.
The amount of usable memory as seen by the domain (in KiB) as unsigned long long.
The memory in kiB currently used as unsigned long long.
The amount of memory that can be reclaimed without additional I/O, typically disk (in KiB) as unsigned long long.
The number of successful huge page allocations from inside the domain via virtio balloon as unsigned long long.
The number of failed huge page allocations from inside the domain via virtio balloon as unsigned long long.
Timestamp of the last update of statistics (in seconds) as unsigned long long.
The number of page faults when disk IO was required as unsigned long long.
The maximum memory in kiB allowed as unsigned long long.
The number of other page faults as unsigned long long.
Resident Set Size of running domain's process (in KiB) as unsigned long long.
The amount of data read from swap space (in KiB) as unsigned long long.
The amount of memory written out to swap space (in KiB) as unsigned long long.
The amount of memory left unused by the system (in KiB) as unsigned long long.
The amount of memory which can be reclaimed by balloon without causing host swapping (in KiB) as unsigned long long.
Number of block devices in the subsequent list, as unsigned int.
The parameter name prefix to access each disk entry. Concatenate the prefix, the entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the block suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
Offset of the highest written sector as unsigned long long.
The <backingStore> index as unsigned int, only used when backing images are listed.
Logical size in bytes of the block device backing image as unsigned long long.
Xen only: the 'oo_req' value as unsigned long long.
Total flush requests as unsigned long long.
Total time (ns) spent on cache flushing as unsigned long long.
Name of the block device as string. Matches the target name (vda/sda/hda) of the block device. If the backing chain is listed, this name is the same for all host resources tied to the same guest device.
Source of the block device as a string, if it is a file or block device (omitted for network sources and drives with no media inserted).
Physical size in bytes of the container of the backing image as unsigned long long.
Number of read bytes as unsigned long long.
Number of read requests as unsigned long long.
Total time (ns) spent on reads as unsigned long long.
Current threshold for delivering the VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_THRESHOLD event in bytes as unsigned long long. See virDomainSetBlockThreshold.
Number of written bytes as unsigned long long.
Number of write requests as unsigned long long.
Total time (ns) spent on writes as unsigned long long.
The number of cache monitors for this domain as an unsigned int.
The parameter name prefix to access each cache monitor entry. Concatenate the prefix, the entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the cache monitor suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
The number of cache banks in cache monitor as an unsigned int.
The parameter name prefix to access each cache monitor bank entry. Concatenate the cache monitor prefix, the cache monitor entry number formatted as an unsigned integer, the bank prefix, the bank entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the cache monitor bank suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
The number of bytes of last level cache that the domain is using as an unsigned long long.
Host allocated cache id for the bank as an unsigned int.
The name of cache monitor as a string.
Vcpu list of cache monitor as a string.
Halt-polling cpu usage about the VCPU had to schedule out (either because the maximum poll time was reached or it needed to yield the CPU) in nanoseconds as unsigned long long.
Halt-polling cpu usage about the VCPU polled until a virtual interrupt was delivered in nanoseconds as unsigned long long.
System cpu time spent in nanoseconds as unsigned long long.
Total cpu time spent for this domain in nanoseconds as unsigned long long.
User cpu time spent in nanoseconds as unsigned long long.
Hypervisor specific custom data type for current instant value The complete parameter name is formed by concatenating the field prefix, the array index formatted as an unsigned integer, a hypervisor specific parameter name, and this data type suffix.
Hypervisor specific custom data type for peak value. The complete parameter name is formed by concatenating the field prefix, the array index formatted as an unsigned integer, a hypervisor specific parameter name, and this data type suffix.
Hypervisor specific custom data type for aggregate value The complete parameter name is formed by concatenating the field prefix, the array index formatted as an unsigned integer, a hypervisor specific parameter name, and this data type suffix.
The calculation mode used last measurement as string, either of these 'page-sampling', 'dirty-bitmap' or 'dirty-ring' values returned.
The period in seconds of last memory dirty rate calculation as int.
The start time in seconds of the last memory dirty rate calculation as long long.
The status of last memory dirty rate calculation as an int from the virDomainDirtyRateStatus enum.
The calculated memory dirty rate in MiB/s as long long. It is produced only if the calc_status is measured.
The parameter name prefix to access each VCPU entry. Concatenate the prefix, the entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the VCPU suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
The calculated memory dirty rate for a virtual cpu as unsigned long long.
Maximum number of IOThreads in the subsequent list as unsigned int. Each IOThread in the list will will use it's iothread_id value as the array index. There may be fewer array entries than the iothread.count value if the polling values are not supported.
The parameter name prefix to access each iothread entry. Concatenate the prefix, the entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the iothread suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
Polling time factor as an unsigned int or unsigned long long if exceeding range of unsigned int. A 0 (zero) indicates to allow the underlying hypervisor to choose how to grow the polling time.
Maximum polling time in ns as an unsigned long long. A 0 (zero) means polling is disabled.
Polling time divisor as an unsigned int or unsigned long long if exceeding range of unsigned int. A 0 (zero) indicates to allow the underlying hypervisor to choose how to shrink the polling time.
The number of memory bandwidth monitors for this domain as an unsigned int.
The parameter name prefix to access each bandwith monitor entry. Concatenate the prefix, the entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the memory bandwith suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
The name of the bandwidth monitor as a string.
The number of memory controllers in the bandwidth monitor.
The parameter name prefix to access each controller entry. Concatenate the bandwidth monitor prefix, the monitor entry number formatted as an unsigned integer, the controller prefix, the controller entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the controller suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
The accumulative bytes consumed by vcpus passing through the memory controller in the same processor that the scheduled host CPU belongs to as an unsigned long long.
The accumulative bytes consumed by vcpus passing through all memory controllers, either local or remote, as an unsigned long long.
Host allocated memory controller id for the controller as an unsigned int.
The vcpu list of the bandwidth monitor as a string.
Number of network interfaces on this domain as unsigned int.
The parameter name prefix to access each interface entry. Concatenate the prefix, the entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the network suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name.
Name of the interface as string.
Bytes received as unsigned long long.
Receive packets dropped as unsigned long long.
Receive errors as unsigned long long.
Packets received as unsigned long long.
Bytes transmitted as unsigned long long.
Transmit packets dropped as unsigned long long.
Transmission errors as unsigned long long.
Packets transmitted as unsigned long long.
The count of alignment faults as unsigned long long. It is produced by the alignment_faults perf event
The count of branch instructions as unsigned long long. It is produced by the branch_instructions perf event.
The count of branch misses as unsigned long long. It is produced by the branch_misses perf event.
The count of bus cycles as unsigned long long. It is produced by the bus_cycles perf event.
The count of cache misses as unsigned long long. It is produced by the cache_misses perf event.
The count of cache hits as unsigned long long. It is produced by the cache_references perf event.
The usage of l3 cache (bytes) by applications running on the platform as unsigned long long. It is produced by the cmt perf event.
The count of context switches as unsigned long long. It is produced by the context_switches perf event.
The count of cpu clock time as unsigned long long. It is produced by the cpu_clock perf event.
The count of cpu cycles (total/elapsed) as an unsigned long long. It is produced by the cpu_cycles perf event.
The count of cpu migrations, from one logical processor to another, as unsigned long long. It is produced by the cpu_migrations perf event.
The count of emulation faults as unsigned long long. It is produced by the emulation_faults perf event
The count of instructions as unsigned long long. It is produced by the instructions perf event.
The amount of data (bytes/s) sent through the memory controller on the socket as unsigned long long. It is produced by the mbml perf event.
The total system bandwidth (bytes/s) from one level of cache to another as unsigned long long. It is produced by the mbmt perf event.
The count of page faults as unsigned long long. It is produced by the page_faults perf event
The count of major page faults as unsigned long long. It is produced by the page_faults_maj perf event.
The count of minor page faults as unsigned long long. It is produced by the page_faults_min perf event.
The count of total cpu cycles not affected by CPU frequency scaling by applications running as unsigned long long. It is produced by the ref_cpu_cycles perf event.
The count of stalled cpu cycles in the backend of the instruction processor pipeline as unsigned long long. It is produced by the stalled_cycles_backend perf event.
The count of stalled cpu cycles in the frontend of the instruction processor pipeline as unsigned long long. It is produced by the stalled_cycles_frontend perf event.
The count of task clock time as unsigned long long. It is produced by the task_clock perf event.
Reason for entering given state, returned as int from virDomain*Reason enum corresponding to given state.
State of the VM, returned as int from virDomainState enum.
Current number of online virtual CPUs as unsigned int.
Maximum number of online virtual CPUs as unsigned int.
The parameter name prefix to access each vCPU entry. Concatenate the prefix, the entry number formatted as an unsigned integer and one of the vCPU suffix parameters to form a complete parameter name. Due to VCPU hotplug, the array could be sparse. The actual number of entries present corresponds to VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_VCPU_CURRENT, while the array size will never exceed VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_VCPU_MAXIMUM.
Time the vCPU thread was enqueued by the host scheduler, but was waiting in the queue instead of running. Exposed to the VM as a steal time. In nanoseconds as unsigned long long.
Virtual CPU is halted as a boolean, may indicate the processor is idle or even disabled, depending on the architecture.
State of the virtual CPU <num>, as int from virVcpuState enum.
Virtual cpu time spent by virtual CPU as unsigned long long.
Time the vCPU wants to run, but the host scheduler has something else running ahead of it as unsigned long long.
Concatenate the prefix, a hypervisor specific custom stats name and one of the VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_CUSTOM_TYPE_* constants to form a complete parameter name
Macro represents the name of guest disk for which the values are updated, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING.
Macro represents the group name to be used, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING.
Macro represents the read throughput limit in bytes per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the read throughput limit during bursts in maximum bytes per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the length in seconds allowed for a burst period for the blkdeviotune.read_bytes_sec_max as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the read I/O operations per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the read maximum I/O operations per second during bursts, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the length in seconds allowed for a burst period for the blkdeviotune.read_iops_sec_max as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the size maximum I/O operations per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the total throughput limit in bytes per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the total throughput limit during bursts in maximum bytes per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the length in seconds allowed for a burst period for the blkdeviotune.total_bytes_sec_max, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the total I/O operations per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the total maximum I/O operations per second during bursts, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the length in seconds allowed for a burst period for the blkdeviotune.total_iops_sec_max as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the write throughput limit in bytes per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the write throughput limit during bursts in maximum bytes per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the length in seconds allowed for a burst period for the blkdeviotune.write_bytes_sec_max as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the write I/O operations per second, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the write maximum I/O operations per second during bursts, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the length in seconds allowed for a burst period for the blkdeviotune.write_iops_sec_max as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents proportional weight of the scheduler used on the host cpu, when using the posix scheduler, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents formatted pinning for emulator process, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING.
Macro represents the enforcement period for a quota in microseconds, when using the posix scheduler, for all emulator activity not tied to vcpus, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the maximum bandwidth to be used within a period for all emulator activity not tied to vcpus, when using the posix scheduler, as an VIR_TYPED_PARAM_LLONG.
Macro represents the enforcement period for a quota, in microseconds, for whole domain, when using the posix scheduler, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the maximum bandwidth to be used within a period for whole domain, when using the posix scheduler, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_LLONG.
Macro represents formatted pinning for one IOThread specified by id which is appended to the parameter name, for example "cputune.iothreadpin1", as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING.
Macro represents the enforcement period for a quota, in microseconds, for iothreads only, when using the posix scheduler, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the maximum bandwidth to be used within a period for iothreads only, when using the posix scheduler, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_LLONG.
Macro represents formatted pinning for one vcpu specified by id which is appended to the parameter name, for example "cputune.vcpupin1", as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING.
Macro represents the enforcement period for a quota, in microseconds, for vcpus only, when using the posix scheduler, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
Macro represents the maximum bandwidth to be used within a period for vcpus only, when using the posix scheduler, as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_LLONG.
This macro is to be used in conjunction with virDomainGetVcpus() and virDomainPinVcpu() APIs. VIR_GET_CPUMAP macro returns a pointer to the cpumap of the specified vcpu from cpumaps array.
Compatibility alias for VIR_KEYCODE_SET_QNUM, which replaced it since 4.2.0.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the increment added to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_AUTO_CONVERGE_INITIAL whenever the hypervisor decides the current rate is not enough to ensure convergence of the migration. As VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the initial percentage guest CPUs are throttled to when auto-convergence decides migration is not converging. As VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the maximum bandwidth (in MiB/s) that will be used for migration as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. If set to 0 or omitted, libvirt will choose a suitable default. Some hypervisors do not support this feature and will return an error if this field is used and is not 0.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the bandwidth (in MiB/s) available for the final phase of (pre-copy) migration during which CPUs are stopped and all the remaining memory and device state is transferred. Knowing this bandwidth is important for accurate estimation of the domain downtime and deciding the right moment for switching over. Normally this would be estimated based on the bandwidth used by migration, but this could be lower than the actual available bandwidth. Using this parameter to override the computed value may help with migration convergence when the migration would keep iterating over and over thinking there's not enough bandwidth to comply with the configured maximum downtime.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the maximum bandwidth (in MiB/s) that will be used for post-copy phase of a migration as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG. If set to 0 or omitted, post-copy migration speed will not be limited.
virDomainMigrate* params multiple field: name of the method used to compress migration traffic. Supported compression methods: xbzrle, mt, zlib, zstd. The parameter may be specified multiple times if more than one method should be used. Not all combinations of compression methods and migration options may be allowed. Parallel migration of QEMU domains is only compatible with either zlib or zstd method.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the number of decompression threads for multithread compression as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the level of compression for multithread compression as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT. Accepted values are in range 0-9. 0 is no compression, 1 is maximum speed and 9 is maximum compression.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the number of compression threads for multithread compression as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the size of page cache for xbzrle compression as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_ULLONG.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the level of compression for zlib as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT. Accepted values are in range 0-9. 0 is no compression, 1 is maximum speed and 9 is maximum compression.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the level of compression for zstd as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT. Accepted values are in range 0-20. 0 is no compression, 1 is maximum speed and 20 is maximum compression.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the name to be used for the domain on the destination host as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING. Omitting this parameter keeps the domain name the same. This field is only allowed to be used with hypervisors that support domain renaming during migration.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the new configuration to be used for the domain on the destination host as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING. The configuration must include an identical set of virtual devices, to ensure a stable guest ABI across migration. Only parameters related to host side configuration can be changed in the XML. Hypervisors which support this field will forbid migration if the provided XML would cause a change in the guest ABI. This field cannot be used to rename the domain during migration (use VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_NAME field for that purpose). Domain name in the destination XML must match the original domain name. Omitting this parameter keeps the original domain configuration. Using this field with hypervisors that do not support changing domain configuration during migration will result in a failure.
virDomainMigrate* params field: port that destination server should use for incoming disks migration. Type is VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT. If set to 0 or omitted, libvirt will choose a suitable default. At the moment this is only supported by the QEMU driver.
virDomainMigrate* params field: URI used for incoming disks migration. Type is VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING. Only schemes "tcp" and "unix" are accepted. TCP URI can currently only provide a server and port to listen on (and connect to), UNIX URI may only provide a path component for a UNIX socket. This is currently only supported by the QEMU driver. UNIX URI is only usable if the management application makes sure that socket created with this name on the destination will be reachable from the source under the same exact path.
virDomainMigrate* params field: URI to use for migrating client's connection to domain's graphical console as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING. If specified, the client will be asked to automatically reconnect using these parameters instead of the automatically computed ones. This can be useful if, e.g., the client does not have a direct access to the network virtualization hosts are connected to and needs to connect through a proxy. The URI is formed as follows: protocol://hostname[:port]/[?parameters] where protocol is either "spice" or "vnc" and parameters is a list of protocol specific parameters separated by '&'. Currently recognized parameters are "tlsPort" and "tlsSubject". For example, spice://
virDomainMigrate* params field: The listen address that hypervisor on the destination side should bind to for incoming migration. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are accepted as well as hostnames (the resolving is done on destination). Some hypervisors do not support this feature and will return an error if this field is used.
virDomainMigrate* params multiple field: The multiple values that list the block devices to be migrated. At the moment this is only supported by the QEMU driver but not for the tunnelled migration.
virDomainMigrate* params multiple field: The multiple values that list the block devices for which zero detection (to avoid transferring zero blocks) is to be enabled. Users must ensure that any pre-created storage source on the destination will be cleared and thus read all-zeroes before using this feature, otherwise the destination image may become corrupted. This may increase CPU overhead of the migration. At the moment this is only supported by the QEMU driver but not for the tunnelled migration.
virDomainMigrate* params field: number of connections used during parallel migration. As VIR_TYPED_PARAM_INT.
virDomainMigrate* params field: the new persistent configuration to be used for the domain on the destination host as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING. This field cannot be used to rename the domain during migration (use VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_NAME field for that purpose). Domain name in the destination XML must match the original domain name. Omitting this parameter keeps the original domain persistent configuration. Using this field with hypervisors that do not support changing domain configuration during migration will result in a failure.
virDomainMigrate* params field: override the destination host name used for TLS verification. As VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING. Normally the TLS certificate from the destination host must match the host's name for TLS verification to succeed. When the certificate does not match the destination hostname and the expected certificate's hostname is known, this parameter can be used to pass this expected hostname when starting the migration.
virDomainMigrate* params field: URI to use for initiating domain migration as VIR_TYPED_PARAM_STRING. It takes a hypervisor specific format. The uri_transports element of the hypervisor capabilities XML includes details of the supported URI schemes. When omitted libvirt will auto-generate suitable default URI. It is typically only necessary to specify this URI if the destination host has multiple interfaces and a specific interface is required to transmit migration data. This field may not be used when VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED flag is set.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents alignment_faults perf event which can be used to measure the count of alignment faults by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.alignment_faults" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents branch_instructions perf event which can be used to measure the count of branch instructions by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.branch_instructions" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents branch_misses perf event which can be used to measure the count of branch misses by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.branch_misses" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents bus_cycles perf event which can be used to measure the count of bus cycles by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.bus_cycles" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents cache_misses perf event which can be used to measure the count of cache misses by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.cache_misses" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents cache_references perf event which can be used to measure the count of cache hits by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.cache_references" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents CMT perf event which can be used to measure the usage of cache (bytes) by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.cmt" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents context_switches perf event which can be used to measure the count of context switches by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.context_switches" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents cpu_clock perf event which can be used to measure the count of cpu clock time by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.cpu_clock" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents cpu_cycles perf event describing the total/elapsed cpu cycles. This can be used to measure how many cpu cycles one instruction needs. It corresponds to the "perf.cpu_cycles" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents cpu_migrations perf event which can be used to measure the count of cpu migrations by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.cpu_migrations" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents emulation_faults perf event which can be used to measure the count of emulation faults by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.emulation_faults" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents instructions perf event which can be used to measure the count of instructions by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.instructions" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents MBML perf event which can be used to monitor the amount of data (bytes/s) sent through the memory controller on the socket. It corresponds to the "perf.mbml" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents MBMT perf event which can be used to monitor total system bandwidth (bytes/s) from one level of cache to another. It corresponds to the "perf.mbmt" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents page_faults perf event which can be used to measure the count of page faults by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.page_faults" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents page_faults_maj perf event which can be used to measure the count of major page faults by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.page_faults_maj" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents page_faults_min perf event which can be used to measure the count of minor page faults by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.page_faults_min" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents ref_cpu_cycles perf event which can be used to measure the count of total cpu cycles not affected by CPU frequency scaling by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.ref_cpu_cycles" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents stalled_cycles_backend perf event which can be used to measure the count of stalled cpu cycles in the backend of the instruction processor pipeline by application running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.stalled_cycles_backend" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents stalled_cycles_frontend perf event which can be used to measure the count of stalled cpu cycles in the frontend of the instruction processor pipeline by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.stalled_cycles_frontend" field in the *Stats APIs.
Macro for typed parameter name that represents task_clock perf event which can be used to measure the count of task clock time by applications running on the platform. It corresponds to the "perf.task_clock" field in the *Stats APIs.
¶#define VIR_UNUSE_CPU
This macro is to be used in conjunction with virDomainPinVcpu() API. It resets the bit (CPU not usable) of the related cpu in cpumap.
¶#define VIR_USE_CPU
This macro is to be used in conjunction with virDomainPinVcpu() API. It sets the bit (CPU usable) of the related cpu in cpumap.
¶#define _virBlkioParameter
¶#define _virMemoryParameter
¶#define _virSchedParameter
¶struct virBlkioParameter {
char field[VIR_TYPED_PARAM_FIELD_LENGTH] | field | parameter name | |||||||||||||||||||||
int | type | parameter type, virTypedParameterType | |||||||||||||||||||||
union { | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
} | value | parameter value |
¶typedef virBlkioParameter * virBlkioParameterPtr;
a virBlkioParameterPtr is a pointer to a virBlkioParameter structure. Provided for backwards compatibility; virTypedParameterPtr is the preferred alias.
¶A blkio parameter field type. Provided for backwards compatibility; virTypedParameterType is the preferred enum
enum virBlkioParameterType {
¶enum virConnectDomainEventAgentLifecycleReason {
VIR_CONNECT_DOMAIN_EVENT_AGENT_LIFECYCLE_REASON_UNKNOWN | = | 0 (0x0) | unknown state change reason |
VIR_CONNECT_DOMAIN_EVENT_AGENT_LIFECYCLE_REASON_DOMAIN_STARTED | = | 1 (0x1) | state changed due to domain start |
¶enum virConnectDomainEventAgentLifecycleState {
¶Tracks status of a virDomainBlockPull(), virDomainBlockRebase(), virDomainBlockCopy(), or virDomainBlockCommit() operation
enum virConnectDomainEventBlockJobStatus {
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_READY | = | 3 (0x3) | |
¶The reason describing why this callback is called
enum virConnectDomainEventDiskChangeReason {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DISK_CHANGE_MISSING_ON_START | = | 0 (0x0) | Removable media changed to empty according to startup policy as source was missing. oldSrcPath is set, newSrcPath is NULL |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DISK_DROP_MISSING_ON_START | = | 1 (0x1) | Disk was dropped from domain as source file was missing. oldSrcPath is set, newSrcPath is NULL |
¶enum virConnectGetAllDomainStatsFlags {
VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_NOWAIT | = | 536870912 (0x20000000; 1 << 29) | report statistics that can be obtained immediately without any blocking |
VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_BACKING | = | 1073741824 (0x40000000; 1 << 30) | include backing chain for block stats |
VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_ENFORCE_STATS | = | 2147483648 (0x80000000; 1 << 31) | enforce requested stats |
¶Domain capabilities flags.
enum virConnectGetDomainCapabilitiesFlags {
VIR_CONNECT_GET_DOMAIN_CAPABILITIES_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_FEATURES | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Report host model with deprecated features disabled. |
¶Flags used to tune which domains are listed by virConnectListAllDomains(). Note that these flags come in groups; if all bits from a group are 0, then that group is not used to filter results.
enum virConnectListAllDomainsFlags {
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_ACTIVE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_INACTIVE | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_TRANSIENT | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_RUNNING | = | 16 (0x10; 1 << 4) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_PAUSED | = | 32 (0x20; 1 << 5) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_SHUTOFF | = | 64 (0x40; 1 << 6) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_OTHER | = | 128 (0x80; 1 << 7) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_MANAGEDSAVE | = | 256 (0x100; 1 << 8) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_NO_MANAGEDSAVE | = | 512 (0x200; 1 << 9) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_AUTOSTART | = | 1024 (0x400; 1 << 10) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_NO_AUTOSTART | = | 2048 (0x800; 1 << 11) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_HAS_SNAPSHOT | = | 4096 (0x1000; 1 << 12) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_NO_SNAPSHOT | = | 8192 (0x2000; 1 << 13) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_HAS_CHECKPOINT | = | 16384 (0x4000; 1 << 14) | |
VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_NO_CHECKPOINT | = | 32768 (0x8000; 1 << 15) |
¶struct virDomain {
¶Flags OR'ed together to provide specific behavior when aborting a domain job.
enum virDomainAbortJobFlagsValues {
VIR_DOMAIN_ABORT_JOB_POSTCOPY | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Interrupt post-copy migration. Since migration in a post-copy phase cannot be aborted without losing the domain (none of the hosts involved in migration has a complete state of the domain), the migration will be suspended and it can later be resumed using virDomainMigrate* APIs with VIR_MIGRATE_POSTCOPY_RESUME flag. |
¶enum virDomainAgentResponseTimeoutValues {
¶enum virDomainAuthorizedSSHKeysSetFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_AUTHORIZED_SSH_KEYS_SET_APPEND | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | don't truncate file, just append |
VIR_DOMAIN_AUTHORIZED_SSH_KEYS_SET_REMOVE | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | remove keys, instead of adding them |
¶enum virDomainBackupBeginFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_BACKUP_BEGIN_REUSE_EXTERNAL | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | reuse separately provided images |
¶Flags available for virDomainBlockCommit().
enum virDomainBlockCommitFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_SHALLOW | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | NULL base means next backing file, not whole chain |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_DELETE | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Delete any files that are now invalid after their contents have been committed |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_ACTIVE | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Allow a two-phase commit when top is the active layer |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_RELATIVE | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | keep the backing chain referenced using relative names |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_BANDWIDTH_BYTES | = | 16 (0x10; 1 << 4) | bandwidth in bytes/s instead of MiB/s |
¶Flags available for virDomainBlockCopy().
enum virDomainBlockCopyFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_SHALLOW | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Limit copy to top of source backing chain |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_REUSE_EXT | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Reuse existing external file for a copy |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_TRANSIENT_JOB | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Don't force usage of recoverable job for the copy operation |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_SYNCHRONOUS_WRITES | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | Force the copy job to synchronously propagate guest writes into the destination image, so that the copy is guaranteed to converge |
¶struct virDomainBlockInfo {
unsigned long long | capacity | logical size in bytes of the image (how much storage the guest will see) |
unsigned long long | allocation | host storage in bytes occupied by the image (such as highest allocated extent if there are no holes, similar to 'du') |
unsigned long long | physical | host physical size in bytes of the image container (last offset, similar to 'ls') |
¶typedef virDomainBlockInfo * virDomainBlockInfoPtr;
¶VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_ASYNC: Request only, do not wait for completion VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_PIVOT: Pivot to new file when ending a copy or active commit job
enum virDomainBlockJobAbortFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_ASYNC | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_PIVOT | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) |
¶typedef unsigned long long virDomainBlockJobCursor;
An iterator for monitoring block job operations
¶struct virDomainBlockJobInfo {
int | type | |
unsigned long | bandwidth | The following fields provide an indication of block job progress. cur indicates the current position and will be between 0 and end . end is the final cursor position for this operation and represents completion. To approximate progress, divide cur by end . |
virDomainBlockJobCursor | cur | |
virDomainBlockJobCursor | end |
¶Flags for use with virDomainGetBlockJobInfo
enum virDomainBlockJobInfoFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_INFO_BANDWIDTH_BYTES | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | bandwidth in bytes/s instead of MiB/s |
¶typedef virDomainBlockJobInfo * virDomainBlockJobInfoPtr;
¶Flags for use with virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed
enum virDomainBlockJobSetSpeedFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_SPEED_BANDWIDTH_BYTES | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | bandwidth in bytes/s instead of MiB/s |
¶Describes various possible block jobs.
enum virDomainBlockJobType {
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_UNKNOWN | = | 0 (0x0) | Placeholder |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_PULL | = | 1 (0x1) | Block Pull (virDomainBlockPull, or virDomainBlockRebase without flags), job ends on completion |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_COPY | = | 2 (0x2) | Block Copy (virDomainBlockCopy, or virDomainBlockRebase with flags), job exists as long as mirroring is active |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_COMMIT | = | 3 (0x3) | Block Commit (virDomainBlockCommit without flags), job ends on completion |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_ACTIVE_COMMIT | = | 4 (0x4) | Active Block Commit (virDomainBlockCommit with flags), job exists as long as sync is active |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_BACKUP | = | 5 (0x5) | Backup (virDomainBackupBegin) |
¶Flags for use with virDomainBlockPull (values chosen to be a subset of the flags for virDomainBlockRebase)
enum virDomainBlockPullFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_PULL_BANDWIDTH_BYTES | = | 64 (0x40; 1 << 6) | bandwidth in bytes/s instead of MiB/s |
¶Flags available for virDomainBlockRebase().
enum virDomainBlockRebaseFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_SHALLOW | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Limit copy to top of source backing chain |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_REUSE_EXT | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Reuse existing external file for a copy |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY_RAW | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Make destination file raw |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | Start a copy job |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_RELATIVE | = | 16 (0x10; 1 << 4) | Keep backing chain referenced using relative names |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY_DEV | = | 32 (0x20; 1 << 5) | Treat destination as block device instead of file |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_BANDWIDTH_BYTES | = | 64 (0x40; 1 << 6) | bandwidth in bytes/s instead of MiB/s |
¶Flags available for virDomainBlockResize().
enum virDomainBlockResizeFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_RESIZE_BYTES | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | size in bytes instead of KiB |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_RESIZE_CAPACITY | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | resize to full the capacity of the source |
¶typedef virDomainBlockStatsStruct * virDomainBlockStatsPtr;
A pointer to a virDomainBlockStats structure
¶struct virDomainBlockStatsStruct {
long long | rd_req | number of read requests |
long long | rd_bytes | number of read bytes |
long long | wr_req | number of write requests |
long long | wr_bytes | number of written bytes |
long long | errs | In Xen this returns the mysterious 'oo_req'. |
¶enum virDomainBlockedReason {
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCKED_UNKNOWN | = | 0 (0x0) | the reason is unknown |
¶enum virDomainChannelFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_CHANNEL_FORCE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | abort a (possibly) active channel connection to force a new connection |
¶enum virDomainConsoleFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_CONSOLE_FORCE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | abort a (possibly) active console connection to force a new connection |
VIR_DOMAIN_CONSOLE_SAFE | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | check if the console driver supports safe console operations |
¶Reason for the error state.
enum virDomainControlErrorReason {
VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_ERROR_REASON_NONE | = | 0 (0x0) | server didn't provide a reason |
VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_ERROR_REASON_UNKNOWN | = | 1 (0x1) | unknown reason for the error |
VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_ERROR_REASON_MONITOR | = | 2 (0x2) | monitor connection is broken |
VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_ERROR_REASON_INTERNAL | = | 3 (0x3) | error caused due to internal failure in libvirt |
¶struct virDomainControlInfo {
unsigned int | state | control state, one of virDomainControlState |
unsigned int | details | state details, currently 0 except for ERROR state (one of virDomainControlErrorReason) |
unsigned long long | stateTime | for how long (in msec) control interface has been in current state (except for OK and ERROR states) |
¶typedef virDomainControlInfo * virDomainControlInfoPtr;
Pointer to virDomainControlInfo structure.
¶Current state of a control interface to the domain.
enum virDomainControlState {
VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_OK | = | 0 (0x0) | operational, ready to accept commands |
VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_JOB | = | 1 (0x1) | background job is running (can be monitored by virDomainGetJobInfo); only limited set of commands may be allowed |
VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_OCCUPIED | = | 2 (0x2) | occupied by a running command |
VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROL_ERROR | = | 3 (0x3) | unusable, domain cannot be fully operated, possible reason is provided in the details field |
¶Domain core dump flags.
enum virDomainCoreDumpFlags {
VIR_DUMP_CRASH | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | crash after dump |
VIR_DUMP_LIVE | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | live dump |
VIR_DUMP_BYPASS_CACHE | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | avoid file system cache pollution |
VIR_DUMP_RESET | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | reset domain after dump finishes |
VIR_DUMP_MEMORY_ONLY | = | 16 (0x10; 1 << 4) | use dump-guest-memory |
¶Values for specifying different formats of domain core dumps.
enum virDomainCoreDumpFormat {
VIR_DOMAIN_CORE_DUMP_FORMAT_RAW | = | 0 (0x0) | dump guest memory in raw format |
VIR_DOMAIN_CORE_DUMP_FORMAT_KDUMP_ZLIB | = | 1 (0x1) | kdump-compressed format, with zlib compression |
VIR_DOMAIN_CORE_DUMP_FORMAT_KDUMP_LZO | = | 2 (0x2) | kdump-compressed format, with lzo compression |
VIR_DOMAIN_CORE_DUMP_FORMAT_KDUMP_SNAPPY | = | 3 (0x3) | kdump-compressed format, with snappy compression |
VIR_DOMAIN_CORE_DUMP_FORMAT_WIN_DMP | = | 4 (0x4) | Windows full crashdump format |
VIR_DOMAIN_CORE_DUMP_FORMAT_LAST | = | 5 (0x5) | NB: this enum value will increase over time as new formats are added to the libvirt API. It reflects the last format supported by this version of the libvirt API. |
¶enum virDomainCrashedReason {
VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED_UNKNOWN | = | 0 (0x0) | crashed for unknown reason |
VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED_PANICKED | = | 1 (0x1) | domain panicked |
¶Flags OR'ed together to provide specific behaviour when creating a Domain.
enum virDomainCreateFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_NONE | = | 0 (0x0) | Default behavior |
VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Launch guest in paused state |
VIR_DOMAIN_START_AUTODESTROY | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Automatically kill guest when virConnectPtr is closed |
VIR_DOMAIN_START_BYPASS_CACHE | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Avoid file system cache pollution |
VIR_DOMAIN_START_FORCE_BOOT | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | Boot, discarding any managed save |
VIR_DOMAIN_START_VALIDATE | = | 16 (0x10; 1 << 4) | Validate the XML document against schema |
VIR_DOMAIN_START_RESET_NVRAM | = | 32 (0x20; 1 << 5) | Re-initialize NVRAM from template |
¶enum virDomainDefineFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_DEFINE_VALIDATE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Validate the XML document against schema |
¶Flags used to provide specific behaviour to the virDomainDestroyFlags() function
enum virDomainDestroyFlagsValues {
VIR_DOMAIN_DESTROY_DEFAULT | = | 0 (0x0) | Default behavior - could lead to data loss!! |
VIR_DOMAIN_DESTROY_GRACEFUL | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | only SIGTERM, no SIGKILL |
VIR_DOMAIN_DESTROY_REMOVE_LOGS | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | remove VM logs on destroy |
¶enum virDomainDeviceModifyFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_DEVICE_MODIFY_FORCE | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Forcibly modify device (ex. force eject a cdrom) |
¶Flags OR'ed together to provide specific behaviour when calculating dirty page rate for a Domain
enum virDomainDirtyRateCalcFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_DIRTYRATE_MODE_PAGE_SAMPLING | = | 0 (0x0) | default mode - page-sampling |
VIR_DOMAIN_DIRTYRATE_MODE_DIRTY_BITMAP | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | dirty-bitmap mode |
VIR_DOMAIN_DIRTYRATE_MODE_DIRTY_RING | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | dirty-ring mode |
¶Details on the cause of a dirty rate calculation status.
enum virDomainDirtyRateStatus {
VIR_DOMAIN_DIRTYRATE_UNSTARTED | = | 0 (0x0) | the dirtyrate calculation has not been started |
VIR_DOMAIN_DIRTYRATE_MEASURING | = | 1 (0x1) | the dirtyrate calculation is measuring |
VIR_DOMAIN_DIRTYRATE_MEASURED | = | 2 (0x2) | the dirtyrate calculation is completed |
¶Disk I/O error.
enum virDomainDiskErrorCode {
VIR_DOMAIN_DISK_ERROR_NONE | = | 0 (0x0) | no error |
VIR_DOMAIN_DISK_ERROR_UNSPEC | = | 1 (0x1) | unspecified I/O error |
VIR_DOMAIN_DISK_ERROR_NO_SPACE | = | 2 (0x2) | no space left on the device |
¶typedef virDomainDiskError * virDomainDiskErrorPtr;
¶Details on the cause of a 'crashed' lifecycle event
enum virDomainEventCrashedDetailType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CRASHED_PANICKED | = | 0 (0x0) | Guest was panicked |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CRASHED_CRASHLOADED | = | 1 (0x1) | Guest was crashloaded |
¶Details on the cause of a 'defined' lifecycle event
enum virDomainEventDefinedDetailType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_ADDED | = | 0 (0x0) | Newly created config file |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_UPDATED | = | 1 (0x1) | Changed config file |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_RENAMED | = | 2 (0x2) | Domain was renamed |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_FROM_SNAPSHOT | = | 3 (0x3) | Config was restored from a snapshot |
¶struct virDomainEventGraphicsAddress {
int | family | Address family, virDomainEventGraphicsAddressType |
char * | node | Address of node (eg IP address, or UNIX path) |
char * | service | Service name/number (eg TCP port, or NULL) |
¶typedef virDomainEventGraphicsAddress * virDomainEventGraphicsAddressPtr;
¶The type of address for the connection
enum virDomainEventGraphicsAddressType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_GRAPHICS_ADDRESS_IPV4 | = | 0 (0x0) | IPv4 address |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_GRAPHICS_ADDRESS_IPV6 | = | 1 (0x1) | IPv6 address |
¶The phase of the graphics client connection
enum virDomainEventGraphicsPhase {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_GRAPHICS_CONNECT | = | 0 (0x0) | Initial socket connection established |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_GRAPHICS_INITIALIZE | = | 1 (0x1) | Authentication & setup completed |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_GRAPHICS_DISCONNECT | = | 2 (0x2) | Final socket disconnection |
¶struct virDomainEventGraphicsSubject {
int | nidentity | Number of identities in arra |
virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectIdentityPtr | identities | Array of identities for subject |
¶struct virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectIdentity {
char * | type | Type of identity |
char * | name | Identity value |
¶typedef virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectIdentity * virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectIdentityPtr;
¶typedef virDomainEventGraphicsSubject * virDomainEventGraphicsSubjectPtr;
¶An enumeration of supported eventId parameters for virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny(). Each event id determines which signature of callback function will be used.
enum virDomainEventID {
¶The action that is to be taken due to an IO error occurring
enum virDomainEventIOErrorAction {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_IO_ERROR_NONE | = | 0 (0x0) | No action, IO error ignored |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_IO_ERROR_PAUSE | = | 1 (0x1) | Guest CPUs are paused |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_IO_ERROR_REPORT | = | 2 (0x2) | IO error reported to guest OS |
¶Details on the cause of a 'pmsuspended' lifecycle event
enum virDomainEventPMSuspendedDetailType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_PMSUSPENDED_MEMORY | = | 0 (0x0) | Guest was PM suspended to memory |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_PMSUSPENDED_DISK | = | 1 (0x1) | Guest was PM suspended to disk |
¶Details on the cause of a 'resumed' lifecycle event
enum virDomainEventResumedDetailType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_UNPAUSED | = | 0 (0x0) | Normal resume due to admin unpause |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_MIGRATED | = | 1 (0x1) | Resumed for completion of migration |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_FROM_SNAPSHOT | = | 2 (0x2) | Resumed from snapshot |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_POSTCOPY | = | 3 (0x3) | Resumed, but migration is still running in post-copy mode |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_POSTCOPY_FAILED | = | 4 (0x4) | Running, but migration failed in post-copy |
¶Details on the cause of a 'shutdown' lifecycle event
enum virDomainEventShutdownDetailType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SHUTDOWN_FINISHED | = | 0 (0x0) | Guest finished shutdown sequence |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SHUTDOWN_GUEST | = | 1 (0x1) | Domain finished shutting down after request from the guest itself (e.g. hardware-specific action) |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SHUTDOWN_HOST | = | 2 (0x2) | Domain finished shutting down after request from the host (e.g. killed by a signal) |
¶Details on the cause of a 'started' lifecycle event
enum virDomainEventStartedDetailType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_BOOTED | = | 0 (0x0) | Normal startup from boot |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_MIGRATED | = | 1 (0x1) | Incoming migration from another host |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_RESTORED | = | 2 (0x2) | Restored from a state file |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_FROM_SNAPSHOT | = | 3 (0x3) | Restored from snapshot |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED_WAKEUP | = | 4 (0x4) | Started due to wakeup event |
¶Details on the cause of a 'stopped' lifecycle event
enum virDomainEventStoppedDetailType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_SHUTDOWN | = | 0 (0x0) | Normal shutdown |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_DESTROYED | = | 1 (0x1) | Forced poweroff from host |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_CRASHED | = | 2 (0x2) | Guest crashed |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_MIGRATED | = | 3 (0x3) | Migrated off to another host |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_SAVED | = | 4 (0x4) | Saved to a state file |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_FAILED | = | 5 (0x5) | Host emulator/mgmt failed |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_FROM_SNAPSHOT | = | 6 (0x6) | offline snapshot loaded |
¶Details on the cause of a 'suspended' lifecycle event
enum virDomainEventSuspendedDetailType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_PAUSED | = | 0 (0x0) | Normal suspend due to admin pause |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_MIGRATED | = | 1 (0x1) | Suspended for offline migration |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_IOERROR | = | 2 (0x2) | Suspended due to a disk I/O error |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_WATCHDOG | = | 3 (0x3) | Suspended due to a watchdog firing |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_RESTORED | = | 4 (0x4) | Restored from paused state file |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_FROM_SNAPSHOT | = | 5 (0x5) | Restored from paused snapshot |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_API_ERROR | = | 6 (0x6) | Some APIs (e.g., migration, snapshot) internally need to suspend a domain. This event detail is used when resume operation at the end of such API fails. |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_POSTCOPY | = | 7 (0x7) | suspended for post-copy migration |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_POSTCOPY_FAILED | = | 8 (0x8) | suspended after failed post-copy |
¶The reason describing why the callback was called
enum virDomainEventTrayChangeReason {
¶a virDomainEventType is emitted during domain lifecycle events
enum virDomainEventType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED | = | 0 (0x0) | |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STARTED | = | 2 (0x2) | |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED | = | 4 (0x4) | |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED | = | 5 (0x5) | |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CRASHED | = | 8 (0x8) | |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_LAST | = | 9 (0x9) |
¶Details on the cause of an 'undefined' lifecycle event
enum virDomainEventUndefinedDetailType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_UNDEFINED_REMOVED | = | 0 (0x0) | Deleted the config file |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_UNDEFINED_RENAMED | = | 1 (0x1) | Domain was renamed |
¶The action that is to be taken due to the watchdog device firing
enum virDomainEventWatchdogAction {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_NONE | = | 0 (0x0) | No action, watchdog ignored |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_PAUSE | = | 1 (0x1) | Guest CPUs are paused |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_RESET | = | 2 (0x2) | Guest CPUs are reset |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_POWEROFF | = | 3 (0x3) | Guest is forcibly powered off |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_SHUTDOWN | = | 4 (0x4) | Guest is requested to gracefully shutdown |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_DEBUG | = | 5 (0x5) | No action, a debug message logged |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_WATCHDOG_INJECTNMI | = | 6 (0x6) | Inject a non-maskable interrupt into guest |
¶enum virDomainFDAssociateFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_FD_ASSOCIATE_SECLABEL_RESTORE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Attempt a best-effort restore of security labels after use |
VIR_DOMAIN_FD_ASSOCIATE_SECLABEL_WRITABLE | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Use a seclabel allowing writes for the FD even if usage implies read-only mode |
¶struct virDomainFSInfo {
char * | mountpoint | path to mount point |
char * | name | device name in the guest (e.g. "sda1") |
char * | fstype | filesystem type |
size_t | ndevAlias | number of elements in devAlias |
char ** | devAlias | array of disk device aliases |
¶typedef virDomainFSInfo * virDomainFSInfoPtr;
¶enum virDomainGetHostnameFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_GET_HOSTNAME_LEASE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Parse DHCP lease file |
VIR_DOMAIN_GET_HOSTNAME_AGENT | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Query qemu guest agent |
¶Flags OR'ed together to provide specific behavior when querying domain job statistics.
enum virDomainGetJobStatsFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_STATS_COMPLETED | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | return stats of a recently completed job |
VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_STATS_KEEP_COMPLETED | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | don't remove completed stats when reading them |
¶enum virDomainGraphicsReloadType {
VIR_DOMAIN_GRAPHICS_RELOAD_TYPE_ANY | = | 0 (0x0) | reload any graphics known to libvirt |
VIR_DOMAIN_GRAPHICS_RELOAD_TYPE_VNC | = | 1 (0x1) | reload vnc graphics |
¶enum virDomainGuestInfoTypes {
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_USERS | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | return active users |
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_OS | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | return OS information |
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_TIMEZONE | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | return timezone information |
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_HOSTNAME | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | return hostname information |
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_FILESYSTEM | = | 16 (0x10; 1 << 4) | return filesystem information |
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_DISKS | = | 32 (0x20; 1 << 5) | return disks information |
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_INTERFACES | = | 64 (0x40; 1 << 6) | return interfaces information |
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_LOAD | = | 128 (0x80; 1 << 7) | return load averages |
¶struct virDomainIOThreadInfo {
unsigned int | iothread_id | IOThread ID |
unsigned char * | cpumap | CPU map for thread. A pointer to an array of real CPUs (in 8-bit bytes) |
int | cpumaplen | cpumap size |
¶typedef virDomainIOThreadInfo * virDomainIOThreadInfoPtr;
¶struct virDomainIPAddress {
int | type | |
char * | addr | IP address |
unsigned int | prefix | IP address prefix |
¶typedef virDomainIPAddress * virDomainIPAddressPtr;
¶struct virDomainInfo {
unsigned char | state | the running state, one of virDomainState |
unsigned long | maxMem | the maximum memory in KBytes allowed |
unsigned long | memory | the memory in KBytes used by the domain |
unsigned short | nrVirtCpu | the number of virtual CPUs for the domain |
unsigned long long | cpuTime | the CPU time used in nanoseconds |
¶typedef virDomainInfo * virDomainInfoPtr;
a virDomainInfoPtr is a pointer to a virDomainInfo structure.
¶struct virDomainInterface {
char * | name | interface name |
char * | hwaddr | hardware address, may be NULL |
unsigned int | naddrs | number of items in addrs |
virDomainIPAddressPtr | addrs | array of IP addresses |
¶enum virDomainInterfaceAddressesSource {
VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_LEASE | = | 0 (0x0) | Parse DHCP lease file |
VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_AGENT | = | 1 (0x1) | Query qemu guest agent |
¶typedef virDomainInterface * virDomainInterfacePtr;
¶typedef virDomainInterfaceStatsStruct * virDomainInterfaceStatsPtr;
A pointer to a virDomainInterfaceStats structure
¶struct virDomainInterfaceStatsStruct {
long long | rx_bytes | |
long long | rx_packets | |
long long | rx_errs | |
long long | rx_drop | |
long long | tx_bytes | |
long long | tx_packets | |
long long | tx_errs | |
long long | tx_drop |
¶struct virDomainJobInfo {
int | type | Time is measured in milliseconds |
unsigned long long | timeElapsed | Always set |
unsigned long long | timeRemaining | Only for VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_BOUNDED Data is measured in bytes unless otherwise specified and is measuring the job as a whole. For VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_UNBOUNDED, dataTotal may be less than the final sum of dataProcessed + dataRemaining in the event that the hypervisor has to repeat some data, such as due to dirtied pages during migration. For VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_BOUNDED, dataTotal shall always equal the sum of dataProcessed + dataRemaining. |
unsigned long long | dataTotal | |
unsigned long long | dataProcessed | |
unsigned long long | dataRemaining | As above, but only tracking guest memory progress |
unsigned long long | memTotal | |
unsigned long long | memProcessed | |
unsigned long long | memRemaining | As above, but only tracking guest disk file progress |
unsigned long long | fileTotal | |
unsigned long long | fileProcessed | |
unsigned long long | fileRemaining |
¶typedef virDomainJobInfo * virDomainJobInfoPtr;
¶enum virDomainJobOperation {
¶enum virDomainJobType {
VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_NONE | = | 0 (0x0) | No job is active |
VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_BOUNDED | = | 1 (0x1) | Job with a finite completion time |
VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_UNBOUNDED | = | 2 (0x2) | Job without a finite completion time |
VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_COMPLETED | = | 3 (0x3) | Job has finished, but isn't cleaned up |
VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_FAILED | = | 4 (0x4) | Job hit error, but isn't cleaned up |
VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_CANCELLED | = | 5 (0x5) | Job was aborted, but isn't cleaned up |
VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_LAST | = | 6 (0x6) |
¶enum virDomainLifecycle {
¶enum virDomainLifecycleAction {
¶Action of a memory failure event.
enum virDomainMemoryFailureActionType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_MEMORY_FAILURE_ACTION_IGNORE | = | 0 (0x0) | the memory failure could be ignored. This will only be the case for action-optional failures. |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_MEMORY_FAILURE_ACTION_INJECT | = | 1 (0x1) | memory failure occurred in guest memory, the guest enabled MCE handling mechanism, and hypervisor could inject the MCE into the guest successfully. |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_MEMORY_FAILURE_ACTION_FATAL | = | 2 (0x2) | the failure is unrecoverable. This occurs for action-required failures if the recipient is the hypervisor; hypervisor will exit. |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_MEMORY_FAILURE_ACTION_RESET | = | 3 (0x3) | the failure is unrecoverable but confined to the guest. This occurs if the recipient is a guest which is not ready to handle memory failures. |
¶enum virDomainMemoryFailureFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_FAILURE_ACTION_REQUIRED | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | whether a memory failure event is action-required or action-optional (e.g. a failure during memory scrub). |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_FAILURE_RECURSIVE | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | whether the failure occurred while the previous failure was still in progress. |
¶Recipient of a memory failure event.
enum virDomainMemoryFailureRecipientType {
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_MEMORY_FAILURE_RECIPIENT_HYPERVISOR | = | 0 (0x0) | memory failure at hypersivor memory address space |
VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_MEMORY_FAILURE_RECIPIENT_GUEST | = | 1 (0x1) | memory failure at guest memory address space |
¶Memory peeking flags.
enum virDomainMemoryFlags {
VIR_MEMORY_VIRTUAL | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | addresses are virtual addresses |
VIR_MEMORY_PHYSICAL | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | addresses are physical addresses |
¶Memory size modification flags.
enum virDomainMemoryModFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_MEM_MAXIMUM | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | affect Max rather than current |
¶typedef virDomainMemoryStatStruct * virDomainMemoryStatPtr;
¶struct virDomainMemoryStatStruct {
int | tag | |
unsigned long long | val |
¶These represent values from inside of the guest (e.g. the same value would be read from '/proc/meminfo' and/or other files from inside the guest).
enum virDomainMemoryStatTags {
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_SWAP_IN | = | 0 (0x0) | The total amount of data read from swap space (in kB). |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_SWAP_OUT | = | 1 (0x1) | The total amount of memory written out to swap space (in kB). |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_MAJOR_FAULT | = | 2 (0x2) | Page faults occur when a process makes a valid access to virtual memory that is not available. When servicing the page fault, if disk IO is required, it is considered a major fault. If not, it is a minor fault. These are expressed as the number of faults that have occurred. |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_UNUSED | = | 4 (0x4) | The amount of memory left completely unused by the system. Memory that is available but used for reclaimable caches should NOT be reported as free. This value is expressed in kB. |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_AVAILABLE | = | 5 (0x5) | The total amount of usable memory as seen by the domain. This value may be less than the amount of memory assigned to the domain if a balloon driver is in use or if the guest OS does not initialize all assigned pages. This value is expressed in kB. |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_ACTUAL_BALLOON | = | 6 (0x6) | Current balloon value (in KB). |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_RSS | = | 7 (0x7) | Resident Set Size of the process running the domain. This value is in kB |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_USABLE | = | 8 (0x8) | How much the balloon can be inflated without pushing the guest system to swap, corresponds to 'Available' in /proc/meminfo |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_LAST_UPDATE | = | 9 (0x9) | Timestamp of the last update of statistics, in seconds. |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_DISK_CACHES | = | 10 (0xa) | The amount of memory, that can be quickly reclaimed without additional I/O (in kB). Typically these pages are used for caching files from disk. |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_HUGETLB_PGALLOC | = | 11 (0xb) | The number of successful huge page allocations from inside the domain via virtio balloon. |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_HUGETLB_PGFAIL | = | 12 (0xc) | The number of failed huge page allocations from inside the domain via virtio balloon. |
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_NR | = | 13 (0xd) | The number of statistics supported by this version of the interface. To add new statistics, add them to the enum and increase this value. |
¶enum virDomainMessageType {
VIR_DOMAIN_MESSAGE_DEPRECATION | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | |
VIR_DOMAIN_MESSAGE_TAINTING | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | |
VIR_DOMAIN_MESSAGE_IOERRORS | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Report available stored I/O errors messages for disk images |
¶enum virDomainMetadataType {
VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_DESCRIPTION | = | 0 (0x0) | Operate on <description> |
VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_TITLE | = | 1 (0x1) | Operate on <title> |
VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_ELEMENT | = | 2 (0x2) | Operate on <metadata> |
¶Domain migration flags.
enum virDomainMigrateFlags {
VIR_MIGRATE_LIVE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Do not pause the domain during migration. The domain's memory will be transferred to the destination host while the domain is running. The migration may never converge if the domain is changing its memory faster then it can be transferred. The domain can be manually paused anytime during migration using virDomainSuspend. |
VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Tell the source libvirtd to connect directly to the destination host. Without this flag the client (e.g., virsh) connects to both hosts and controls the migration process. In peer-to-peer mode, the source libvirtd controls the migration by calling the destination daemon directly. |
VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Tunnel migration data over libvirtd connection. Without this flag the source hypervisor sends migration data directly to the destination hypervisor. This flag can only be used when VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER is set as well. Note the less-common spelling that we're stuck with: VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED should be VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELED. |
VIR_MIGRATE_PERSIST_DEST | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | Define the domain as persistent on the destination host after successful migration. If the domain was persistent on the source host and VIR_MIGRATE_UNDEFINE_SOURCE is not used, it will end up persistent on both hosts. Note: If VIR_MIGRATE_PERSIST_DEST flag is used together with the VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_XML migration parameter which supplies an updated definition for the destination host it's required to supply also VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_PERSIST_XML updated the same way. Otherwise the persistent definition on the destination will not contain the updates. The VIR_MIGRATE_PERSIST_DEST flag should not be used with the "xmlin" parameter of older APIs as that way an updated persistent XML can't be supplied and thus the persistent definition will likely be incorrect as it will be based on the persistent definition on the source of the migration. |
VIR_MIGRATE_UNDEFINE_SOURCE | = | 16 (0x10; 1 << 4) | Undefine the domain on the source host once migration successfully finishes. |
VIR_MIGRATE_PAUSED | = | 32 (0x20; 1 << 5) | Leave the domain suspended on the destination host. virDomainResume (on the virDomainPtr returned by the migration API) has to be called explicitly to resume domain's virtual CPUs. |
VIR_MIGRATE_NON_SHARED_DISK | = | 64 (0x40; 1 << 6) | Migrate full disk images in addition to domain's memory. By default only non-shared non-readonly disk images are transferred. The VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_MIGRATE_DISKS parameter can be used to specify which disks should be migrated. This flag and VIR_MIGRATE_NON_SHARED_INC are mutually exclusive. |
VIR_MIGRATE_NON_SHARED_INC | = | 128 (0x80; 1 << 7) | Migrate disk images in addition to domain's memory. This is similar to VIR_MIGRATE_NON_SHARED_DISK, but only the top level of each disk's backing chain is copied. That is, the rest of the backing chain is expected to be present on the destination and to be exactly the same as on the source host. This flag and VIR_MIGRATE_NON_SHARED_DISK are mutually exclusive. |
VIR_MIGRATE_CHANGE_PROTECTION | = | 256 (0x100; 1 << 8) | Protect against domain configuration changes during the migration process. This flag is used automatically when both sides support it. Explicitly setting this flag will cause migration to fail if either the source or the destination does not support it. |
VIR_MIGRATE_UNSAFE | = | 512 (0x200; 1 << 9) | Force migration even if it is considered unsafe. In some cases libvirt may refuse to migrate the domain because doing so may lead to potential problems such as data corruption, and thus the migration is considered unsafe. For a QEMU domain this may happen if the domain uses disks without explicitly setting cache mode to "none". Migrating such domains is unsafe unless the disk images are stored on coherent clustered filesystem, such as GFS2 or GPFS. |
VIR_MIGRATE_OFFLINE | = | 1024 (0x400; 1 << 10) | Migrate a domain definition without starting the domain on the destination and without stopping it on the source host. Offline migration requires VIR_MIGRATE_PERSIST_DEST to be set. Offline migration may not copy disk storage or any other file based storage (such as UEFI variables). |
VIR_MIGRATE_COMPRESSED | = | 2048 (0x800; 1 << 11) | Compress migration data. The compression methods can be specified using VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_COMPRESSION. A hypervisor default method will be used if this parameter is omitted. Individual compression methods can be tuned via their specific VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_COMPRESSION_* parameters. |
VIR_MIGRATE_ABORT_ON_ERROR | = | 4096 (0x1000; 1 << 12) | Cancel migration if a soft error (such as I/O error) happens during migration. |
VIR_MIGRATE_AUTO_CONVERGE | = | 8192 (0x2000; 1 << 13) | Enable algorithms that ensure a live migration will eventually converge. This usually means the domain will be slowed down to make sure it does not change its memory faster than a hypervisor can transfer the changed memory to the destination host. VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_AUTO_CONVERGE_* parameters can be used to tune the algorithm. |
VIR_MIGRATE_RDMA_PIN_ALL | = | 16384 (0x4000; 1 << 14) | This flag can be used with RDMA migration (i.e., when VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI starts with "rdma://") to tell the hypervisor to pin all domain's memory at once before migration starts rather then letting it pin memory pages as needed. This means that all memory pages belonging to the domain will be locked in host's memory and the host will not be allowed to swap them out. For QEMU/KVM this requires hard_limit memory tuning element (in the domain XML) to be used and set to the maximum memory configured for the domain plus any memory consumed by the QEMU process itself. Beware of setting the memory limit too high (and thus allowing the domain to lock most of the host's memory). Doing so may be dangerous to both the domain and the host itself since the host's kernel may run out of memory. |
VIR_MIGRATE_POSTCOPY | = | 32768 (0x8000; 1 << 15) | Setting the VIR_MIGRATE_POSTCOPY flag tells libvirt to enable post-copy migration. However, the migration will start normally and virDomainMigrateStartPostCopy needs to be called to switch it into the post-copy mode. See virDomainMigrateStartPostCopy for more details. |
VIR_MIGRATE_TLS | = | 65536 (0x10000; 1 << 16) | Setting the VIR_MIGRATE_TLS flag will cause the migration to attempt to use the TLS environment configured by the hypervisor in order to perform the migration. If incorrectly configured on either source or destination, the migration will fail. |
VIR_MIGRATE_PARALLEL | = | 131072 (0x20000; 1 << 17) | Send memory pages to the destination host through several network connections. See VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_PARALLEL_* parameters for configuring the parallel migration. |
VIR_MIGRATE_NON_SHARED_SYNCHRONOUS_WRITES | = | 262144 (0x40000; 1 << 18) | Force the guest writes which happen when copying disk images for non-shared storage migration to be synchronously written to the destination. This ensures the storage migration converges for VMs doing heavy I/O on fast local storage and slow mirror. Requires one of VIR_MIGRATE_NON_SHARED_DISK, VIR_MIGRATE_NON_SHARED_INC to be present as well. |
VIR_MIGRATE_POSTCOPY_RESUME | = | 524288 (0x80000; 1 << 19) | Resume migration which failed in post-copy phase. |
VIR_MIGRATE_ZEROCOPY | = | 1048576 (0x100000; 1 << 20) | Use zero-copy mechanism for migrating memory pages. For QEMU/KVM this means QEMU will be temporarily allowed to lock all guest pages in host's memory, although only those that are queued for transfer will be locked at the same time. |
¶Domain migration speed flags.
enum virDomainMigrateMaxSpeedFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_MIGRATE_MAX_SPEED_POSTCOPY | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Set or get maximum speed of post-copy migration. |
¶Several modification APIs take flags to determine whether a change to the domain affects just the running instance, just the persistent definition, or both at the same time. The counterpart query APIs also take the same flags to determine whether to query the running instance or persistent definition, although both cannot be queried at once. The use of VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT will resolve to either VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG according to current domain state. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE requires a running domain, and VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG requires a persistent domain (whether or not it is running). These enums should not conflict with those of virTypedParameterFlags.
enum virDomainModificationImpact {
VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT | = | 0 (0x0) | Affect current domain state. |
VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Affect running domain state. |
VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Affect persistent domain state. 1 << 2 is reserved for virTypedParameterFlags |
¶enum virDomainNostateReason {
¶Representation of the various modes in the <numatune> element of a domain.
enum virDomainNumatuneMemMode {
VIR_DOMAIN_NUMATUNE_MEM_LAST | = | 4 (0x4) | This constant is subject to change |
¶enum virDomainPMSuspendedDiskReason {
¶enum virDomainPMSuspendedReason {
¶enum virDomainPausedReason {
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_UNKNOWN | = | 0 (0x0) | the reason is unknown |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_USER | = | 1 (0x1) | paused on user request |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_MIGRATION | = | 2 (0x2) | paused for offline migration |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_SAVE | = | 3 (0x3) | paused for save |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_DUMP | = | 4 (0x4) | paused for offline core dump |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_IOERROR | = | 5 (0x5) | paused due to a disk I/O error |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_WATCHDOG | = | 6 (0x6) | paused due to a watchdog event |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_FROM_SNAPSHOT | = | 7 (0x7) | paused after restoring from snapshot |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_SHUTTING_DOWN | = | 8 (0x8) | paused during shutdown process |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_SNAPSHOT | = | 9 (0x9) | paused while creating a snapshot |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_CRASHED | = | 10 (0xa) | paused due to a guest crash |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_STARTING_UP | = | 11 (0xb) | the domain is being started |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_POSTCOPY | = | 12 (0xc) | paused for post-copy migration |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_POSTCOPY_FAILED | = | 13 (0xd) | paused after failed post-copy |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_API_ERROR | = | 14 (0xe) | Some APIs (e.g., migration, snapshot) internally need to suspend a domain. This paused state reason is used when resume operation at the end of such API fails. |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_LAST | = | 15 (0xf) |
¶These just happen to match Linux signal numbers. The numbers will be mapped to whatever the SIGNUM is in the guest OS in question by the agent delivering the signal. The names are based on the POSIX / XSI signal standard though. Do not rely on all values matching Linux though. It is possible this enum might be extended with new signals which have no mapping in Linux.
enum virDomainProcessSignal {
¶typedef virDomain * virDomainPtr;
a virDomainPtr is pointer to a virDomain private structure, this is the type used to reference a domain in the API.
¶enum virDomainRebootFlagValues {
VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_DEFAULT | = | 0 (0x0) | hypervisor choice |
VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_ACPI_POWER_BTN | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Send ACPI event |
VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_GUEST_AGENT | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Use guest agent |
VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_INITCTL | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Use initctl |
VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_SIGNAL | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | Send a signal |
VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_PARAVIRT | = | 16 (0x10; 1 << 4) | Use paravirt guest control |
¶enum virDomainRunningReason {
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_BOOTED | = | 1 (0x1) | normal startup from boot |
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_MIGRATED | = | 2 (0x2) | migrated from another host |
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_RESTORED | = | 3 (0x3) | restored from a state file |
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_FROM_SNAPSHOT | = | 4 (0x4) | restored from snapshot |
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_UNPAUSED | = | 5 (0x5) | returned from paused state |
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_MIGRATION_CANCELED | = | 6 (0x6) | returned from migration |
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_SAVE_CANCELED | = | 7 (0x7) | returned from failed save process |
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_WAKEUP | = | 8 (0x8) | returned from pmsuspended due to wakeup event |
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_CRASHED | = | 9 (0x9) | resumed from crashed |
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_POSTCOPY | = | 10 (0xa) | running in post-copy migration mode |
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_POSTCOPY_FAILED | = | 11 (0xb) | running in failed post-copy migration |
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_LAST | = | 12 (0xc) |
¶enum virDomainSaveImageXMLFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_IMAGE_XML_SECURE | = | VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE | dump security sensitive information too |
¶Flags for use in virDomainSaveFlags(), virDomainManagedSave(), virDomainSaveParams(), virDomainRestoreParams(), virDomainRestoreFlags(), and virDomainSaveImageDefineXML(). Not all flags apply to all these functions.
enum virDomainSaveRestoreFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_BYPASS_CACHE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Avoid file system cache pollution |
VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RUNNING | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Favor running over paused |
VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Favor paused over running |
VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RESET_NVRAM | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | Re-initialize NVRAM from template |
¶enum virDomainSetTimeFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_TIME_SYNC | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Re-sync domain time from domain's RTC |
¶enum virDomainSetUserPasswordFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | the password is already encrypted |
¶enum virDomainShutdownFlagValues {
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT | = | 0 (0x0) | hypervisor choice |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_ACPI_POWER_BTN | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Send ACPI event |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_GUEST_AGENT | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | Use guest agent |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_INITCTL | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Use initctl |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_SIGNAL | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | Send a signal |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_PARAVIRT | = | 16 (0x10; 1 << 4) | Use paravirt guest control |
¶enum virDomainShutdownReason {
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_UNKNOWN | = | 0 (0x0) | the reason is unknown |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_USER | = | 1 (0x1) | shutting down on user request |
¶enum virDomainShutoffReason {
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_UNKNOWN | = | 0 (0x0) | the reason is unknown |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_SHUTDOWN | = | 1 (0x1) | normal shutdown |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_DESTROYED | = | 2 (0x2) | forced poweroff |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_CRASHED | = | 3 (0x3) | domain crashed |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_MIGRATED | = | 4 (0x4) | migrated to another host |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_SAVED | = | 5 (0x5) | saved to a file |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_FAILED | = | 6 (0x6) | domain failed to start |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_FROM_SNAPSHOT | = | 7 (0x7) | restored from a snapshot which was taken while domain was shutoff |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_DAEMON | = | 8 (0x8) | daemon decides to kill domain during reconnection processing |
¶A domain may be in different states at a given point in time
enum virDomainState {
VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE | = | 0 (0x0) | no state |
VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING | = | 1 (0x1) | the domain is running |
VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCKED | = | 2 (0x2) | the domain is blocked on resource |
VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED | = | 3 (0x3) | the domain is paused by user |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN | = | 4 (0x4) | the domain is being shut down |
VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF | = | 5 (0x5) | the domain is shut off |
VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED | = | 6 (0x6) | the domain is crashed |
VIR_DOMAIN_PMSUSPENDED | = | 7 (0x7) | the domain is suspended by guest power management |
VIR_DOMAIN_LAST | = | 8 (0x8) | NB: this enum value will increase over time as new states are added to the libvirt API. It reflects the last state supported by this version of the libvirt API. |
¶typedef virDomainStatsRecord * virDomainStatsRecordPtr;
¶enum virDomainStatsTypes {
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_STATE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | return domain state |
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_CPU_TOTAL | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | return domain CPU info |
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BALLOON | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | return domain balloon info |
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_VCPU | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | return domain virtual CPU info |
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_INTERFACE | = | 16 (0x10; 1 << 4) | return domain interfaces info |
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BLOCK | = | 32 (0x20; 1 << 5) | return domain block info |
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_PERF | = | 64 (0x40; 1 << 6) | return domain perf event info |
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_IOTHREAD | = | 128 (0x80; 1 << 7) | return iothread poll info |
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_MEMORY | = | 256 (0x100; 1 << 8) | return domain memory info |
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_DIRTYRATE | = | 512 (0x200; 1 << 9) | return domain dirty rate info |
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_VM | = | 1024 (0x400; 1 << 10) | return vm info |
¶enum virDomainUndefineFlagsValues {
VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_MANAGED_SAVE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | Also remove any managed save |
VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_SNAPSHOTS_METADATA | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | If last use of domain, then also remove any snapshot metadata |
VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_NVRAM | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Also remove any nvram file |
VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_KEEP_NVRAM | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | Keep nvram file |
VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_CHECKPOINTS_METADATA | = | 16 (0x10; 1 << 4) | If last use of domain, then also remove any checkpoint metadata |
VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_TPM | = | 32 (0x20; 1 << 5) | Also remove any TPM state |
VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_KEEP_TPM | = | 64 (0x40; 1 << 6) | Keep TPM state Future undefine control flags should come here. |
¶Flags for controlling virtual CPU hot-plugging.
enum virDomainVcpuFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_MAXIMUM | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | Max rather than current count |
VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_GUEST | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | Modify state of the cpu in the guest |
VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_HOTPLUGGABLE | = | 16 (0x10; 1 << 4) | Make vcpus added hot(un)pluggable |
¶Flags available for virDomainGetXMLDesc
enum virDomainXMLFlags {
VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE | = | 1 (0x1; 1 << 0) | dump security sensitive information too |
VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE | = | 2 (0x2; 1 << 1) | dump inactive domain information |
VIR_DOMAIN_XML_UPDATE_CPU | = | 4 (0x4; 1 << 2) | update guest CPU requirements according to host CPU |
VIR_DOMAIN_XML_MIGRATABLE | = | 8 (0x8; 1 << 3) | dump XML suitable for migration |
¶Enum to specify which keycode mapping is in use for virDomainSendKey().
enum virKeycodeSet {
VIR_KEYCODE_SET_LINUX | = | 0 (0x0) | |
VIR_KEYCODE_SET_XT | = | 1 (0x1) | |
VIR_KEYCODE_SET_ATSET1 | = | 2 (0x2) | |
VIR_KEYCODE_SET_ATSET2 | = | 3 (0x3) | |
VIR_KEYCODE_SET_ATSET3 | = | 4 (0x4) | |
VIR_KEYCODE_SET_OSX | = | 5 (0x5) | |
VIR_KEYCODE_SET_XT_KBD | = | 6 (0x6) | |
VIR_KEYCODE_SET_USB | = | 7 (0x7) | |
VIR_KEYCODE_SET_WIN32 | = | 8 (0x8) | |
VIR_KEYCODE_SET_QNUM | = | 9 (0x9) | |
VIR_KEYCODE_SET_LAST | = | 10 (0xa) | NB: this enum value will increase over time as new keycode sets are added to the libvirt API. It reflects the last keycode set supported by this version of the libvirt API. |
¶struct virMemoryParameter {
char field[VIR_TYPED_PARAM_FIELD_LENGTH] | field | parameter name | |||||||||||||||||||||
int | type | parameter type, virTypedParameterType | |||||||||||||||||||||
union { | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
} | value | parameter value |
¶typedef virMemoryParameter * virMemoryParameterPtr;
a virMemoryParameterPtr is a pointer to a virMemoryParameter structure. Provided for backwards compatibility; virTypedParameterPtr is the preferred alias.
¶A memory parameter field type. Provided for backwards compatibility; virTypedParameterType is the preferred enum
enum virMemoryParameterType {
¶struct virSchedParameter {
char field[VIR_TYPED_PARAM_FIELD_LENGTH] | field | parameter name | |||||||||||||||||||||
int | type | parameter type, virTypedParameterType | |||||||||||||||||||||
union { | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
} | value | parameter value |
¶typedef virSchedParameter * virSchedParameterPtr;
a virSchedParameterPtr is a pointer to a virSchedParameter structure. Provided for backwards compatibility; virTypedParameterPtr is the preferred alias since 0.9.2.
¶A scheduler parameter field type. Provided for backwards compatibility; virTypedParameterType is the preferred enum
enum virSchedParameterType {
¶enum virVcpuHostCpuState {
VIR_VCPU_INFO_CPU_UNAVAILABLE | = | -2 (-0x2) | the hypervisor does not expose real CPU information |
VIR_VCPU_INFO_CPU_OFFLINE | = | -1 (-0x1) | the vCPU is offline |
¶struct virVcpuInfo {
unsigned int | number | virtual CPU number |
int | state | value from virVcpuState |
unsigned long long | cpuTime | CPU time used, in nanoseconds |
int | cpu | real CPU number, or one of the values from virVcpuHostCpuState |
¶typedef virVcpuInfo * virVcpuInfoPtr;
¶structure for information about a virtual CPU in a domain.
enum virVcpuState {
VIR_VCPU_OFFLINE | = | 0 (0x0) | the virtual CPU is offline |
VIR_VCPU_RUNNING | = | 1 (0x1) | the virtual CPU is running |
VIR_VCPU_BLOCKED | = | 2 (0x2) | the virtual CPU is blocked on resource |
VIR_VCPU_LAST | = | 3 (0x3) |
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventAgentLifecycleCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int state, int reason, void * opaque)
This callback occurs when libvirt detects a change in the state of a guest agent.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_AGENT_LIFECYCLE with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventBalloonChangeCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, unsigned long long actual, void * opaque)
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BALLOON_CHANGE with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventBlockJobCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, int type, int status, void * opaque)
The string returned for disk
can be used in any of the libvirt API that operate on a particular disk of the domain, and depends on what event type was registered with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny(). If the callback was registered using the older type of VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_JOB, then disk
contains the absolute file name of the host resource for the active layer of the disk; however, this name is unstable (pivoting via block copy or active block commit will change which file is active, giving a different name for the two events associated with the same job) and cannot be relied on if the active layer is associated with a network resource. If the callback was registered using the newer type of VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_JOB_2, then disk
will contain the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda").
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventBlockThresholdCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, const char * dev, const char * path, unsigned long long threshold, unsigned long long excess, void * opaque)
The callback occurs when the hypervisor detects that the given storage element was written beyond the point specified by threshold
. The excess data size written beyond threshold
is reported by excess
(if supported by the hypervisor, 0 otherwise). The event is useful for thin-provisioned storage.
The threshold size can be set via the virDomainSetBlockThreshold API.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_THRESHOLD with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef int (*virConnectDomainEventCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int event, int detail, void * opaque)
A callback function to be registered, and called when a domain event occurs
¶int virConnectDomainEventDeregister (virConnectPtr conn, virConnectDomainEventCallback cb)
Removes a callback previously registered with the virConnectDomainEventRegister() function.
Use of this method is no longer recommended. Instead applications should try virConnectDomainEventDeregisterAny() which has a more flexible API contract
¶int virConnectDomainEventDeregisterAny (virConnectPtr conn, int callbackID)
Removes an event callback. The callbackID parameter should be the value obtained from a previous virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny() method.
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventDeviceAddedCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, const char * devAlias, void * opaque)
This callback occurs when a device is added to the domain.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DEVICE_ADDED with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventDeviceRemovalFailedCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, const char * devAlias, void * opaque)
This callback occurs when it's certain that removal of a device failed.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DEVICE_REMOVAL_FAILED with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny().
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventDeviceRemovedCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, const char * devAlias, void * opaque)
This callback occurs when a device is removed from the domain.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DEVICE_REMOVED with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventDiskChangeCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, const char * oldSrcPath, const char * newSrcPath, const char * devAlias, int reason, void * opaque)
This callback occurs when disk gets changed. However, not all reason
will cause both oldSrcPath
and newSrcPath
to be non-NULL. Please see virConnectDomainEventDiskChangeReason for more details.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DISK_CHANGE with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventGenericCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, void * opaque)
A generic domain event callback handler, for use with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny(). Specific events usually have a customization with extra parameters, often with opaque
being passed in a different parameter position; use VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK() when registering an appropriate handler.
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventGraphicsCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int phase, const virDomainEventGraphicsAddress * local, const virDomainEventGraphicsAddress * remote, const char * authScheme, const virDomainEventGraphicsSubject * subject, void * opaque)
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_GRAPHICS with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventIOErrorCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, const char * srcPath, const char * devAlias, int action, void * opaque)
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_IO_ERROR with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventIOErrorReasonCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, const char * srcPath, const char * devAlias, int action, const char * reason, void * opaque)
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_IO_ERROR_REASON with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
Although reason
is a string, it is considered to be an enumeration of the following values:
- "" (empty string): unknown I/O error reason - "enospc": The I/O error is known to be caused by an ENOSPC condition in the host. Resizing the disk source to be larger will allow the guest to be resumed as if nothing happened. - "message": The hypervisor reported a string description of the I/O error. The errors are usually logged into the domain log file or the last instance of the error string can be queried via virDomainGetMessages().
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventJobCompletedCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, void * opaque)
This callback occurs when a job (such as migration or backup) running on the domain is completed.
The params array will contain statistics of the just completed job as virDomainGetJobStats would return. The callback must not free params
(the array will be freed once the callback finishes).
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_JOB_COMPLETED with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny().
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventMemoryDeviceSizeChangeCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, const char * alias, unsigned long long size, void * opaque)
The callback occurs when the guest acknowledges request to change size of memory device (so far only virtio-mem model supports this). The size
then reflects the new amount of guest visible memory (in kibibytes).
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_MEMORY_DEVICE_SIZE_CHANGE with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny().
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventMemoryFailureCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int recipient, int action, unsigned int flags, void * opaque)
The callback occurs when the hypervisor handles the hardware memory corrupted event.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_MEMORY_FAILURE with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventMetadataChangeCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int type, const char * nsuri, void * opaque)
This callback is triggered when the domain XML metadata is changed
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_METADATA_CHANGE with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny().
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventMigrationIterationCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int iteration, void * opaque)
This callback occurs during live migration when a new iteration over domain's memory starts. The iteration
value is increased by one every time a new iteration is started to transfer memory pages dirtied since the last iteration.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_MIGRATION_ITERATION with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny().
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventPMSuspendCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int reason, void * opaque)
This callback occurs when the guest is suspended.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_PMSUSPEND with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventPMSuspendDiskCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int reason, void * opaque)
This callback occurs when the guest is suspended to disk.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_PMSUSPEND_DISK with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventPMWakeupCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int reason, void * opaque)
This callback occurs when the guest is woken up.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_PMWAKEUP with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventRTCChangeCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, long long utcoffset, void * opaque)
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_RTC_CHANGE with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶int virConnectDomainEventRegister (virConnectPtr conn, virConnectDomainEventCallback cb, void * opaque, virFreeCallback freecb)
Adds a callback to receive notifications of domain lifecycle events occurring on a connection. This function requires that an event loop has been previously registered with virEventRegisterImpl() or virEventRegisterDefaultImpl().
Use of this method is no longer recommended. Instead applications should try virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny() which has a more flexible API contract.
The virDomainPtr object handle passed into the callback upon delivery of an event is only valid for the duration of execution of the callback. If the callback wishes to keep the domain object after the callback returns, it shall take a reference to it, by calling virDomainRef. The reference can be released once the object is no longer required by calling virDomainFree.
Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-domains | - |
Object | Permission |
domain | getattr |
¶int virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int eventID, virConnectDomainEventGenericCallback cb, void * opaque, virFreeCallback freecb)
Adds a callback to receive notifications of arbitrary domain events occurring on a domain. This function requires that an event loop has been previously registered with virEventRegisterImpl() or virEventRegisterDefaultImpl().
If dom
is NULL, then events will be monitored for any domain. If dom
is non-NULL, then only the specific domain will be monitored.
Most types of event have a callback providing a custom set of parameters for the event. When registering an event, it is thus necessary to use the VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_CALLBACK() macro to cast the supplied function pointer to match the signature of this method.
The virDomainPtr object handle passed into the callback upon delivery of an event is only valid for the duration of execution of the callback. If the callback wishes to keep the domain object after the callback returns, it shall take a reference to it, by calling virDomainRef(). The reference can be released once the object is no longer required by calling virDomainFree().
The return value from this method is a non-negative integer identifier for the callback. To unregister a callback, this callback ID should be passed to the virConnectDomainEventDeregisterAny() method.
Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-domains | - |
Object | Permission |
domain | getattr |
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventTrayChangeCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, const char * devAlias, int reason, void * opaque)
This callback occurs when the tray of a removable device is moved.
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_TRAY_CHANGE with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventTunableCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, void * opaque)
This callback occurs when tunable values are updated. The params must not be freed in the callback handler as it's done internally after the callback handler is executed.
Currently supported name spaces: "cputune.*" "blkdeviotune.*"
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_TUNABLE with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶typedef void (*virConnectDomainEventWatchdogCallback) (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr dom, int action, void * opaque)
The callback signature to use when registering for an event of type VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_WATCHDOG with virConnectDomainEventRegisterAny()
¶char * virConnectDomainXMLFromNative (virConnectPtr conn, const char * nativeFormat, const char * nativeConfig, unsigned int flags)
Reads native configuration data describing a domain, and generates libvirt domain XML. The format of the native data is hypervisor dependent.
¶char * virConnectDomainXMLToNative (virConnectPtr conn, const char * nativeFormat, const char * domainXml, unsigned int flags)
Reads a domain XML configuration document, and generates a native configuration file describing the domain. The format of the native data is hypervisor dependent.
Note that certain hypervisor drivers such as the QEMU driver configure many aspects of the domain dynamically via hypervisor APIs and that may not be part of the returned native configuration format. Similarly certain resources are passed to the hypervisor via file descriptors, which are not part of the native configuration returned by this API. Such configuration is thus not trivially usable outside of libvirt.
¶int virConnectGetAllDomainStats (virConnectPtr conn, unsigned int stats, virDomainStatsRecordPtr ** retStats, unsigned int flags)
Query statistics for all domains on a given connection.
Report statistics of various parameters for a running VM according to stats
field. The statistics are returned as an array of structures for each queried domain. The structure contains an array of typed parameters containing the individual statistics. The typed parameter name for each statistic field consists of a dot-separated string containing name of the requested group followed by a group specific description of the statistic value.
The statistic groups are enabled using the stats
parameter which is a binary-OR of enum virDomainStatsTypes. The following groups are available (although not necessarily implemented for each hypervisor):
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_STATE: Return domain state and reason for entering that state. The VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_STATE_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_CPU_TOTAL: Return CPU statistics and usage information. The VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_CPU_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BALLOON: Return memory balloon device information. The VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BALLOON_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_VCPU: Return virtual CPU statistics. The VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_VCPU_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
This group of statistics also reports additional hypervisor-originating per-vCPU stats. The hypervisor-specific statistics in this group have the following naming scheme: "vcpu.<num>.$NAME.$TYPE" Where $NAME is an arbitrary choice of the hypervisor driver, for which no API constants are defined. The $TYPE values are defined by VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_CUSTOM_TYPE_* constants. The returned value may be either an unsigned long long or a boolean. Meaning is hypervisor specific. Please see the disclaimer for the VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_VM group below.
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_INTERFACE: Return network interface statistics (from domain point of view). The VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_NET_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BLOCK: Return block devices statistics. By default, this information is limited to the active layer of each <disk> of the domain (where block.count is equal to the number of disks), but adding VIR_CONNECT_GET_ALL_DOMAINS_STATS_BACKING to flags
will expand the array to cover backing chains (block.count corresponds to the number of host resources used together to provide the guest disks). The VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BLOCK_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_PERF: Return perf event statistics. The VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_PERF_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_IOTHREAD: Return IOThread statistics if available. IOThread polling is a timing mechanism that allows the hypervisor to generate a longer period of time in which the guest will perform operations on the CPU being used by the IOThread. The higher the value for poll-max-ns the longer the guest will keep the CPU. This may affect other host threads using the CPU. The poll-grow and poll-shrink values allow the hypervisor to generate a mechanism to add or remove polling time within the confines of 0 and poll-max-ns. For QEMU, the poll-grow is multiplied by the polling interval, while poll-shrink is used as a divisor. When not provided, QEMU may double the polling time until poll-max-ns is reached. When poll-shrink is 0 (zero) QEMU may reset the polling interval to 0 until it finds its "sweet spot". Setting poll-grow too large may cause frequent fluctuation of the time; however, this can be tempered by a high poll-shrink to reduce the polling interval. For example, a poll-grow of 3 will triple the polling time which could quickly exceed poll-max-ns; however, a poll-shrink of 10 would cut that polling time more gradually.
The VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_IOTHREAD_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_MEMORY: Return memory bandwidth statistics and the usage information. The typed parameter keys are in this format: The VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_MEMORY_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_DIRTYRATE: Return memory dirty rate information. The VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_DIRTYRATE_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_VM: Return hypervisor-specific statistics. Note that the naming and meaning of the fields is entirely hypervisor dependent.
The statistics in this group have the following naming scheme: "vm.$NAME.$TYPE" Where $NAME is an arbitrary choice of the hypervisor driver, for which no API constants are defined. The $TYPE values are defined by VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_CUSTOM_TYPE_* constants. The returned value may be either an unsigned long long or a boolean. WARNING: The stats reported in this group are runtime-collected and hypervisor originated, thus fall outside of the usual stable API policies of libvirt. Libvirt can't guarantee that the statistics reported from the outside source will be present in further versions of the hypervisor, or that naming or meaning will stay consistent. Changes to existing fields, however, are expected to be rare.
Note that entire stats groups or individual stat fields may be missing from the output in case they are not supported by the given hypervisor, are not applicable for the current state of the guest domain, or their retrieval was not successful.
Using 0 for stats
returns all stats groups supported by the given hypervisor.
makes the function return error in case some of the stat types in stats
were not recognized by the daemon. However, even with this flag, a hypervisor may omit individual fields within a known group if the information is not available; as an extreme example, a supported group may produce zero fields for offline domains if the statistics are meaningful only for a running domain.
means when libvirt is unable to fetch stats for any of the domains (for whatever reason) only a subset of statistics is returned for the domain. That subset being statistics that don't involve querying the underlying hypervisor.
Similarly to virConnectListAllDomains, flags
can contain various flags to filter the list of domains to provide stats for.
To filter the list of VMs by domain state flags
In a number of cases the parameters returned are representing arrays of data items. In these cases multiple VIR_DOMAIN_STATS* constants will need to be concatenated to form a complete typed parameter key. The design pattern for handling array entries is as follows
Defines the upper limit on the number of elements that will be returned. In some cases the array information may be sparsely populated, so it is not considered an error if a given element does not exist. Applications should check for each possible element upto the declared limit.
Defines the prefix to be used to construct the typed parameter key for an array element, including the trailing '.'. The prefix must have an array index appended, along with a suffix.
Defines the suffix for accessing a particular data item within the array element, including the leading '.'. The suffix must have an array prefix and index prepended.
As an example, assuming a printf-like formatting approach an application would construct a key as follows:
Which, when index==3, would result in the key "cpu.cache.monitor.3.vcpus"
In some cases there may be nested arrays, in which case the key is formed by concatenating multiple prefixes and suffixes with mutliple array indexes. For example:
Which, when monindex==3 and bankindex==7, would result in the key "".
NB, for the VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_* constants, if the `Since` tag is set to `11.2.0` this is usually representing the release when the constant was first introduced to the public API. Most of these typed parameter keys will have been introduced in earlier libvirt releases, prior to the definition of the constants.
parameter. The returned array should be freed by the caller. See virDomainStatsRecordListFree.Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-domains | - |
Object | Permission |
domain | read |
¶char * virConnectGetDomainCapabilities (virConnectPtr conn, const char * emulatorbin, const char * arch, const char * machine, const char * virttype, unsigned int flags)
Prior creating a domain (for instance via virDomainCreateXML or virDomainDefineXML) it may be suitable to know what the underlying emulator and/or libvirt is capable of. For instance, if host, libvirt and qemu is capable of VFIO passthrough and so on.
¶int virConnectListAllDomains (virConnectPtr conn, virDomainPtr ** domains, unsigned int flags)
Collect a possibly-filtered list of all domains, and return an allocated array of information for each. This API solves the race inherent in virConnectListDomains() and virConnectListDefinedDomains().
Normally, all domains are returned; however, flags
can be used to filter the results for a smaller list of targeted domains. The valid flags are divided into groups, where each group contains bits that describe mutually exclusive attributes of a domain, and where all bits within a group describe all possible domains. Some hypervisors might reject explicit bits from a group where the hypervisor cannot make a distinction (for example, not all hypervisors can tell whether domains have snapshots). For a group supported by a given hypervisor, the behavior when no bits of a group are set is identical to the behavior when all bits in that group are set. When setting bits from more than one group, it is possible to select an impossible combination (such as an inactive transient domain), in that case a hypervisor may return either 0 or an error.
The first group of flags
The next group of flags
is VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_PERSISTENT (defined domains) and VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_TRANSIENT (running but not defined).
The next group of flags
covers various domain states: VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_RUNNING, VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_PAUSED, VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_SHUTOFF, and a catch-all for all other states (such as crashed, this catch-all covers the possibility of adding new states).
The remaining groups cover boolean attributes commonly asked about domains; they include VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_MANAGEDSAVE and VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_NO_MANAGEDSAVE, for filtering based on whether a managed save image exists; VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_AUTOSTART and VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_NO_AUTOSTART, for filtering based on autostart; VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_HAS_SNAPSHOT and VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_NO_SNAPSHOT, for filtering based on whether a domain has snapshots; VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_HAS_CHECKPOINT and VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_NO_CHECKPOINT, for filtering based on whether a domain has checkpoints.
Example of usage:
virDomainPtr *domains; size_t i; int ret; unsigned int flags = VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_RUNNING | VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_PERSISTENT; ret = virConnectListAllDomains(conn, &domains, flags); if (ret < 0) error(); for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) { do_something_with_domain(domains[i]); //here or in a separate loop if needed virDomainFree(domains[i]); } free(domains);
is guaranteed to have an extra allocated element set to NULL but not included in the return count, to make iteration easier. The caller is responsible for calling virDomainFree() on each array element, then calling free() on domains
.Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-domains | - |
Object | Permission |
domain | getattr |
¶int virConnectListDefinedDomains (virConnectPtr conn, char ** const names, int maxnames)
list the defined but inactive domains, stores the pointers to the names in names
The use of this function is discouraged. Instead, use virConnectListAllDomains().
. The client must call free() on each returned name.Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-domains | - |
Object | Permission |
domain | getattr |
¶int virConnectListDomains (virConnectPtr conn, int * ids, int maxids)
Collect the list of active domains, and store their IDs in array ids
The use of this function is discouraged. Instead, use virConnectListAllDomains().
.Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-domains | - |
Object | Permission |
domain | getattr |
¶int virConnectNumOfDefinedDomains (virConnectPtr conn)
Provides the number of defined but inactive domains.
Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-domains | - |
Object | Permission |
domain | getattr |
¶int virConnectNumOfDomains (virConnectPtr conn)
Provides the number of active domains.
Object | Permission | Condition |
connect | search-domains | - |
Object | Permission |
domain | getattr |
¶int virDomainAbortJob (virDomainPtr domain)
Requests that the current background job be aborted at the soonest opportunity. In case the job is a migration in a post-copy mode, virDomainAbortJob will report an error (see virDomainMigrateStartPostCopy for more details).
¶int virDomainAbortJobFlags (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Requests that the current background job be aborted at the soonest opportunity. In case the job is a migration in a post-copy mode, this function will report an error unless VIR_DOMAIN_ABORT_JOB_POSTCOPY flag is used (see virDomainMigrateStartPostCopy for more details).
¶int virDomainAddIOThread (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int iothread_id, unsigned int flags)
Dynamically add an IOThread to the domain. It is left up to the underlying virtual hypervisor to determine the valid range for an iothread_id
and determining whether the iothread_id
already exists.
Note that this call can fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it or if growing the number is arbitrarily limited. This function requires privileged access to the hypervisor.
may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG. Both flags may be set. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE is set, the change affects a running domain and may fail if domain is not alive. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG is set, the change affects persistent state, and will fail for transient domains. If neither flag is specified (that is, flags
is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainAgentSetResponseTimeout (virDomainPtr domain, int timeout, unsigned int flags)
Set how long to wait for a response from guest agent commands. By default, agent commands block forever waiting for a response.
must be a value from virDomainAgentResponseTimeoutValues or positive:
VIR_DOMAIN_AGENT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_BLOCK(-2): meaning to block forever waiting for a result. VIR_DOMAIN_AGENT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT(-1): use default timeout value. VIR_DOMAIN_AGENT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_NOWAIT(0): does not wait. positive value: wait for @timeout seconds
In all guest-agent based APIs when a timeout happens if an actual command was send to the guest agent the returned error code will be VIR_ERR_AGENT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT.
¶int virDomainAttachDevice (virDomainPtr domain, const char * xml)
Create a virtual device attachment to backend. This function, having hotplug semantics, is only allowed on an active domain.
For compatibility, this method can also be used to change the media in an existing CDROM/Floppy device, however, applications are recommended to use the virDomainUpdateDeviceFlags method instead.
Be aware that hotplug changes might not persist across a domain going into S4 state (also known as hibernation) unless you also modify the persistent domain definition.
¶int virDomainAttachDeviceFlags (virDomainPtr domain, const char * xml, unsigned int flags)
Attach a virtual device to a domain, using the flags parameter to control how the device is attached. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT specifies that the device allocation is made based on current domain state. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE specifies that the device shall be allocated to the active domain instance only and is not added to the persisted domain configuration. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG specifies that the device shall be allocated to the persisted domain configuration only. Note that the target hypervisor must return an error if unable to satisfy flags. E.g. the hypervisor driver will return failure if LIVE is specified but it only supports modifying the persisted device allocation.
For compatibility, this method can also be used to change the media in an existing CDROM/Floppy device, however, applications are recommended to use the virDomainUpdateDeviceFlag method instead.
Be aware that hotplug changes might not persist across a domain going into S4 state (also known as hibernation) unless you also modify the persistent domain definition.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainAuthorizedSSHKeysGet (virDomainPtr domain, const char * user, char *** keys, unsigned int flags)
For given user
in domain
fetch list of public SSH authorized keys and store them into keys
array which is allocated upon successful return and is NULL terminated. The caller is responsible for freeing keys
when no longer needed.
Keys are in OpenSSH format (see sshd(8)) but from libvirt's point of view are opaque strings, i.e. not interpreted.
Please note that some hypervisors may require guest agent to be configured and running in order to be able to run this API.
, -1 otherwise.virDomainAuthorizedSSHKeysSet
¶int virDomainAuthorizedSSHKeysSet (virDomainPtr domain, const char * user, const char ** keys, unsigned int nkeys, unsigned int flags)
For given user
in domain
set keys
in authorized keys file. Any previous content of the file is overwritten with new keys. That is, if this API is called with nkeys
= 0, keys
= NULL and flags
= 0 then the authorized keys file for user
is cleared out.
Keys are in OpenSSH format (see sshd(8)) but from libvirt's point of view are opaque strings, i.e. not interpreted.
If VIR_DOMAIN_AUTHORIZED_SSH_KEYS_SET_APPEND flag is set then the file is not overwritten and new keys
are appended instead.
If VIR_DOMAIN_AUTHORIZED_SSH_KEYS_SET_REMOVE flag is set then instead of adding any new keys, provided keys
are removed from the file. It's not considered error if the key doesn't exist.
Please note that some hypervisors may require guest agent to be configured and running in order to be able to run this API.
¶int virDomainBackupBegin (virDomainPtr domain, const char * backupXML, const char * checkpointXML, unsigned int flags)
Start a point-in-time backup job for the specified disks of a running domain.
A backup job is a domain job and thus mutually exclusive with any other domain job such as migration.
For now, backup jobs are also mutually exclusive with any other block job on the same device, although this restriction may be lifted in a future release. Progress of the backup job can be tracked via virDomainGetJobStats(). Completion of the job is also announced asynchronously via VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_JOB_COMPLETED event.
There are two fundamental backup approaches. The first, called a push model, instructs the hypervisor to copy the state of the guest disk to the designated storage destination (which may be on the local file system or a network device). In this mode, the hypervisor writes the content of the guest disk to the destination, then emits VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_JOB_COMPLETED when the backup is either complete or failed (the backup image is invalid if the job fails or virDomainAbortJob() is used prior to the event being emitted). This kind of the job finishes automatically. Users can determine success by using virDomainGetJobStats() with VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_STATS_COMPLETED flag.
The second, called a pull model, instructs the hypervisor to expose the state of the guest disk over an NBD export. A third-party client can then connect to this export and read whichever portions of the disk it desires. In this mode libvirt has to be informed via virDomainAbortJob() when the third-party NBD client is done and the backup resources can be released.
The backupXML
parameter contains details about the backup in the top-level element <domainbackup>, including which backup mode to use, whether the backup is incremental from a previous checkpoint, which disks participate in the backup, the destination for a push model backup, and the temporary storage and NBD server details for a pull model backup.
virDomainBackupGetXMLDesc() can be called to learn actual values selected. For more information, see
The checkpointXML
parameter is optional; if non-NULL, then libvirt behaves as if virDomainCheckpointCreateXML() were called to create a checkpoint atomically covering the same point in time as the backup.
The VIR_DOMAIN_BACKUP_BEGIN_REUSE_EXTERNAL specifies that the output or temporary files described by the backupXML
document were created by the caller with correct format and size to hold the backup or temporary data.
The creation of a new checkpoint allows for future incremental backups. Note that some hypervisors may require a particular disk format, such as qcow2, in order to take advantage of checkpoints, while allowing arbitrary formats if checkpoints are not involved.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | checkpoint | - |
domain | block-write | - |
¶char * virDomainBackupGetXMLDesc (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Queries the configuration of the active backup job.
In some cases, a user can start a backup job without supplying all details and rely on libvirt to fill in the rest (for example, selecting the port used for an NBD export). This API can then be used to learn what default values were chosen.
¶int virDomainBlockCommit (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, const char * base, const char * top, unsigned long bandwidth, unsigned int flags)
Commit changes that were made to temporary top-level files within a disk image backing file chain into a lower-level base file. In other words, take all the difference between base
and top
, and update base
to contain that difference; after the commit, any portion of the chain that previously depended on top
will now depend on base
, and all files after base
up to and including top
will now be invalidated. A typical use of this command is to reduce the length of a backing file chain after taking an external disk snapshot. To move data in the opposite direction, see virDomainBlockPull().
This command starts a long-running commit block job, whose status may be tracked by virDomainBlockJobInfo() with a job type of VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_COMMIT, and the operation can be aborted with virDomainBlockJobAbort(). When finished, an asynchronous event is raised to indicate the final status, and the job no longer exists. If the job is aborted, it is up to the hypervisor whether starting a new job will resume from the same point, or start over.
As a special case, if top
is the active image (or NULL), and flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_ACTIVE, the block job will have a type of VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_ACTIVE_COMMIT, and operates in two phases. In the first phase, the contents are being committed into base
, and the job can only be canceled. The job transitions to the second phase when the block job event with state VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_READY is emitted for the given device. This information is also visible in the live XML as 'ready="yes"' attribute of the corresponding <mirror> element. Once in the second phase, the user must choose whether to cancel the job (keeping top
as the active image, but now containing only the changes since the time the job ended) or to pivot the job (adjusting to base
as the active image, and invalidating top
Be aware that this command may invalidate files even if it is aborted; the user is cautioned against relying on the contents of invalidated intermediate files such as top
(when top
is not the active image) without manually rebasing those files to use a backing file of a read-only copy of base
prior to the point where the commit operation was started (and such a rebase cannot be safely done until the commit has successfully completed). However, the domain itself will not have any issues; the active layer remains valid throughout the entire commit operation.
Some hypervisors may support a shortcut where if flags
contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_DELETE, then this command will unlink all files that were invalidated, after the commit successfully completes.
If flags
contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_RELATIVE, the name recorded into the overlay of the top
image (if there is such image) as the path to the new backing file will be kept relative to other images. The operation will fail if libvirt can't infer the name.
By default, if base
is NULL, the commit target will be the bottom of the backing chain; if flags
contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_SHALLOW, then the immediate backing file of top
will be used instead. If top
is NULL, the active image at the top of the chain will be used. Some hypervisors place restrictions on how much can be committed, and might fail if base
is not the immediate backing file of top
, or if top
is the active layer in use by a running domain but flags
did not include VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COMMIT_ACTIVE, or if top
is not the top-most file; restrictions may differ for online vs. offline domains.
The disk
parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk.
The base
and top
parameters can be either paths to files within the backing chain, or the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda") followed by an index to the backing chain enclosed in square brackets. Backing chain indexes can be found by inspecting //disk//backingStore///disk//backingStore/index
in the domain XML. Thus, for example, "vda[3]" refers to the backing store with index equal to "3" in the chain of disk "vda".
The maximum bandwidth that will be used to do the commit can be specified with the bandwidth
parameter. If set to 0, there is no limit. If flags
is in bytes/second; otherwise, it is in MiB/second. Values larger than 2^52 bytes/sec may be rejected due to overflow considerations based on the word size of both client and server, and values larger than 2^31 bytes/sec may cause overflow problems if later queried by virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() without scaling. Hypervisors may further restrict the range of valid bandwidth values. Some hypervisors do not support this feature and will return an error if bandwidth is not 0; in this case, it might still be possible for a later call to virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed() to succeed. The actual speed can be determined with virDomainGetBlockJobInfo().
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | block-write | - |
¶int virDomainBlockCopy (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, const char * destxml, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Copy the guest-visible contents of a disk image to a new file described by destxml
. The destination XML has a top-level element of <disk>, and resembles what is used when hot-plugging a disk via virDomainAttachDevice(), except that only sub-elements related to describing the new host resource are necessary (sub-elements related to the guest view, such as <target>, are ignored). It is strongly recommended to include a <driver type='...'/> format designation for the destination, to avoid the potential of any security problem that might be caused by probing a file for its format.
This command starts a long-running copy. By default, the copy will pull the entire source chain into the destination file, but if flags
also contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_SHALLOW, then only the top of the source chain will be copied (the source and destination have a common backing file). The format of the destination file is controlled by the <driver> sub-element of the XML. The destination will be created unless the VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_REUSE_EXT flag is present stating that the file was pre-created with the correct format and metadata and sufficient size to hold the copy. In case the VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_SHALLOW flag is used the pre-created file has to exhibit the same guest visible contents as the backing file of the original image. This allows a management app to pre-create files with relative backing file names, rather than the default of absolute backing file names.
A copy job has two parts; in the first phase, the source is copied into the destination, and the job can only be canceled by reverting to the source file; progress in this phase can be tracked via the virDomainBlockJobInfo() command, with a job type of VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_COPY. The job transitions to the second phase when the block job event with state VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_READY is emitted for the given device. This information is also visible in the live XML as 'ready="yes"' attribute of the corresponding <mirror> element. All further changes are saved to both source and destination. The user must call virDomainBlockJobAbort() to end the mirroring while choosing whether to revert to source or pivot to the destination. An event is issued when the job ends, and depending on the hypervisor, an event may also be issued when the job transitions from pulling to mirroring. If the job is aborted, a new job will have to start over from the beginning of the first phase.
Some hypervisors will restrict certain actions, such as virDomainSave() or virDomainDetachDevice(), while a copy job is active; they may also restrict a copy job to transient domains.
If flags
contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_TRANSIENT_JOB the job will not be recoverable if the VM is turned off while job is active. This flag will remove the restriction of copy jobs to transient domains. Note that this flag is automatically implied if the VM is transient at the time it's started.
If flags
contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_SYNCHRONOUS_WRITES the job will wait for guest writes to be propagated both to the original image and to the destination of the copy so that it's guaranteed that the job converges if the destination storage is slower. This may impact performance of writes while the blockjob is running.
The disk
parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk.
The params
and nparams
arguments can be used to set hypervisor-specific tuning parameters, such as maximum bandwidth or granularity. For a parameter that the hypervisor understands, explicitly specifying 0 behaves the same as omitting the parameter, to use the hypervisor default; however, omitting a parameter is less likely to fail.
This command is a superset of the older virDomainBlockRebase() when used with the VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY flag, and offers better control over the destination format, the ability to copy to a destination that is not a local file, and the possibility of additional tuning parameters.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | block-write | - |
¶int virDomainBlockJobAbort (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, unsigned int flags)
Cancel the active block job on the given disk.
The disk
parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or (since 0.9.5) the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk.
If the current block job for disk
is VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_PULL, then by default, this function performs a synchronous operation and the caller may assume that the operation has completed when 0 is returned. However, BlockJob operations may take a long time to cancel, and during this time further domain interactions may be unresponsive. To avoid this problem, pass VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_ASYNC in the flags
argument to enable asynchronous behavior, returning as soon as possible. When the job has been canceled, a BlockJob event will be emitted, with status VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_CANCELED (even if the ABORT_ASYNC flag was not used); it is also possible to poll virDomainBlockJobInfo() to see if the job cancellation is still pending. This type of job can be restarted to pick up from where it left off.
If the current block job for disk
is VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_COPY, then the default is to abort the mirroring and revert to the source disk; likewise, if the current job is VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_ACTIVE_COMMIT, the default is to abort without changing the active layer of disk
. Adding flags
of VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_PIVOT causes this call to fail with VIR_ERR_BLOCK_COPY_ACTIVE if the copy or commit is not yet ready; otherwise it will swap the disk over to the new active image to end the mirroring or active commit. An event will be issued when the job is ended, and it is possible to use VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_ASYNC to control whether this command waits for the completion of the job. Restarting a copy or active commit job requires starting over from the beginning of the first phase.
¶int virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, unsigned long bandwidth, unsigned int flags)
Set the maximum allowable bandwidth that a block job may consume. If bandwidth is 0, the limit will revert to the hypervisor default of unlimited.
If flags
is in bytes/second; otherwise, it is in MiB/second. Values larger than 2^52 bytes/sec may be rejected due to overflow considerations based on the word size of both client and server, and values larger than 2^31 bytes/sec may cause overflow problems if later queried by virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() without scaling. Hypervisors may further restrict the range of valid bandwidth values.
The disk
parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or (since 0.9.5) the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk.
¶int virDomainBlockPeek (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, unsigned long long offset, size_t size, void * buffer, unsigned int flags)
This function allows you to read the contents of a domain's disk device.
Typical uses for this are to determine if the domain has written a Master Boot Record (indicating that the domain has completed installation), or to try to work out the state of the domain's filesystems.
(Note that in the local case you might try to open the block device or file directly, but that won't work in the remote case, nor if you don't have sufficient permission. Hence the need for this call).
The disk
parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or (since 0.9.5) the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk.
'offset' and 'size' represent an area which must lie entirely within the device or file. 'size' may be 0 to test if the call would succeed.
'buffer' is the return buffer and must be at least 'size' bytes.
NB. The remote driver imposes a 64K byte limit on 'size'. For your program to be able to work reliably over a remote connection you should split large requests to <= 65536 bytes. However, with 0.9.13 this RPC limit has been raised to 1M byte. Starting with version 1.0.6 the RPC limit has been raised again. Now large requests up to 16M byte are supported.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | block-read | - |
¶int virDomainBlockPull (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, unsigned long bandwidth, unsigned int flags)
Populate a disk image with data from its backing image. Once all data from its backing image has been pulled, the disk no longer depends on a backing image. This function pulls data for the entire device in the background. Progress of the operation can be checked with virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() and the operation can be aborted with virDomainBlockJobAbort(). When finished, an asynchronous event is raised to indicate the final status. To move data in the opposite direction, see virDomainBlockCommit().
The disk
parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or (since 0.9.5) the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk.
The maximum bandwidth that will be used to do the copy can be specified with the bandwidth
parameter. If set to 0, there is no limit. If flags
is in bytes/second; otherwise, it is in MiB/second. Values larger than 2^52 bytes/sec may be rejected due to overflow considerations based on the word size of both client and server, and values larger than 2^31 bytes/sec may cause overflow problems if later queried by virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() without scaling. Hypervisors may further restrict the range of valid bandwidth values. Some hypervisors do not support this feature and will return an error if bandwidth is not 0; in this case, it might still be possible for a later call to virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed() to succeed. The actual speed can be determined with virDomainGetBlockJobInfo().
This is shorthand for virDomainBlockRebase() with a NULL base.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | block-write | - |
¶int virDomainBlockRebase (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, const char * base, unsigned long bandwidth, unsigned int flags)
Populate a disk image with data from its backing image chain, and setting the backing image to base
, or alternatively copy an entire backing chain to a new file base
When flags
is 0, this starts a pull, where base
must be the absolute path of one of the backing images further up the chain, or NULL to convert the disk image so that it has no backing image. Once all data from its backing image chain has been pulled, the disk no longer depends on those intermediate backing images. This function pulls data for the entire device in the background. Progress of the operation can be checked with virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() with a job type of VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_PULL, and the operation can be aborted with virDomainBlockJobAbort(). When finished, an asynchronous event is raised to indicate the final status, and the job no longer exists. If the job is aborted, a new one can be started later to resume from the same point.
If flags
contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_RELATIVE, the name recorded into the active disk as the location for base
will be kept relative. The operation will fail if libvirt can't infer the name.
When flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY, this starts a copy, where base
must be the name of a new file to copy the chain to. By default, the copy will pull the entire source chain into the destination file, but if flags
also contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_SHALLOW, then only the top of the source chain will be copied (the source and destination have a common backing file). By default, base
will be created with the same file format as the source, but this can be altered by adding VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY_RAW to force the copy to be raw (does not make sense with the shallow flag unless the source is also raw), or by using VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_REUSE_EXT to reuse an existing file which was pre-created with the correct format and metadata and sufficient size to hold the copy. In case the VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_SHALLOW flag is used the pre-created file has to exhibit the same guest visible contents as the backing file of the original image. This allows a management app to pre-create files with relative backing file names, rather than the default of absolute backing file names; as a security precaution, you should generally only use reuse_ext with the shallow flag and a non-raw destination file. By default, the copy destination will be treated as type='file', but using VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY_DEV treats the destination as type='block' (affecting how virDomainGetBlockInfo() will report allocation after pivoting).
A copy job has two parts; in the first phase, the bandwidth
parameter affects how fast the source is pulled into the destination, and the job can only be canceled by reverting to the source file; progress in this phase can be tracked via the virDomainBlockJobInfo() command, with a job type of VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_COPY. The job transitions to the second phase when the job info states cur == end, and remains alive to mirror all further changes to both source and destination. The user must call virDomainBlockJobAbort() to end the mirroring while choosing whether to revert to source or pivot to the destination. An event is issued when the job ends, and depending on the hypervisor, an event may also be issued when the job transitions from pulling to mirroring. If the job is aborted, a new job will have to start over from the beginning of the first phase.
Some hypervisors will restrict certain actions, such as virDomainSave() or virDomainDetachDevice(), while a copy job is active; they may also restrict a copy job to transient domains.
The disk
parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk.
The base
parameter can be either a path to a file within the backing chain, or the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda") followed by an index to the backing chain enclosed in square brackets. Backing chain indexes can be found by inspecting //disk//backingStore///disk//backingStore/index
in the domain XML. Thus, for example, "vda[3]" refers to the backing store with index equal to "3" in the chain of disk "vda".
The maximum bandwidth that will be used to do the copy can be specified with the bandwidth
parameter. If set to 0, there is no limit. If flags
is in bytes/second; otherwise, it is in MiB/second. Values larger than 2^52 bytes/sec may be rejected due to overflow considerations based on the word size of both client and server, and values larger than 2^31 bytes/sec may cause overflow problems if later queried by virDomainGetBlockJobInfo() without scaling. Hypervisors may further restrict the range of valid bandwidth values. Some hypervisors do not support this feature and will return an error if bandwidth is not 0; in this case, it might still be possible for a later call to virDomainBlockJobSetSpeed() to succeed. The actual speed can be determined with virDomainGetBlockJobInfo().
When base
is NULL and flags
is 0, this is identical to virDomainBlockPull(). When flags
contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_REBASE_COPY, this command is shorthand for virDomainBlockCopy() where the destination XML encodes base
as a <disk type='file'>, bandwidth
is properly scaled and passed as a typed parameter, the shallow and reuse external flags are preserved, and remaining flags control whether the XML encodes a destination format of raw instead of leaving the destination identical to the source format or probed from the reused file.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | block-write | - |
¶int virDomainBlockResize (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, unsigned long long size, unsigned int flags)
Resize a block device of domain while the domain is running. If flags
is 0, then size
is in kibibytes (blocks of 1024 bytes); since 0.9.11, if flags
is in bytes instead. size
is taken directly as the new size. Depending on the file format, the hypervisor may round up to the next alignment boundary.
If flag
contains VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_RESIZE_CAPACITY (since 10.0.0) the hypervisor will resize the guest block device to fully fill the source. size
must be either set to zero, or to the exact size of the block device source. This is possible only for image formats with no metadata ('raw') and for source devices with limited capacity such as block devices.
The disk
parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or (since 0.9.5) the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk.
Note that this call may fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it; this call requires privileged access to the hypervisor.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | block-write | - |
¶int virDomainBlockStats (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, virDomainBlockStatsPtr stats, size_t size)
This function returns block device (disk) stats for block devices attached to the domain.
The disk
parameter is either the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda"), or (since 0.9.8) an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk. Some drivers might also accept the empty string for the disk
parameter, and then yield summary stats for the entire domain.
Domains may have more than one block device. To get stats for each you should make multiple calls to this function.
Individual fields within the stats structure may be returned as -1, which indicates that the hypervisor does not support that particular statistic.
¶int virDomainBlockStatsFlags (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, virTypedParameterPtr params, int * nparams, unsigned int flags)
This function is to get block stats parameters for block devices attached to the domain.
The disk
parameter is either the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda"), or (since 0.9.8) an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk. Some drivers might also accept the empty string for the disk
parameter, and then yield summary stats for the entire domain.
Domains may have more than one block device. To get stats for each you should make multiple calls to this function.
On input, nparams
gives the size of the params
array; on output, nparams
gives how many slots were filled with parameter information, which might be less but will not exceed the input value.
As a special case, calling with params
as NULL and nparams
as 0 on input will cause nparams
on output to contain the number of parameters supported by the hypervisor. (Note that block devices of different types might support different parameters, so it might be necessary to compute nparams
for each block device). The caller should then allocate params
array, i.e. (sizeof(sizeofvirTypedParameter
* nparams
) bytes and call the API again. See virDomainGetMemoryParameters() for more details.
¶int virDomainCoreDump (virDomainPtr domain, const char * to, unsigned int flags)
This method will dump the core of a domain on a given file for analysis. Note that for remote Xen Daemon the file path will be interpreted in the remote host. Hypervisors may require the user to manually ensure proper permissions on the file named by to
If flags
includes VIR_DUMP_CRASH, then leave the guest shut off with a crashed state after the dump completes. If flags
includes VIR_DUMP_LIVE, then make the core dump while continuing to allow the guest to run; otherwise, the guest is suspended during the dump. VIR_DUMP_RESET flag forces reset of the guest after dump. The above three flags are mutually exclusive.
Additionally, if flags
includes VIR_DUMP_BYPASS_CACHE, then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while creating the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing saves to NFS.
For more control over the output format, see virDomainCoreDumpWithFormat().
¶int virDomainCoreDumpWithFormat (virDomainPtr domain, const char * to, unsigned int dumpformat, unsigned int flags)
This method will dump the core of a domain on a given file for analysis. Note that for remote Xen Daemon the file path will be interpreted in the remote host. Hypervisors may require the user to manually ensure proper permissions on the file named by to
controls which format the dump will have; use of VIR_DOMAIN_CORE_DUMP_FORMAT_RAW mirrors what virDomainCoreDump() will perform. Not all hypervisors are able to support all formats.
If flags
includes VIR_DUMP_CRASH, then leave the guest shut off with a crashed state after the dump completes. If flags
includes VIR_DUMP_LIVE, then make the core dump while continuing to allow the guest to run; otherwise, the guest is suspended during the dump. VIR_DUMP_RESET flag forces reset of the guest after dump. The above three flags are mutually exclusive.
Additionally, if flags
includes VIR_DUMP_BYPASS_CACHE, then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while creating the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing saves to NFS.
¶int virDomainCreate (virDomainPtr domain)
Launch a defined domain. If the call succeeds the domain moves from the defined to the running domains pools. The domain will be paused only if restoring from managed state created from a paused domain. For more control, see virDomainCreateWithFlags().
¶virDomainPtr virDomainCreateLinux (virConnectPtr conn, const char * xmlDesc, unsigned int flags)
Deprecated after 0.4.6. Renamed to virDomainCreateXML() providing identical functionality. This existing name will be left indefinitely for API compatibility.
¶int virDomainCreateWithFiles (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int nfiles, int * files, unsigned int flags)
Launch a defined domain. If the call succeeds the domain moves from the defined to the running domains pools.
provides an array of file descriptors which will be made available to the 'init' process of the guest. The file handles exposed to the guest will be renumbered to start from 3 (ie immediately following stderr). This is only supported for guests which use container based virtualization technology.
If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED flag is set, or if the guest domain has a managed save image that requested paused state (see virDomainManagedSave()) the guest domain will be started, but its CPUs will remain paused. The CPUs can later be manually started using virDomainResume(). In all other cases, the guest domain will be running.
If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_AUTODESTROY flag is set, the guest domain will be automatically destroyed when the virConnectPtr object is finally released. This will also happen if the client application crashes / loses its connection to the libvirtd daemon. Any domains marked for auto destroy will block attempts at migration, save-to-file, or snapshots.
If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_BYPASS_CACHE flag is set, and there is a managed save file for this domain (created by virDomainManagedSave()), then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while restoring the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing loads from NFS.
If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_FORCE_BOOT flag is set, then any managed save file for this domain is discarded, and the domain boots from scratch.
If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_START_RESET_NVRAM, then libvirt will discard any existing NVRAM file and re-initialize NVRAM from the pristine template.
¶int virDomainCreateWithFlags (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Launch a defined domain. If the call succeeds the domain moves from the defined to the running domains pools.
If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED flag is set, or if the guest domain has a managed save image that requested paused state (see virDomainManagedSave()) the guest domain will be started, but its CPUs will remain paused. The CPUs can later be manually started using virDomainResume(). In all other cases, the guest domain will be running.
If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_AUTODESTROY flag is set, the guest domain will be automatically destroyed when the virConnectPtr object is finally released. This will also happen if the client application crashes / loses its connection to the libvirtd daemon. Any domains marked for auto destroy will block attempts at migration. Hypervisors may also block save-to-file, or snapshots.
If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_BYPASS_CACHE flag is set, and there is a managed save file for this domain (created by virDomainManagedSave()), then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while restoring the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing loads from NFS.
If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_FORCE_BOOT flag is set, then any managed save file for this domain is discarded, and the domain boots from scratch.
If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_START_RESET_NVRAM, then libvirt will discard any existing NVRAM file and re-initialize NVRAM from the pristine template.
¶virDomainPtr virDomainCreateXML (virConnectPtr conn, const char * xmlDesc, unsigned int flags)
Launch a new guest domain, based on an XML description similar to the one returned by virDomainGetXMLDesc() This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. The domain is not persistent, so its definition will disappear when it is destroyed, or if the host is restarted (see virDomainDefineXML() to define persistent domains).
If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED flag is set, the guest domain will be started, but its CPUs will remain paused. The CPUs can later be manually started using virDomainResume.
If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_AUTODESTROY flag is set, the guest domain will be automatically destroyed when the virConnectPtr object is finally released. This will also happen if the client application crashes / loses its connection to the libvirtd daemon. Any domains marked for auto destroy will block attempts at migration. Hypervisors may also block save-to-file, or snapshots.
If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_START_RESET_NVRAM, then libvirt will discard any existing NVRAM file and re-initialize NVRAM from the pristine template.
virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed.
¶virDomainPtr virDomainCreateXMLWithFiles (virConnectPtr conn, const char * xmlDesc, unsigned int nfiles, int * files, unsigned int flags)
Launch a new guest domain, based on an XML description similar to the one returned by virDomainGetXMLDesc() This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. The domain is not persistent, so its definition will disappear when it is destroyed, or if the host is restarted (see virDomainDefineXML() to define persistent domains).
provides an array of file descriptors which will be made available to the 'init' process of the guest. The file handles exposed to the guest will be renumbered to start from 3 (ie immediately following stderr). This is only supported for guests which use container based virtualization technology.
If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED flag is set, the guest domain will be started, but its CPUs will remain paused. The CPUs can later be manually started using virDomainResume.
If the VIR_DOMAIN_START_AUTODESTROY flag is set, the guest domain will be automatically destroyed when the virConnectPtr object is finally released. This will also happen if the client application crashes / loses its connection to the libvirtd daemon. Any domains marked for auto destroy will block attempts at migration. Hypervisors may also block save-to-file, or snapshots.
virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed.
¶virDomainPtr virDomainDefineXML (virConnectPtr conn, const char * xml)
Define a domain, but does not start it. This definition is persistent, until explicitly undefined with virDomainUndefine(). A previous definition for this domain with the same UUID and name would be overridden if it already exists.
virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed.
¶virDomainPtr virDomainDefineXMLFlags (virConnectPtr conn, const char * xml, unsigned int flags)
Defines a domain, but does not start it. This definition is persistent, until explicitly undefined with virDomainUndefine(). A previous definition for this domain with the same UUID and name would be overridden if it already exists.
virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed.
¶int virDomainDelIOThread (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int iothread_id, unsigned int flags)
Dynamically delete an IOThread from the domain. The iothread_id
to be deleted must not have a resource associated with it and can be any of the currently valid IOThread ID's.
Note that this call can fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it or if reducing the number is arbitrarily limited. This function requires privileged access to the hypervisor.
may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG. Both flags may be set. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE is set, the change affects a running domain and may fail if domain is not alive. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG is set, the change affects persistent state, and will fail for transient domains. If neither flag is specified (that is, flags
is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainDelThrottleGroup (virDomainPtr dom, const char * group, unsigned int flags)
Delete an throttlegroup from the domain. group
cannot be NULL, and the group
to be deleted must not have a throttlefilter associated with it and can be any of the current valid group.
may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG. Both flags may be set. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE is set, the change affects a running domain and may fail if domain is not alive. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG is set, the change affects persistent state, and will fail for transient domains. If neither flag is specified (that is, flags
is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainDestroy (virDomainPtr domain)
Destroy the domain object. The running instance is shutdown if not down already and all resources used by it are given back to the hypervisor. This does not free the associated virDomainPtr object. This function may require privileged access.
virDomainDestroy first requests that a guest terminate (e.g. SIGTERM), then waits for it to comply. After a reasonable timeout, if the guest still exists, virDomainDestroy will forcefully terminate the guest (e.g. SIGKILL) if necessary (which may produce undesirable results, for example unflushed disk cache in the guest). To avoid this possibility, it's recommended to instead call virDomainDestroyFlags, sending the VIR_DOMAIN_DESTROY_GRACEFUL flag.
If the domain is transient and has any snapshot metadata (see virDomainSnapshotNum()), then that metadata will automatically be deleted when the domain quits.
¶int virDomainDestroyFlags (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Destroy the domain object. The running instance is shutdown if not down already and all resources used by it are given back to the hypervisor. This does not free the associated virDomainPtr object. This function may require privileged access.
Calling this function with no flags
set (equal to zero) is equivalent to calling virDomainDestroy, and after a reasonable timeout will forcefully terminate the guest (e.g. SIGKILL) if necessary (which may produce undesirable results, for example unflushed disk cache in the guest). Including VIR_DOMAIN_DESTROY_GRACEFUL in the flags will prevent the forceful termination of the guest, and virDomainDestroyFlags will instead return an error if the guest doesn't terminate by the end of the timeout; at that time, the management application can decide if calling again without VIR_DOMAIN_DESTROY_GRACEFUL is appropriate.
If VIR_DOMAIN_DESTROY_REMOVE_LOGS flag is set then domain specific logs will be deleted as well if there are any. Note that not all deployments are be supported. For example in case of QEMU driver this flags is noop if virtlogd is not used for handling QEMU process output.
Another alternative which may produce cleaner results for the guest's disks is to use virDomainShutdown() instead, but that depends on guest support (some hypervisor/guest combinations may ignore the shutdown request).
¶int virDomainDetachDevice (virDomainPtr domain, const char * xml)
This is an equivalent of virDomainDetachDeviceFlags() when called with flags
parameter set to VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE.
See virDomainDetachDeviceFlags() for more details.
¶int virDomainDetachDeviceAlias (virDomainPtr domain, const char * alias, unsigned int flags)
Detach a virtual device from a domain, using the alias to specify the device. The value of flags
should be either VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT, or a bitwise-or of values from VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE and VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT, although hypervisors vary in which flags are supported.
In contrast to virDomainDetachDeviceFlags() this API is asynchronous - it returns immediately after sending the detach request to the hypervisor. It's caller's responsibility to wait for VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DEVICE_REMOVED event to signal actual device removal or for VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DEVICE_REMOVAL_FAILED to signal rejected device removal.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainDetachDeviceFlags (virDomainPtr domain, const char * xml, unsigned int flags)
Detach a virtual device from a domain, using the flags parameter to control how the device is detached. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT specifies that the device allocation is removed based on current domain state. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE specifies that the device shall be deallocated from the active domain instance only and is not from the persisted domain configuration. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG specifies that the device shall be deallocated from the persisted domain configuration only. Note that the target hypervisor must return an error if unable to satisfy flags. E.g. the hypervisor driver will return failure if LIVE is specified but it only supports removing the persisted device allocation.
Some hypervisors may prevent this operation if there is a current block job running operation on the device being detached; in that case, use virDomainBlockJobAbort() to stop the block job first.
Beware that depending on the hypervisor and device type, detaching a device from a running domain may be asynchronous. That is, calling virDomainDetachDeviceFlags may just request device removal while the device is actually removed later (in cooperation with a guest OS). Previously, this fact was ignored and the device could have been removed from domain configuration before it was actually removed by the hypervisor causing various failures on subsequent operations. To check whether the device was successfully removed, either recheck domain configuration using virDomainGetXMLDesc() or add a handler for the VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_DEVICE_REMOVED event. In case the device is already gone when virDomainDetachDeviceFlags returns, the event is delivered before this API call ends. To help existing clients work better in most cases, this API will try to transform an asynchronous device removal that finishes shortly after the request into a synchronous removal. In other words, this API may wait a bit for the removal to complete in case it was not synchronous.
Be aware that hotplug changes might not persist across a domain going into S4 state (also known as hibernation) unless you also modify the persistent domain definition.
The supplied XML description of the device should be as specific as its definition in the domain XML. The set of attributes used to match the device are internal to the drivers. Using a partial definition, or attempting to detach a device that is not present in the domain XML, but shares some specific attributes with one that is present, may lead to unexpected results.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainFDAssociate (virDomainPtr domain, const char * name, unsigned int nfds, int * fds, unsigned int flags)
Associate the FDs in fd
with domain
under name
. The FDs are associated as long as the connection used to associated exists and are disposed of afterwards. FD may still be kept open by the hypervisor for as long as it's needed.
Security labelling (e.g. via the selinux) may be applied on the passed FDs when required for usage by the VM. By default libvirt does not restore the seclabels on the FDs afterwards to avoid keeping it open unnecessarily.
Restoring of the security label can be requested by passing either VIR_DOMAIN_FD_ASSOCIATE_SECLABEL_RESTORE for a best-effort attempt to restore the security label after use. Requesting the restore of security label will require that the file descriptors are kept open for the whole time they are used by the hypervisor, or other additional overhead.
In certain cases usage of the fd group would imply read-only access. Passing VIR_DOMAIN_FD_ASSOCIATE_SECLABEL_WRITABLE in flags
ensures that a writable security label is picked in case when the file represented by the fds may be used in write mode.
¶int virDomainFSFreeze (virDomainPtr dom, const char ** mountpoints, unsigned int nmountpoints, unsigned int flags)
Freeze specified filesystems within the guest (hence guest agent may be required depending on hypervisor used). If mountpoints
is NULL and nmountpoints
is 0, every mounted filesystem on the guest is frozen. In some environments (e.g. QEMU guest with guest agent which doesn't support mountpoints argument), mountpoints
may need to be NULL.
¶void virDomainFSInfoFree (virDomainFSInfoPtr info)
Frees all the memory occupied by info
¶int virDomainFSThaw (virDomainPtr dom, const char ** mountpoints, unsigned int nmountpoints, unsigned int flags)
Thaw specified filesystems within the guest. If mountpoints
is NULL and nmountpoints
is 0, every mounted filesystem on the guest is thawed. In some drivers (e.g. QEMU driver), mountpoints
may need to be NULL.
¶int virDomainFSTrim (virDomainPtr dom, const char * mountPoint, unsigned long long minimum, unsigned int flags)
Calls FITRIM within the guest (hence guest agent may be required depending on hypervisor used). Either call it on each mounted filesystem (mountPoint
is NULL) or just on specified mountPoint
. minimum
hints that free ranges smaller than this may be ignored (this is a hint and the guest may not respect it). By increasing this value, the fstrim operation will complete more quickly for filesystems with badly fragmented free space, although not all blocks will be discarded. If minimum
is not zero, the command may fail.
¶int virDomainFree (virDomainPtr domain)
Free the domain object. The running instance is kept alive. The data structure is freed and should not be used thereafter.
¶int virDomainGetAutostart (virDomainPtr domain, int * autostart)
Provides a boolean value indicating whether the domain configured to be automatically started when the host machine boots.
¶int virDomainGetAutostartOnce (virDomainPtr domain, int * autostart)
Provides a boolean value indicating whether the domain is configured to be automatically started the next time the host machine boots only.
¶int virDomainGetBlkioParameters (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int * nparams, unsigned int flags)
Get all blkio parameters. On input, nparams
gives the size of the params
array; on output, nparams
gives how many slots were filled with parameter information, which might be less but will not exceed the input value.
As a special case, calling with params
as NULL and nparams
as 0 on input will cause nparams
on output to contain the number of parameters supported by the hypervisor. The caller should then allocate params
array, i.e. (sizeof(sizeofvirTypedParameter
* nparams
) bytes and call the API again.
See virDomainGetMemoryParameters() for an equivalent usage example.
This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. This function expects the caller to allocate the params
¶int virDomainGetBlockInfo (virDomainPtr domain, const char * disk, virDomainBlockInfoPtr info, unsigned int flags)
Extract information about a domain's block device.
The disk
parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or (since 0.9.5) the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk.
For QEMU domains, the allocation and physical virDomainBlockInfo values returned will generally be the same, except when using a non raw, block backing device, such as qcow2 for an active domain. When the persistent domain is not active, QEMU will return the default which is the same value for allocation and physical.
Active QEMU domains can return an allocation value which is more representative of the currently used blocks by the device compared to the physical size of the device. Applications can use/monitor the allocation value with the understanding that if the domain becomes inactive during an attempt to get the value, the default values will be returned. Thus, the application should check after the call for the domain being inactive if the values are the same. Optionally, the application could be watching for a shutdown event and then ignore any values received afterwards. This can be an issue when a domain is being migrated and the exact timing of the domain being made inactive and check of the allocation value results the default being returned. For a transient domain in the similar situation, this call will return -1 and an error message indicating the "domain is not running".
The following is some pseudo code illustrating the call sequence:
... virDomainPtr dom; virDomainBlockInfo info; char *device; ... // Either get a list of all domains or a specific domain // via a virDomainLookupBy*() call. // // It's also required to fill in the device pointer, but that's // specific to the implementation. For the purposes of this example // a qcow2 backed device name string would need to be provided. ... // If the following call is made on a persistent domain with a // qcow2 block backed block device, then it's possible the returned // allocation equals the physical value. In that case, the domain // that may have been active prior to calling has become inactive, // such as is the case during a domain migration. Thus once we // get data returned, check for active domain when the values are // the same. if (virDomainGetBlockInfo(dom, device, &info, 0) < 0) goto failure; if (info.allocation == info.physical) { // If the domain is no longer active, // then the defaults are being returned. if (!virDomainIsActive()) goto ignore_return; } // Do something with the allocation and physical values ...
¶int virDomainGetBlockIoTune (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, virTypedParameterPtr params, int * nparams, unsigned int flags)
Get all block IO tunable parameters for a given device. On input, nparams
gives the size of the params
array; on output, nparams
gives how many slots were filled with parameter information, which might be less but will not exceed the input value.
As a special case, calling with params
as NULL and nparams
as 0 on input will cause nparams
on output to contain the number of parameters supported by the hypervisor, either for the given disk
(note that block devices of different types might support different parameters), or if disk
is NULL, for all possible disks. The caller should then allocate params
array, i.e. (sizeof(sizeofvirTypedParameter
* nparams
) bytes and call the API again. See virDomainGetMemoryParameters() for more details.
The disk
parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "xvda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk. This parameter cannot be NULL unless nparams
is 0 on input.
¶int virDomainGetBlockJobInfo (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, virDomainBlockJobInfoPtr info, unsigned int flags)
Request block job information for the given disk. If an operation is active info
will be updated with the current progress. The units used for the bandwidth field of info
depends on flags
. If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_INFO_BANDWIDTH_BYTES, bandwidth is in bytes/second (although this mode can risk failure due to overflow, depending on both client and server word size); otherwise, the value is rounded up to MiB/s.
The disk
parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or (since 0.9.5) the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "vda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk.
In cases when libvirt can't determine actual progress of the block job from the underlying hypervisor due to corner cases such as the job wasn't yet fully initialized, or finalized and thus the progress can't be queried, libvirt reports 'cur = 0, end = 1'.
For jobs requiring finalizing via qemuDomainBlockJobAbort() with VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_ABORT_PIVOT flag which reached synchronised phase, but were empty, or the progress can't be determined libvirt returns 'cur = 1, end = 1'.
Users thus should not consider any data where 'end = 1' as absolute progress value.
Applications looking for a reliable and low-overhead way to determine whether a block job already finished or reached synchronised phase should register a handler for the VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_JOB_2 event instead of polling this API.
Note that the progress reported for blockjobs corresponding to a pull-mode backup don't report progress of the backup but rather usage of temporary space required for the backup.
¶int virDomainGetCPUStats (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, unsigned int nparams, int start_cpu, unsigned int ncpus, unsigned int flags)
Get statistics relating to CPU usage attributable to a single domain (in contrast to the statistics returned by virNodeGetCPUStats() for all processes on the host). dom
must be running (an inactive domain has no attributable cpu usage). On input, params
must contain at least nparams
* ncpus
entries, allocated by the caller.
If start_cpu
is -1, then ncpus
must be 1, and the returned results reflect the statistics attributable to the entire domain (such as user and system time for the process as a whole). Otherwise, start_cpu
represents which cpu to start with, and ncpus
represents how many consecutive processors to query, with statistics attributable per processor (such as per-cpu usage). If ncpus
is larger than the number of cpus available to query, then the trailing part of the array will be unpopulated.
The remote driver imposes a limit of 128 ncpus
and 16 nparams
; the number of parameters per cpu should not exceed 16, but if you have a host with more than 128 CPUs, your program should split the request into multiple calls.
As special cases, if params
is NULL and nparams
is 0 and ncpus
is 1, and the return value will be how many statistics are available for the given start_cpu
. This number may be different for start_cpu
of -1 than for any non-negative value, but will be the same for all non-negative start_cpu
. Likewise, if params
is NULL and nparams
is 0 and ncpus
is 0, the number of cpus available to query is returned. From the host perspective, this would typically match the cpus member of virNodeGetInfo(), but might be less due to host cpu hotplug.
For now, flags
is unused, and the statistics all relate to the usage from the host perspective. It is possible that a future version will support a flag that queries the cpu usage from the guest's perspective, where the maximum cpu to query would be related to virDomainGetVcpusFlags() rather than virNodeGetInfo(). An individual guest vcpu cannot be reliably mapped back to a specific host cpu unless a single-processor vcpu pinning was used, but when start_cpu
is -1, any difference in usage between a host and guest perspective would serve as a measure of hypervisor overhead.
Typical use sequence is below.
getting total stats: set start_cpu as -1, ncpus 1
virDomainGetCPUStats(dom, NULL, 0, -1, 1, 0); // nparams params = calloc(nparams, sizeof(virTypedParameter)) virDomainGetCPUStats(dom, params, nparams, -1, 1, 0); // total stats.
getting per-cpu stats:
virDomainGetCPUStats(dom, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); // ncpus virDomainGetCPUStats(dom, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0); // nparams params = calloc(ncpus * nparams, sizeof(virTypedParameter)); virDomainGetCPUStats(dom, params, nparams, 0, ncpus, 0); // per-cpu stats
, unless ncpus
was 1; and may be less than nparams
). The populated parameters start at each stride of nparams
, which means the results may be discontiguous; any unpopulated parameters will be zeroed on success (this includes skipped elements if nparams
is too large, and tail elements if ncpus
is too large). The caller is responsible for freeing any returned string parameters.virDomainGetConnect
¶virConnectPtr virDomainGetConnect (virDomainPtr dom)
Provides the connection pointer associated with a domain. The reference counter on the connection is not increased by this call.
¶int virDomainGetControlInfo (virDomainPtr domain, virDomainControlInfoPtr info, unsigned int flags)
Extract details about current state of control interface to a domain.
¶int virDomainGetDiskErrors (virDomainPtr dom, virDomainDiskErrorPtr errors, unsigned int maxerrors, unsigned int flags)
The function populates errors
array with all disks that encountered an I/O error. Disks with no error will not be returned in the errors
array. Each disk is identified by its target (the dev attribute of target subelement in domain XML), such as "vda", and accompanied with the error that was seen on it. The caller is also responsible for calling free() on each disk name returned.
In a special case when errors
is NULL and maxerrors
is 0, the function returns preferred size of errors
that the caller should use to get all disk errors.
Since calling virDomainGetDiskErrors(dom, NULL, 0, 0) to get preferred size of errors
array and getting the errors are two separate operations, new disks may be hotplugged to the domain and new errors may be encountered between the two calls. Thus, this function may not return all disk errors because the supplied array is not large enough. Such errors may, however, be detected by listening to domain events.
array or -1 on error.virDomainGetEmulatorPinInfo
¶int virDomainGetEmulatorPinInfo (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned char * cpumap, int maplen, unsigned int flags)
Query the CPU pinning setting of all emulator threads from the domain XML, store it in cpumap
¶int virDomainGetFSInfo (virDomainPtr dom, virDomainFSInfoPtr ** info, unsigned int flags)
Get a list of mapping information for each mounted file systems within the specified guest and the disks.
. The caller is responsible for calling virDomainFSInfoFree() on each array element, then calling free() on info
. On error, info
is set to NULL.virDomainGetGuestInfo
¶int virDomainGetGuestInfo (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int types, virTypedParameterPtr * params, int * nparams, unsigned int flags)
Queries the guest agent for the various information about the guest system. The reported data depends on the guest agent implementation. The information is returned as an array of typed parameters containing the individual parameters. The parameter name for each information field consists of a dot-separated string containing the name of the requested group followed by a group-specific description of the statistic value.
The information groups are enabled using the types
parameter which is a binary-OR of enum virDomainGuestInfoTypes. The following groups are available (although not necessarily implemented for each hypervisor):
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_USERS: Return information about users that are currently logged in within the guest domain. The VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_USER_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_OS: Return information about the operating system running within the guest. The VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_OS_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_TIMEZONE: Returns information about the timezone within the domain. The VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_TIMEZONE_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_HOSTNAME: Returns information about the hostname of the domain. The VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_HOSTNAME_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_FILESYSTEM: Returns information about the filesystems within the domain. The VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_FS_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_DISKS: Returns information about the disks within the domain. The VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_DISK_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_INTERFACES: Returns information about the interfaces within the domain. The VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_IF_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_LOAD: Returns load (the number of processes in the runqueue or waiting for disk I/O). The VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_LOAD_* constants define the known typed parameter keys.
Using 0 for types
returns all information groups supported by the given hypervisor.
This API requires the VM to run. The caller is responsible for calling virTypedParamsFree to free memory returned in params
In a number of cases the parameters returned are representing arrays of data items. In these cases multiple VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO* constants will need to be concatenated to form a complete typed parameter key. The design pattern for handling array entries is as follows
Defines the upper limit on the number of elements that will be returned. In some cases the array information may be sparsely populated, so it is not considered an error if a given element does not exist. Applications should check for each possible element upto the declared limit.
Defines the prefix to be used to construct the typed parameter key for an array element, including the trailing '.'. The prefix must have an array index appended, along with a suffix.
Defines the suffix for accessing a particular data item within the array element, including the leading '.'. The suffix must have an array prefix and index prepended.
As an example, assuming a printf-like formatting approach an application would construct a key as follows:
Which, when index==3, would result in the key ""
In some cases there may be nested arrays, in which case the key is formed by concatenating multiple prefixes and suffixes with mutliple array indexes. For example:
Which, when fsindex==3 and diskindex==7, would result in the key "fs.3.disk.7.serial".
NB, for the VIR_DOMAIN_GUEST_INFO_* constants, if the `Since` tag is set to `11.2.0` this is usually representing the release when the constant was first introduced to the public API. Most of these typed parameter keys will have been introduced in earlier libvirt releases, prior to the definition of the constants.
¶int virDomainGetGuestVcpus (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr * params, unsigned int * nparams, unsigned int flags)
Queries the guest agent for state and information regarding vCPUs from guest's perspective. The reported data depends on the guest agent implementation.
Reported fields stored in params
: 'vcpus': string containing bitmap representing vCPU ids as reported by the guest 'online': string containing bitmap representing online vCPUs as reported by the guest agent. 'offlinable': string containing bitmap representing ids of vCPUs that can be offlined
This API requires the VM to run. The caller is responsible for calling virTypedParamsFree to free memory returned in params
¶char * virDomainGetHostname (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Get the hostname for that domain. If no hostname is found, then an error is raised with VIR_ERR_NO_HOSTNAME code.
Dependent on hypervisor and flags
used, this may require a guest agent to be available.
¶unsigned int virDomainGetID (virDomainPtr domain)
Get the hypervisor ID number for the domain
¶int virDomainGetIOThreadInfo (virDomainPtr dom, virDomainIOThreadInfoPtr ** info, unsigned int flags)
Fetch IOThreads of an active domain including the cpumap information to determine on which CPU the IOThread has affinity to run.
. The caller is responsible for calling virDomainIOThreadInfoFree() on each array element, then calling free() on info
. On error, info
is set to NULL.virDomainGetInfo
¶int virDomainGetInfo (virDomainPtr domain, virDomainInfoPtr info)
Extract information about a domain. Note that if the connection used to get the domain is limited only a partial set of the information can be extracted.
¶int virDomainGetInterfaceParameters (virDomainPtr domain, const char * device, virTypedParameterPtr params, int * nparams, unsigned int flags)
Get all interface parameters. On input, nparams
gives the size of the params
array; on output, nparams
gives how many slots were filled with parameter information, which might be less but will not exceed the input value.
As a special case, calling with params
as NULL and nparams
as 0 on input will cause nparams
on output to contain the number of parameters supported by the hypervisor. The caller should then allocate params
array, i.e. (sizeof(sizeofvirTypedParameter
* nparams
) bytes and call the API again. See virDomainGetMemoryParameters() for an equivalent usage example.
This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. This function expects the caller to allocate the params
¶int virDomainGetJobInfo (virDomainPtr domain, virDomainJobInfoPtr info)
Extract information about progress of a background job on a domain. Will return an error if the domain is not active.
This function returns a limited amount of information in comparison to virDomainGetJobStats().
¶int virDomainGetJobStats (virDomainPtr domain, int * type, virTypedParameterPtr * params, int * nparams, unsigned int flags)
Extract information about progress of a background job on a domain. Will return an error if the domain is not active. The function returns a superset of progress information provided by virDomainGetJobInfo. Possible fields returned in params
are defined by VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_* macros and new fields will likely be introduced in the future so callers may receive fields that they do not understand in case they talk to a newer server.
When flags
contains VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_STATS_COMPLETED, the function will return statistics about a recently completed job. Specifically, this flag may be used to query statistics of a completed incoming pre-copy migration (statistics for post-copy migration are only available on the source host). Statistics of a completed job are automatically destroyed once read (unless the VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_STATS_COMPLETED_KEEP is used as well) or when libvirtd is restarted. Note that time information returned for completed migrations may be completely irrelevant unless both source and destination hosts have synchronized time (i.e., NTP daemon is running on both of them). The statistics of a completed job can also be obtained by listening to a VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_JOB_COMPLETED event (on the source host in case of a migration job).
¶int virDomainGetLaunchSecurityInfo (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr * params, int * nparams, unsigned int flags)
Get the launch security info. In case of the SEV guest, this will return the launch measurement.
¶unsigned long virDomainGetMaxMemory (virDomainPtr domain)
Retrieve the maximum amount of physical memory allocated to a domain. If domain is NULL, then this get the amount of memory reserved to Domain0 i.e. the domain where the application runs.
¶int virDomainGetMaxVcpus (virDomainPtr domain)
Provides the maximum number of virtual CPUs supported for the guest VM. If the guest is inactive, this is basically the same as virConnectGetMaxVcpus(). If the guest is running this will reflect the maximum number of virtual CPUs the guest was booted with. For more details, see virDomainGetVcpusFlags().
¶int virDomainGetMemoryParameters (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int * nparams, unsigned int flags)
Get all memory parameters. On input, nparams
gives the size of the params
array; on output, nparams
gives how many slots were filled with parameter information, which might be less but will not exceed the input value.
As a special case, calling with params
as NULL and nparams
as 0 on input will cause nparams
on output to contain the number of parameters supported by the hypervisor. The caller should then allocate params
array, i.e. (sizeof(sizeofvirTypedParameter
* nparams
) bytes and call the API again.
Here is a sample code snippet:
if (virDomainGetMemoryParameters(dom, NULL, &nparams, 0) == 0 && nparams != 0) { if ((params = malloc(sizeof(*params) * nparams)) == NULL) goto error; memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params) * nparams); if (virDomainGetMemoryParameters(dom, params, &nparams, 0)) goto error; }
This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. This function expects the caller to allocate the params
¶int virDomainGetMessages (virDomainPtr domain, char *** msgs, unsigned int flags)
Fetch a list of all messages recorded against the VM and store them into msgs
array which is allocated upon successful return and is NULL terminated. The caller is responsible for freeing msgs
when no longer needed.
If flags
is zero then all messages are reported. The virDomainMessageType constants can be used to restrict results to certain types of message.
Note it is hypervisor dependent whether messages are available for shutoff guests, or running guests, or both. Thus a client should be prepared to re-fetch messages when a guest transitions between running and shutoff states.
, -1 otherwise.virDomainGetMetadata
¶char * virDomainGetMetadata (virDomainPtr domain, int type, const char * uri, unsigned int flags)
Retrieves the appropriate domain element given by type
. If VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_ELEMENT is requested parameter uri
must be set to the name of the namespace the requested elements belong to, otherwise must be NULL.
If an element of the domain XML is not present, the resulting error will be VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN_METADATA. This method forms a shortcut for seeing information from virDomainSetMetadata() without having to go through virDomainGetXMLDesc().
controls whether the live domain or persistent configuration will be queried.
¶const char * virDomainGetName (virDomainPtr domain)
Get the public name for that domain
¶int virDomainGetNumaParameters (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int * nparams, unsigned int flags)
Get all numa parameters. On input, nparams
gives the size of the params
array; on output, nparams
gives how many slots were filled with parameter information, which might be less but will not exceed the input value.
As a special case, calling with params
as NULL and nparams
as 0 on input will cause nparams
on output to contain the number of parameters supported by the hypervisor. The caller should then allocate params
array, i.e. (sizeof(sizeofvirTypedParameter
* nparams
) bytes and call the API again.
See virDomainGetMemoryParameters() for an equivalent usage example.
This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor. This function expects the caller to allocate the params
¶char * virDomainGetOSType (virDomainPtr domain)
Get the type of domain operation system.
¶int virDomainGetPerfEvents (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr * params, int * nparams, unsigned int flags)
Get all Linux perf events setting. Possible fields returned in params
are defined by VIR_PERF_EVENT_* macros and new fields will likely be introduced in the future.
Linux perf events are performance analyzing tool in Linux.
¶int virDomainGetSchedulerParameters (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int * nparams)
Get all scheduler parameters. On input, nparams
gives the size of the params
array; on output, nparams
gives how many slots were filled with parameter information, which might be less but will not exceed the input value. nparams
cannot be 0.
It is hypervisor specific whether this returns the live or persistent state; for more control, use virDomainGetSchedulerParametersFlags().
¶int virDomainGetSchedulerParametersFlags (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int * nparams, unsigned int flags)
Get all scheduler parameters. On input, nparams
gives the size of the params
array; on output, nparams
gives how many slots were filled with parameter information, which might be less but will not exceed the input value. nparams
cannot be 0.
The value of flags
Here is a sample code snippet:
char *ret = virDomainGetSchedulerType(dom, &nparams); if (ret && nparams != 0) { if ((params = malloc(sizeof(*params) * nparams)) == NULL) goto error; memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params) * nparams); if (virDomainGetSchedulerParametersFlags(dom, params, &nparams, 0)) goto error; }
¶char * virDomainGetSchedulerType (virDomainPtr domain, int * nparams)
Get the scheduler type and the number of scheduler parameters.
¶int virDomainGetSecurityLabel (virDomainPtr domain, virSecurityLabelPtr seclabel)
Extract security label of an active domain. The 'label' field in the seclabel
argument will be initialized to the empty string if the domain is not running under a security model.
¶int virDomainGetSecurityLabelList (virDomainPtr domain, virSecurityLabelPtr * seclabels)
Extract the security labels of an active domain. The 'label' field in the seclabels
argument will be initialized to the empty string if the domain is not running under a security model.
on success, -1 in case of failure.virDomainGetState
¶int virDomainGetState (virDomainPtr domain, int * state, int * reason, unsigned int flags)
Extract domain state. Each state can be accompanied with a reason (if known) which led to the state.
(one of virDomain*Reason corresponding to the current state); it is allowed to be NULLvirDomainGetTime
¶int virDomainGetTime (virDomainPtr dom, long long * seconds, unsigned int * nseconds, unsigned int flags)
Extract information about guest time and store it into seconds
and nseconds
. The seconds
represents the number of seconds since the UNIX Epoch of 1970-01-01 00:00:00 in UTC.
Please note that some hypervisors may require guest agent to be configured and running in order to run this API.
¶int virDomainGetUUID (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned char * uuid)
Get the UUID for a domain
¶int virDomainGetUUIDString (virDomainPtr domain, char * buf)
Get the UUID for a domain as string. For more information about UUID see RFC4122.
¶int virDomainGetVcpuPinInfo (virDomainPtr domain, int ncpumaps, unsigned char * cpumaps, int maplen, unsigned int flags)
Query the CPU affinity setting of all virtual CPUs of domain, store it in cpumaps.
¶int virDomainGetVcpus (virDomainPtr domain, virVcpuInfoPtr info, int maxinfo, unsigned char * cpumaps, int maplen)
Extract information about virtual CPUs of domain, store it in info array and also in cpumaps if this pointer isn't NULL. This call may fail on an inactive domain.
See also virDomainGetVcpuPinInfo for querying just cpumaps, including on an inactive domain.
¶int virDomainGetVcpusFlags (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Query the number of virtual CPUs used by the domain. Note that this call may fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE, this will query a running domain (which will fail if domain is not active); if it includes VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG, this will query the XML description of the domain. It is an error to set both flags. If neither flag is set (that is, VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then the configuration queried depends on whether the domain is currently running.
If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_MAXIMUM, then the maximum virtual CPU limit is queried. Otherwise, this call queries the current virtual CPU count.
If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_GUEST, then the state of the processors is queried in the guest instead of the hypervisor. This flag is only usable on live domains. Guest agent may be needed for this flag to be available.
¶char * virDomainGetXMLDesc (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Provide an XML description of the domain. The description may be reused later to relaunch the domain with virDomainCreateXML().
No security-sensitive data will be included unless flags
contains VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE; this flag is rejected on read-only connections. If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE, then the XML represents the configuration that will be used on the next boot of a persistent domain; otherwise, the configuration represents the currently running domain. If flags
contains VIR_DOMAIN_XML_UPDATE_CPU, then the portion of the domain XML describing CPU capabilities is modified to match actual capabilities of the host.
If flags
contains VIR_DOMAIN_XML_MIGRATABLE, the XML is altered to assist in migrations, since the source and destination may be running different libvirt versions. This may include trimming redundant or default information that might confuse an older recipient, or exposing internal details that aid a newer recipient; this flag is rejected on read-only connections, and the resulting XML might not validate against the schema, so it is mainly for internal use.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | read | - |
domain | read-secure | VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE |
domain | read-secure | VIR_DOMAIN_XML_MIGRATABLE |
¶int virDomainGraphicsReload (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int type, unsigned int flags)
Reload domain's graphics. This can be used to reload TLS certificates without restarting the domain.
¶int virDomainHasManagedSaveImage (virDomainPtr dom, unsigned int flags)
Check if a domain has a managed save image as created by virDomainManagedSave(). Note that any running domain should not have such an image, as it should have been removed on restart.
¶void virDomainIOThreadInfoFree (virDomainIOThreadInfoPtr info)
Frees the memory used by info
¶int virDomainInjectNMI (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Send NMI to the guest
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | inject-nmi | - |
¶int virDomainInterfaceAddresses (virDomainPtr dom, virDomainInterfacePtr ** ifaces, unsigned int source, unsigned int flags)
Return a pointer to the allocated array of pointers to interfaces present in given domain along with their IP and MAC addresses. Note that single interface can have multiple or even 0 IP addresses.
This API dynamically allocates the virDomainInterfacePtr struct based on how many interfaces domain dom
has, usually there's 1:1 correlation. The count of the interfaces is returned as the return value.
If source
is VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_LEASE, the DHCP lease file associated with any virtual networks will be examined to obtain the interface addresses. This only returns data for interfaces which are connected to virtual networks managed by libvirt.
If source
is VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_AGENT, a configured guest agent is needed for successful return from this API. Moreover, if guest agent is used then the interface name is the one seen by guest OS. To match such interface with the one from dom
XML use MAC address or IP range.
If source
is VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_ARP, the host ARP table will be check to obtain the interface addresses. As the arp cache refreshes in time, the returned ip address may be unreachable. Depending on the route table config of the guest, the returned mac address may be duplicated.
Note that for some source
values some pieces of returned ifaces
might be unset (e.g. VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_ARP does not set IP address prefix as ARP table does not have any notion of that).
and ifaces->hwaddr
are never NULL.
The caller *must* free ifaces
when no longer needed. Usual use case looks like this:
virDomainInterfacePtr *ifaces = NULL; int ifaces_count = 0; size_t i, j; virDomainPtr dom = ... obtain a domain here ...; if ((ifaces_count = virDomainInterfaceAddresses(dom, &ifaces, VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_LEASE)) < 0) goto cleanup;
... do something with returned values, for example:
for (i = 0; i < ifaces_count; i++) { printf("name: %s", ifaces[i]->name); if (ifaces[i]->hwaddr) printf(" hwaddr: %s", ifaces[i]->hwaddr); for (j = 0; j < ifaces[i]->naddrs; j++) { virDomainIPAddressPtr ip_addr = ifaces[i]->addrs + j; printf("[addr: %s prefix: %d type: %d]", ip_addr->addr, ip_addr->prefix, ip_addr->type); } printf("\n"); } cleanup: if (ifaces && ifaces_count > 0) for (i = 0; i < ifaces_count; i++) virDomainInterfaceFree(ifaces[i]); free(ifaces);
¶void virDomainInterfaceFree (virDomainInterfacePtr iface)
Free the interface object. The data structure is freed and should not be used thereafter. If iface
is NULL, then this method has no effect.
¶int virDomainInterfaceStats (virDomainPtr dom, const char * device, virDomainInterfaceStatsPtr stats, size_t size)
This function returns network interface stats for interfaces attached to the domain.
The device
parameter is the network interface either by name or MAC address.
Domains may have more than one network interface. To get stats for each you should make multiple calls to this function.
Individual fields within the stats structure may be returned as -1, which indicates that the hypervisor does not support that particular statistic.
The returned stats are from domain's point of view.
Please note, for an unmanaged ethernet type, returned stats might have RX/TX swapped.
¶int virDomainIsActive (virDomainPtr dom)
Determine if the domain is currently running
¶int virDomainIsPersistent (virDomainPtr dom)
Determine if the domain has a persistent configuration which means it will still exist after shutting down
¶int virDomainIsUpdated (virDomainPtr dom)
Determine if the domain has been updated.
¶int virDomainListGetStats (virDomainPtr * doms, unsigned int stats, virDomainStatsRecordPtr ** retStats, unsigned int flags)
Query statistics for domains provided by doms
. Note that all domains in doms
must share the same connection.
Report statistics of various parameters for a running VM according to stats
field. The statistics are returned as an array of structures for each queried domain. The structure contains an array of typed parameters containing the individual statistics. The typed parameter name for each statistic field consists of a dot-separated string containing name of the requested group followed by a group specific description of the statistic value.
The statistic groups are enabled using the stats
parameter which is a binary-OR of enum virDomainStatsTypes. The stats groups are documented in virConnectGetAllDomainStats.
Using 0 for stats
returns all stats groups supported by the given hypervisor.
makes the function return error in case some of the stat types in stats
were not recognized by the daemon. However, even with this flag, a hypervisor may omit individual fields within a known group if the information is not available; as an extreme example, a supported group may produce zero fields for offline domains if the statistics are meaningful only for a running domain.
means when libvirt is unable to fetch stats for any of the domains (for whatever reason) only a subset of statistics is returned for the domain. That subset being statistics that don't involve querying the underlying hypervisor.
Note that any of the domain list filtering flags in flags
may be rejected by this function.
parameter. The returned array should be freed by the caller. See virDomainStatsRecordListFree. Note that the count of returned stats may be less than the domain count provided via doms
¶virDomainPtr virDomainLookupByID (virConnectPtr conn, int id)
Try to find a domain based on the hypervisor ID number Note that this won't work for inactive domains which have an ID of -1, in that case a lookup based on the Name or UUID need to be done instead.
virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed.
¶virDomainPtr virDomainLookupByName (virConnectPtr conn, const char * name)
Try to lookup a domain on the given hypervisor based on its name.
virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed.
¶virDomainPtr virDomainLookupByUUID (virConnectPtr conn, const unsigned char * uuid)
Try to lookup a domain on the given hypervisor based on its UUID.
virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed.
¶virDomainPtr virDomainLookupByUUIDString (virConnectPtr conn, const char * uuidstr)
Try to lookup a domain on the given hypervisor based on its UUID.
virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the domain object is no longer needed.
¶int virDomainManagedSave (virDomainPtr dom, unsigned int flags)
This method will suspend a domain and save its memory contents to a file on disk. After the call, if successful, the domain is not listed as running anymore. The difference from virDomainSave() is that libvirt is keeping track of the saved state itself, and will reuse it once the domain is being restarted (automatically or via an explicit libvirt call). As a result any running domain is sure to not have a managed saved image. This also implies that managed save only works on persistent domains, since the domain must still exist in order to use virDomainCreate() to restart it.
If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_BYPASS_CACHE, then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while creating the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing saves to NFS.
Normally, the managed saved state will remember whether the domain was running or paused, and start will resume to the same state. Specifying VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RUNNING or VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED in flags
will override the default saved into the file. These two flags are mutually exclusive.
¶int virDomainManagedSaveDefineXML (virDomainPtr domain, const char * dxml, unsigned int flags)
This updates the definition of a domain stored in a saved state file.
can be used to alter host-specific portions of the domain XML that will be used on the next start of the domain. For example, it is possible to alter the backing filename that is associated with a disk device.
Normally, the saved state file will remember whether the domain was running or paused, and restore defaults to the same state. Specifying VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RUNNING or VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED in flags
will override the default saved into the file; omitting both leaves the file's default unchanged. These two flags are mutually exclusive.
¶char * virDomainManagedSaveGetXMLDesc (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
This method will extract the XML description of the managed save state file of a domain.
No security-sensitive data will be included unless flags
contains VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_IMAGE_XML_SECURE; this flag is rejected on read-only connections.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | read | - |
domain | read-secure | VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_IMAGE_XML_SECURE |
¶int virDomainManagedSaveRemove (virDomainPtr dom, unsigned int flags)
Remove any managed save image for this domain.
¶int virDomainMemoryPeek (virDomainPtr dom, unsigned long long start, size_t size, void * buffer, unsigned int flags)
This function allows you to read the contents of a domain's memory.
The memory which is read is controlled by the 'start', 'size' and 'flags' parameters.
If 'flags' is VIR_MEMORY_VIRTUAL then the 'start' and 'size' parameters are interpreted as virtual memory addresses for whichever task happens to be running on the domain at the moment. Although this sounds haphazard it is in fact what you want in order to read Linux kernel state, because it ensures that pointers in the kernel image can be interpreted coherently.
'buffer' is the return buffer and must be at least 'size' bytes. 'size' may be 0 to test if the call would succeed.
NB. The remote driver imposes a 64K byte limit on 'size'. For your program to be able to work reliably over a remote connection you should split large requests to <= 65536 bytes. However, with 0.9.13 this RPC limit has been raised to 1M byte. Starting with version 1.0.6 the RPC limit has been raised again. Now large requests up to 16M byte are supported.
¶int virDomainMemoryStats (virDomainPtr dom, virDomainMemoryStatPtr stats, unsigned int nr_stats, unsigned int flags)
This function provides memory statistics for the domain.
Up to 'nr_stats' elements of 'stats' will be populated with memory statistics from the domain. Only statistics supported by the domain, the driver, and this version of libvirt will be returned.
Memory Statistics:
VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_SWAP_IN: The total amount of data read from swap space (in kb). VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_SWAP_OUT: The total amount of memory written out to swap space (in kb). VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_MAJOR_FAULT: The number of page faults that required disk IO to service. VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_MINOR_FAULT: The number of page faults serviced without disk IO. VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_UNUSED: The amount of memory which is not being used for any purpose (in kb). VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_AVAILABLE: The total amount of memory available to the domain's OS (in kb). VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_USABLE: How much the balloon can be inflated without pushing the guest system to swap, corresponds to 'Available' in /proc/meminfo VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_ACTUAL_BALLOON: Current balloon value (in kb). VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_LAST_UPDATE Timestamp of the last statistic VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_DISK_CACHES Memory that can be reclaimed without additional I/O, typically disk caches (in kb). VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_HUGETLB_PGALLOC The number of successful huge page allocations from inside the domain VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_STAT_HUGETLB_PGFAIL The number of failed huge page allocations from inside the domain
¶virDomainPtr virDomainMigrate (virDomainPtr domain, virConnectPtr dconn, unsigned long flags, const char * dname, const char * uri, unsigned long bandwidth)
Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by dconn (a connection to the destination host).
This function is similar to virDomainMigrate3, but it only supports a fixed set of parameters: dname
corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_NAME, uri
is VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI, and bandwidth
virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the returned domain object is no longer needed.
¶virDomainPtr virDomainMigrate2 (virDomainPtr domain, virConnectPtr dconn, const char * dxml, unsigned long flags, const char * dname, const char * uri, unsigned long bandwidth)
Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by dconn (a connection to the destination host).
This function is similar to virDomainMigrate3, but it only supports a fixed set of parameters: dxml
corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_XML, dname
is VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI, and bandwidth
virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the returned domain object is no longer needed.
¶virDomainPtr virDomainMigrate3 (virDomainPtr domain, virConnectPtr dconn, virTypedParameterPtr params, unsigned int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by dconn (a connection to the destination host).
See VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_* and virDomainMigrateFlags for detailed description of accepted migration parameters and flags.
See virDomainMigrateFlags documentation for description of individual flags.
VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED and VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER are not supported by this API, use virDomainMigrateToURI3 instead.
There are many limitations on migration imposed by the underlying technology - for example it may not be possible to migrate between different processors even with the same architecture, or between different types of hypervisor.
virDomainFree should be used to free the resources after the returned domain object is no longer needed.
¶int virDomainMigrateGetCompressionCache (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned long long * cacheSize, unsigned int flags)
Gets current size of the cache (in bytes) used for compressing repeatedly transferred memory pages during live migration.
¶int virDomainMigrateGetMaxDowntime (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned long long * downtime, unsigned int flags)
Gets current maximum tolerable time for which the domain may be paused at the end of live migration.
¶int virDomainMigrateGetMaxSpeed (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned long * bandwidth, unsigned int flags)
Get the current maximum bandwidth (in MiB/s) that will be used if the domain is migrated. Not all hypervisors will support a bandwidth limit. When VIR_DOMAIN_MIGRATE_MAX_SPEED_POSTCOPY is set in flags
, this API gets the current maximum bandwidth for the post-copy phase of the migration.
¶int virDomainMigrateSetCompressionCache (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned long long cacheSize, unsigned int flags)
Sets size of the cache (in bytes) used for compressing repeatedly transferred memory pages during live migration. It's supposed to be called while the domain is being live-migrated as a reaction to migration progress and increasing number of compression cache misses obtained from virDomainGetJobStats.
¶int virDomainMigrateSetMaxDowntime (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned long long downtime, unsigned int flags)
Sets maximum tolerable time for which the domain is allowed to be paused at the end of live migration. It's supposed to be called while the domain is being live-migrated as a reaction to migration progress.
¶int virDomainMigrateSetMaxSpeed (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned long bandwidth, unsigned int flags)
The maximum bandwidth (in MiB/s) that will be used to do migration can be specified with the bandwidth parameter. Not all hypervisors will support a bandwidth cap. When VIR_DOMAIN_MIGRATE_MAX_SPEED_POSTCOPY is set in flags
, this API sets the maximum bandwidth for the post-copy phase of the migration.
¶int virDomainMigrateStartPostCopy (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Starts post-copy migration. This function has to be called while migration (initiated with VIR_MIGRATE_POSTCOPY flag) is in progress.
Traditional pre-copy migration iteratively walks through guest memory pages and migrates those that changed since the previous iteration. The iterative phase stops when the number of dirty pages is low enough so that the virtual CPUs can be paused, all dirty pages transferred to the destination, where the virtual CPUs are unpaused, and all this can happen within a predefined downtime period. It's clear that this process may never converge if downtime is too short and/or the guest keeps changing a lot of memory pages.
When migration is switched to post-copy mode, the virtual CPUs are paused immediately, only a minimum set of pages is transferred, and the CPUs are unpaused on destination. The source keeps sending all remaining memory pages to the destination while the guest is already running there. Whenever the guest tries to read a memory page which has not been migrated yet, the hypervisor has to tell the source to transfer that page in a priority channel. To minimize such page faults, it is a good idea to run at least one iteration of pre-copy migration before switching to post-copy.
Post-copy migration is guaranteed to converge since each page is transferred at most once no matter how fast it changes. On the other hand once the guest is running on the destination host, the migration can no longer be rolled back because none of the hosts has complete state. If this happens, libvirt will leave the domain paused on the source host with VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_POSTCOPY_FAILED reason. The domain on the destination host will remain running with VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_POSTCOPY_FAILED reason. It's up to the upper layer to decide what to do in such case. Because of this, libvirt will refuse to cancel post-copy migration via virDomainAbortJobFlags unless it is called with VIR_DOMAIN_ABORT_JOB_POSTCOPY, in which case the post-copy migration will be paused.
Failed post-copy migration can be recovered once the cause for the failure (e.g., a network issue) is resolved by repeating the migration with an additional VIR_MIGRATE_POSTCOPY_RESUME flag. This will recreate the connection and resume migration from the point where it failed. This step can be repeated in case the migration breaks again.
The following domain life cycle events are emitted during post-copy migration: VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_POSTCOPY (on the source) -- migration entered post-copy mode. VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_POSTCOPY (on the destination) -- the guest is running on the destination host while some of its memory pages still remain on the source host; neither the source nor the destination host contain a complete guest state from this point until migration finishes. VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_MIGRATED (on the destination), VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_MIGRATED (on the source) -- migration finished successfully and the destination host holds a complete guest state. VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_POSTCOPY_FAILED (on the source), VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_POSTCOPY_FAILED (on the destination) -- emitted when migration fails in post-copy mode and it's unclear whether any of the hosts has a complete guest state. Virtual CPUs on the destination are still running.
The progress of a post-copy migration can be monitored normally using virDomainGetJobStats on the source host. Fetching statistics of a completed post-copy migration can also be done on the source host (by calling virDomainGetJobStats or listening to VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_JOB_COMPLETED event, but (in contrast to pre-copy migration) the statistics are not available on the destination host. Thus, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_JOB_COMPLETED event is the only way of getting statistics of a completed post-copy migration of a transient domain (because the domain is removed after migration and there's no domain to run virDomainGetJobStats on).
¶int virDomainMigrateToURI (virDomainPtr domain, const char * duri, unsigned long flags, const char * dname, unsigned long bandwidth)
Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by duri.
This function is similar to virDomainMigrateToURI3, but it only supports a fixed set of parameters: dname
corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_NAME, and bandwidth
The operation of this API hinges on the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag.
If the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag IS set, the duri
parameter must be a valid libvirt connection URI, by which the source libvirt driver can connect to the destination libvirt. In other words, duri
corresponds to dconnuri
of virDomainMigrateToURI3.
If the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag is NOT set, the duri
parameter takes a hypervisor specific URI used to initiate the migration. In this case duri
corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI of virDomainMigrateToURI3.
¶int virDomainMigrateToURI2 (virDomainPtr domain, const char * dconnuri, const char * miguri, const char * dxml, unsigned long flags, const char * dname, unsigned long bandwidth)
Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by dconnuri
This function is similar to virDomainMigrateToURI3, but it only supports a fixed set of parameters: miguri
corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI, dxml
The operation of this API hinges on the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag.
If the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag IS set, the dconnuri
parameter must be a valid libvirt connection URI, by which the source libvirt driver can connect to the destination libvirt. In other words, dconnuri
has the same semantics as in virDomainMigrateToURI3.
If the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag is NOT set, the dconnuri
must be NULL and the miguri
parameter takes a hypervisor specific URI used to initiate the migration. In this case miguri
corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI of virDomainMigrateToURI3.
includs VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLEDvirDomainMigrateToURI3
¶int virDomainMigrateToURI3 (virDomainPtr domain, const char * dconnuri, virTypedParameterPtr params, unsigned int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Migrate the domain object from its current host to the destination host given by URI.
See VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_* and virDomainMigrateFlags for detailed description of accepted migration parameters and flags.
The operation of this API hinges on the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag.
If the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag is set, the dconnuri
parameter must be a valid libvirt connection URI, by which the source libvirt daemon can connect to the destination libvirt.
If the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag is NOT set, then dconnuri
must be NULL and VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI migration parameter must be filled in with hypervisor specific URI used to initiate the migration. The uri_transports element of the hypervisor capabilities XML includes supported URI schemes. This is called "direct" migration. Not all hypervisors support this mode of migration, so if the VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER flag is not set, then it may be necessary to use the alternative virDomainMigrate3 API providing an explicit virConnectPtr for the destination host.
There are many limitations on migration imposed by the underlying technology - for example it may not be possible to migrate between different processors even with the same architecture, or between different types of hypervisor.
includes VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEERparams
¶int virDomainOpenChannel (virDomainPtr dom, const char * name, virStreamPtr st, unsigned int flags)
This opens the host interface associated with a channel device on a guest, if the host interface is supported. If name
is given, it can match either the device alias (e.g. "channel0"), or the virtio target name (e.g. "org.qemu.guest_agent.0"). If name
is omitted, then the first channel is opened. The channel is associated with the passed in st
stream, which should have been opened in non-blocking mode for bi-directional I/O.
By default, when flags
is 0, the open will fail if libvirt detects that the channel is already in use by another client; passing VIR_DOMAIN_CHANNEL_FORCE will cause libvirt to forcefully remove the other client prior to opening this channel.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | open-device | - |
¶int virDomainOpenConsole (virDomainPtr dom, const char * dev_name, virStreamPtr st, unsigned int flags)
This opens the backend associated with a console, serial or parallel port device on a guest, if the backend is supported. If the dev_name
is omitted, then the first console or serial device is opened. The console is associated with the passed in st
stream, which should have been opened in non-blocking mode for bi-directional I/O.
By default, when flags
is 0, the open will fail if libvirt detects that the console is already in use by another client; passing VIR_DOMAIN_CONSOLE_FORCE will cause libvirt to forcefully remove the other client prior to opening this console.
If flag VIR_DOMAIN_CONSOLE_SAFE the console is opened only in the case where the hypervisor driver supports safe (mutually exclusive) console handling.
Older servers did not support either flag, and also did not forbid simultaneous clients on a console, with potentially confusing results. When passing flags
of 0 in order to support a wider range of server versions, it is up to the client to ensure mutual exclusion.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | open-device | - |
¶int virDomainOpenGraphics (virDomainPtr dom, unsigned int idx, int fd, unsigned int flags)
This will attempt to connect the file descriptor fd
, to the graphics backend of dom
. If dom
has multiple graphics backends configured, then idx
will determine which one is opened, starting from idx
To disable any authentication, pass the VIR_DOMAIN_OPEN_GRAPHICS_SKIPAUTH constant for flags
The caller should use an anonymous socketpair to open fd
before invocation.
This method can only be used when connected to a local libvirt hypervisor, over a UNIX domain socket. Attempts to use this method over a TCP connection will always fail
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | open-graphics | - |
¶int virDomainOpenGraphicsFD (virDomainPtr dom, unsigned int idx, unsigned int flags)
This will create a socket pair connected to the graphics backend of dom
. One end of the socket will be returned on success, and the other end is handed to the hypervisor. If dom
has multiple graphics backends configured, then idx
will determine which one is opened, starting from idx
To disable any authentication, pass the VIR_DOMAIN_OPEN_GRAPHICS_SKIPAUTH constant for flags
This method can only be used when connected to a local libvirt hypervisor, over a UNIX domain socket. Attempts to use this method over a TCP connection will always fail.
¶int virDomainPMSuspendForDuration (virDomainPtr dom, unsigned int target, unsigned long long duration, unsigned int flags)
Attempt to have the guest enter the given target
power management suspension level. If duration
is non-zero, also schedule the guest to resume normal operation after that many seconds, if nothing else has resumed it earlier. Some hypervisors require that duration
be 0, for an indefinite suspension.
Dependent on hypervisor used, this may require a guest agent to be available, e.g. QEMU.
Beware that at least for QEMU, the domain's process will be terminated when VIR_NODE_SUSPEND_TARGET_DISK is used and a new process will be launched when libvirt is asked to wake up the domain. As a result of this, any runtime changes, such as device hotplug or memory settings, are lost unless such changes were made with VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG flag.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | pm-control | - |
¶int virDomainPMWakeup (virDomainPtr dom, unsigned int flags)
Inject a wakeup into the guest that previously used virDomainPMSuspendForDuration, rather than waiting for the previously requested duration (if any) to elapse.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | pm-control | - |
¶int virDomainPinEmulator (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned char * cpumap, int maplen, unsigned int flags)
Dynamically change the real CPUs which can be allocated to all emulator threads. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG. Both flags may be set. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE is set, the change affects a running domain and may fail if domain is not alive. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG is set, the change affects persistent state, and will fail for transient domains. If neither flag is specified (that is, flags
is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed. Not all hypervisors can support all flag combinations.
See also virDomainGetEmulatorPinInfo for querying this information.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainPinIOThread (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int iothread_id, unsigned char * cpumap, int maplen, unsigned int flags)
Dynamically change the real CPUs which can be allocated to an IOThread. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG. Both flags may be set. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE is set, the change affects a running domain and may fail if domain is not alive. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG is set, the change affects persistent state, and will fail for transient domains. If neither flag is specified (that is, flags
is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed. Not all hypervisors can support all flag combinations.
See also virDomainGetIOThreadInfo for querying this information.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainPinVcpu (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int vcpu, unsigned char * cpumap, int maplen)
Dynamically change the real CPUs which can be allocated to a virtual CPU. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
This command only changes the runtime configuration of the domain, so can only be called on an active domain.
¶int virDomainPinVcpuFlags (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int vcpu, unsigned char * cpumap, int maplen, unsigned int flags)
Dynamically change the real CPUs which can be allocated to a virtual CPU. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG. Both flags may be set. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE is set, the change affects a running domain and may fail if domain is not alive. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG is set, the change affects persistent state, and will fail for transient domains. If neither flag is specified (that is, flags
is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed. Not all hypervisors can support all flag combinations.
See also virDomainGetVcpuPinInfo for querying this information.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainReboot (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Reboot a domain, the domain object is still usable thereafter, but the domain OS is being stopped for a restart. Note that the guest OS may ignore the request. Additionally, the hypervisor may check and support the domain 'on_reboot' XML setting resulting in a domain that shuts down instead of rebooting.
If flags
is set to zero, then the hypervisor will choose the method of shutdown it considers best. To have greater control pass one or more of the virDomainRebootFlagValues. The order in which the hypervisor tries each shutdown method is undefined, and a hypervisor is not required to support all methods.
To use guest agent (VIR_DOMAIN_REBOOT_GUEST_AGENT) the domain XML must have <channel> configured.
Due to implementation limitations in some drivers (the qemu driver, for instance) it is not advised to migrate or save a guest that is rebooting as a result of this API. Migrating such a guest can lead to a plain shutdown on the destination.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | init-control | - |
¶int virDomainRef (virDomainPtr domain)
Increment the reference count on the domain. For each additional call to this method, there shall be a corresponding call to virDomainFree to release the reference count, once the caller no longer needs the reference to this object.
This method is typically useful for applications where multiple threads are using a connection, and it is required that the connection remain open until all threads have finished using it. ie, each new thread using a domain would increment the reference count.
¶int virDomainRename (virDomainPtr dom, const char * new_name, unsigned int flags)
Rename a domain. New domain name is specified in the second argument. Depending on each driver implementation it may be required that domain is in a specific state.
There might be some attributes and/or elements in domain XML that if no value provided at XML defining time, libvirt will derive their value from the domain name. These are not updated by this API. Users are strongly advised to change these after the rename was successful.
¶int virDomainReset (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Reset a domain immediately without any guest OS shutdown. Reset emulates the power reset button on a machine, where all hardware sees the RST line set and reinitializes internal state.
Note that there is a risk of data loss caused by reset without any guest OS shutdown.
¶int virDomainRestore (virConnectPtr conn, const char * from)
This method will restore a domain saved to disk by virDomainSave().
See virDomainRestoreFlags() for more control.
¶int virDomainRestoreFlags (virConnectPtr conn, const char * from, const char * dxml, unsigned int flags)
This method will restore a domain saved to disk by virDomainSave().
If the hypervisor supports it, dxml
can be used to alter host-specific portions of the domain XML that will be used when restoring an image. For example, it is possible to alter the backing filename that is associated with a disk device, in order to prepare for file renaming done as part of backing up the disk device while the domain is stopped.
If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_BYPASS_CACHE, then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while restoring the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing restores from NFS.
Normally, the saved state file will remember whether the domain was running or paused, and restore defaults to the same state. Specifying VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RUNNING or VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED in flags
will override the default read from the file. These two flags are mutually exclusive.
If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RESET_NVRAM, then libvirt will discard any existing NVRAM file and re-initialize NVRAM from the pristine template.
¶int virDomainRestoreParams (virConnectPtr conn, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
This method extends virDomainRestoreFlags by adding parameters. For now, VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PARAM_FILE is required but this requirement may be lifted in the future.
See VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PARAM_* for detailed description of accepted restore parameters.
¶int virDomainResume (virDomainPtr domain)
Resume a suspended domain, the process is restarted from the state where it was frozen by calling virDomainSuspend(). This function may require privileged access Moreover, resume may not be supported if domain is in some special state like VIR_DOMAIN_PMSUSPENDED.
¶int virDomainSave (virDomainPtr domain, const char * to)
This method will suspend a domain and save its memory contents to a file or direcotry (based on the vmm) on disk. After the call, if successful,the domain is not listed as running anymore (this ends the life of a transient domain). Use virDomainRestore() to restore a domain after saving.
See virDomainSaveFlags() and virDomainSaveParams() for more control. Also, a save file can be inspected or modified slightly with virDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc() and virDomainSaveImageDefineXML().
¶int virDomainSaveFlags (virDomainPtr domain, const char * to, const char * dxml, unsigned int flags)
This method will suspend a domain and save its memory contents to a file on disk. After the call, if successful, the domain is not listed as running anymore (this ends the life of a transient domain). Use virDomainRestore() to restore a domain after saving.
If the hypervisor supports it, dxml
can be used to alter host-specific portions of the domain XML that will be used when restoring an image. For example, it is possible to alter the backing filename that is associated with a disk device, in order to prepare for file renaming done as part of backing up the disk device while the domain is stopped.
If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_BYPASS_CACHE, then libvirt will attempt to bypass the file system cache while creating the file, or fail if it cannot do so for the given system; this can allow less pressure on file system cache, but also risks slowing saves to NFS.
Normally, the saved state file will remember whether the domain was running or paused, and restore defaults to the same state. Specifying VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RUNNING or VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED in flags
will override what state gets saved into the file. These two flags are mutually exclusive.
A save file can be inspected or modified slightly with virDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc() and virDomainSaveImageDefineXML().
Some hypervisors may prevent this operation if there is a current block job running; in that case, use virDomainBlockJobAbort() to stop the block job first.
¶int virDomainSaveImageDefineXML (virConnectPtr conn, const char * file, const char * dxml, unsigned int flags)
This updates the definition of a domain stored in a saved state file. file
must be a file created previously by virDomainSave() or virDomainSaveFlags().
can be used to alter host-specific portions of the domain XML that will be used when restoring an image. For example, it is possible to alter the backing filename that is associated with a disk device, to match renaming done as part of backing up the disk device while the domain is stopped.
Normally, the saved state file will remember whether the domain was running or paused, and restore defaults to the same state. Specifying VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_RUNNING or VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PAUSED in flags
will override the default saved into the file; omitting both leaves the file's default unchanged. These two flags are mutually exclusive.
¶char * virDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc (virConnectPtr conn, const char * file, unsigned int flags)
This method will extract the XML describing the domain at the time a saved state file was created. file
must be a file created previously by virDomainSave() or virDomainSaveFlags().
No security-sensitive data will be included unless flags
¶int virDomainSaveParams (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
This method extends virDomainSaveFlags by adding parameters. If VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PARAM_FILE is not provided then a managed save is performed (see virDomainManagedSave).
See VIR_DOMAIN_SAVE_PARAM_* for detailed description of accepted save parameters.
¶char * virDomainScreenshot (virDomainPtr domain, virStreamPtr stream, unsigned int screen, unsigned int flags)
Take a screenshot of current domain console as a stream. The image format is hypervisor specific. Moreover, some hypervisors supports multiple displays per domain. These can be distinguished by screen
This call sets up a stream; subsequent use of stream API is necessary to transfer actual data, determine how much data is successfully transferred, and detect any errors.
The screen ID is the sequential number of screen. In case of multiple graphics cards, heads are enumerated before devices, e.g. having two graphics cards, both with four heads, screen ID 5 addresses the second head on the second card.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | screenshot | - |
¶int virDomainSendKey (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int codeset, unsigned int holdtime, unsigned int * keycodes, int nkeycodes, unsigned int flags)
Send key(s) to the guest.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | send-input | - |
¶int virDomainSendProcessSignal (virDomainPtr domain, long long pid_value, unsigned int signum, unsigned int flags)
Send a signal to the designated process in the guest
The signal numbers must be taken from the virDomainProcessSignal enum. These will be translated to the corresponding signal number for the guest OS, by the guest agent delivering the signal. If there is no mapping from virDomainProcessSignal to the native OS signals, this API will report an error.
If pid_value
is an integer greater than zero, it is treated as a process ID. If pid_value
is an integer less than zero, it is treated as a process group ID. All the pid_value
numbers are from the container/guest namespace. The value zero is not valid.
Not all hypervisors will support sending signals to arbitrary processes or process groups. If this API is implemented the minimum requirement is to be able to use pid_value
== 1 (i.e. kill init). No other value is required to be supported.
If the signum
is VIR_DOMAIN_PROCESS_SIGNAL_NOP then this API will simply report whether the process is running in the container/guest.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | send-signal | - |
¶int virDomainSetAutostart (virDomainPtr domain, int autostart)
Configure the domain to be automatically started when the host machine boots.
¶int virDomainSetAutostartOnce (virDomainPtr domain, int autostart)
Configure the domain to be automatically started the next time the host machine boots only.
¶int virDomainSetBlkioParameters (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Change all or a subset of the blkio tunables. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainSetBlockIoTune (virDomainPtr dom, const char * disk, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Change all or a subset of the per-device block IO tunables.
The disk
parameter is either an unambiguous source name of the block device (the <source file='...'/> sub-element, such as "/path/to/image"), or the device target shorthand (the <target dev='...'/> sub-element, such as "xvda"). Valid names can be found by calling virDomainGetXMLDesc() and inspecting elements within //domain/devices/disk.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainSetBlockThreshold (virDomainPtr domain, const char * dev, unsigned long long threshold, unsigned int flags)
Set the threshold level for delivering the VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_THRESHOLD if the device or backing chain element described by dev
is written beyond the set threshold level. The threshold level is unset once the event fires. The event might not be delivered at all if libvirtd was not running at the moment when the threshold was reached. Note that if the threshold level is reached for a top level image, the event is emitted for dev
corresponding to the disk target, and may also be reported with dev
corresponding to the disk target with an index corresponding to the 'index' attribute of 'source' in the live VM XML if the attribute is present.
can either be a disk target name (vda, sda) or disk target with index ( vda[4]). Without the index the top image in the backing chain will have the threshold set. The index corresponds to the 'index' attribute reported in the live VM XML for 'backingStore' or 'source' elements of a disk. If index is given the threshold is set for the corresponding image.
In case when dev
does not contain index the VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_ID_BLOCK_THRESHOLD event may be emitted twice, once for the disk device target without index and once containing the index.
Note that the threshold event can be registered also for destinations of a 'virDomainBlockCopy' destination by using the 'index' of the 'mirror' source.
Hypervisors report the last written sector of an image in the bulk stats API (virConnectGetAllDomainStats/virDomainListGetStats) as "block.<num>.allocation" in the VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BLOCK group. The current threshold value is reported as "block.<num>.threshold".
This event allows to use thin-provisioned storage which needs management tools to grow it without the need for polling of the data.
¶int virDomainSetGuestVcpus (virDomainPtr domain, const char * cpumap, int state, unsigned int flags)
Sets state of individual vcpus described by cpumap
via guest agent. Other vcpus are not modified.
This API requires the VM to run. Various hypervisors or guest agent implementation may limit to operate on just 1 vCPU per call.
is a list of vCPU numbers. Its syntax is a comma separated list and a special markup using '-' and '^' (ex. '0-4', '0-3,^2'). The '-' denotes the range and the '^' denotes exclusive. The expression is sequentially evaluated, so "0-15,^8" is identical to "9-14,0-7,15" but not identical to "^8,0-15".
Note that OSes (notably Linux) may require vCPU 0 to stay online to support low-level features a S3 sleep.
¶int virDomainSetIOThreadParams (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int iothread_id, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Dynamically set IOThread parameters to the domain. It is left up to the underlying virtual hypervisor to determine the valid range for an iothread_id
, determining whether the iothread_id
already exists, and determining the validity of the provided param values.
See VIR_DOMAIN_IOTHREAD_* for detailed description of accepted IOThread parameters.
Since the purpose of this API is to dynamically modify the IOThread flags
should only include the VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT and/or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE virDomainMemoryModFlags. Setting other flags may cause errors from the hypervisor.
Note that this call can fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it or does not support setting the provided values.
This function requires privileged access to the hypervisor.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainSetInterfaceParameters (virDomainPtr domain, const char * device, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Change a subset or all parameters of interface; currently this includes bandwidth parameters. The value of flags
should be either VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT, or a bitwise-or of values VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE and VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG, although hypervisors vary in which flags are supported.
This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainSetLaunchSecurityState (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Set a launch security secret in the guest's memory. The guest must be in a paused state, e.g. in state VIR_DOMIAN_PAUSED as reported by virDomainGetState. On success, the guest can be transitioned to a running state. On failure, the guest should be destroyed.
A basic guest attestation process can be achieved by: - Start a secure guest in the paused state by passing VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED to one of the virDomainCreate APIs - Retrieve the guest launch measurement with virDomainGetLaunchSecurityInfo - Verify launch measurement and generate a secret for the guest - Set the secret in the guest's memory with virDomainSetLaunchSecurityState - Start running the guest with virDomainResume
See VIR_DOMAIN_LAUNCH_SECURITY_* for a detailed description of accepted launch security parameters.
¶int virDomainSetLifecycleAction (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int type, unsigned int action, unsigned int flags)
Changes the actions of lifecycle events for domain represented as <on_$type>$action</on_$type> in the domain XML.
QEMU driver has a limitation that if all lifecycle events are set to destroy when the domain is started, it's not possible to change any action for running domain.
¶int virDomainSetMaxMemory (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned long memory)
Dynamically change the maximum amount of physical memory allocated to a domain. If domain is NULL, then this change the amount of memory reserved to Domain0 i.e. the domain where the application runs. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
This command is hypervisor-specific for whether active, persistent, or both configurations are changed; for more control, use virDomainSetMemoryFlags().
¶int virDomainSetMemory (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned long memory)
Dynamically change the target amount of physical memory allocated to a domain. If domain is NULL, then this change the amount of memory reserved to Domain0 i.e. the domain where the application runs. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
This command is hypervisor-specific for whether active, persistent, or both configurations are changed; for more control, use virDomainSetMemoryFlags().
¶int virDomainSetMemoryFlags (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned long memory, unsigned int flags)
Dynamically change the target amount of physical memory allocated to a domain. If domain is NULL, then this change the amount of memory reserved to Domain0 i.e. the domain where the application runs. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG. Both flags may be set. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE is set, the change affects a running domain and will fail if domain is not active. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG is set, the change affects persistent state, and will fail for transient domains. If neither flag is specified (that is, flags
is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed. If VIR_DOMAIN_MEM_MAXIMUM is set, the change affects domain's maximum memory size rather than current memory size. Not all hypervisors can support all flag combinations.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainSetMemoryParameters (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Change all or a subset of the memory tunables. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
Possible values for all *_limit memory tunables are in range from 0 to VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_PARAM_UNLIMITED.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainSetMemoryStatsPeriod (virDomainPtr domain, int period, unsigned int flags)
Dynamically change the domain memory balloon driver statistics collection period. Use 0 to disable and a positive value to enable.
may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG. Both flags may be set. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE is set, the change affects a running domain and will fail if domain is not active. If VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG is set, the change affects persistent state, and will fail for transient domains. If neither flag is specified (that is, flags
is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed.
Not all hypervisors can support all flag combinations.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainSetMetadata (virDomainPtr domain, int type, const char * metadata, const char * key, const char * uri, unsigned int flags)
Sets the appropriate domain element given by type
to the value of metadata
. A type
of VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_DESCRIPTION is free-form text; VIR_DOMAIN_METADATA_TITLE is free-form, but no newlines are permitted, and should be short (although the length is not enforced). For these two options key
and uri
are irrelevant and must be set to NULL.
must be well-formed XML belonging to namespace defined by uri
with local name key
Passing NULL for metadata
says to remove that element from the domain XML (passing the empty string leaves the element present).
The resulting metadata will be present in virDomainGetXMLDesc(), as well as quick access through virDomainGetMetadata().
controls whether the live domain, persistent configuration, or both will be modified.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainSetNumaParameters (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Change all or a subset of the numa tunables. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
Changing live configuration may be possible only in some cases. For instance, for QEMU driver the mode (VIR_DOMAIN_NUMA_MODE) can not be changed, and changing the nodeset (VIR_DOMAIN_NUMA_NODESET) is possible only for VIR_DOMAIN_NUMATUNE_MEM_RESTRICTIVE mode.
Changing persistent configuration does not pose such limitations.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainSetPerfEvents (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Enable or disable the particular list of Linux perf events you care about. The params
argument should contain any subset of VIR_PERF_EVENT_ macros.
Linux perf events are performance analyzing tool in Linux.
¶int virDomainSetSchedulerParameters (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams)
Change all or a subset or the scheduler parameters. It is hypervisor-specific whether this sets live, persistent, or both settings; for more control, use virDomainSetSchedulerParametersFlags.
¶int virDomainSetSchedulerParametersFlags (virDomainPtr domain, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Change a subset or all scheduler parameters. The value of flags
should be either VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT, or a bitwise-or of values from VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE and VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT, although hypervisors vary in which flags are supported.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainSetThrottleGroup (virDomainPtr dom, const char * group, virTypedParameterPtr params, int nparams, unsigned int flags)
Add throttlegroup or change all of the throttlegroup options within specific domain
The group
parameter is the name for new or existing throttlegroup, it cannot be NULL, detailed throttlegroup info is included in params
, it either creates new throttlegroup with params
or updates existing throttlegroup with params
, throttlegroup can be referenced by throttle filter in attached disk to do limits, the difference from iotune is that multiple throttlegroups can be referenced within attached disk
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainSetTime (virDomainPtr dom, long long seconds, unsigned int nseconds, unsigned int flags)
When a domain is suspended or restored from a file the domain's OS has no idea that there was a big gap in the time. Depending on how long the gap was, NTP might not be able to resynchronize the guest.
This API tries to set guest time to the given value. The time to set (seconds
and nseconds
) should be in seconds relative to the Epoch of 1970-01-01 00:00:00 in UTC.
Please note that some hypervisors may require guest agent to be configured and running in order to be able to run this API.
¶int virDomainSetUserPassword (virDomainPtr dom, const char * user, const char * password, unsigned int flags)
Sets the user
password to the value specified by password
. If flags
contain VIR_DOMAIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED, the password is assumed to be encrypted by the method required by the guest OS.
Please note that some hypervisors may require guest agent to be configured and running in order to be able to run this API.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | set-password | - |
¶int virDomainSetVcpu (virDomainPtr domain, const char * vcpumap, int state, unsigned int flags)
Enables/disables individual vcpus described by vcpumap
in the hypervisor.
Various hypervisor implementations may limit to operate on just 1 hotpluggable entity (which may contain multiple vCPUs on certain platforms).
Note that OSes and hypervisors may require vCPU 0 to stay online.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
¶int virDomainSetVcpus (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int nvcpus)
Dynamically change the number of virtual CPUs used by the domain. Note that this call may fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it or if growing the number is arbitrarily limited. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
Note that if this call is executed before the guest has finished booting, the guest may fail to process the change.
This command only changes the runtime configuration of the domain, so can only be called on an active domain. It is hypervisor-dependent whether it also affects persistent configuration; for more control, use virDomainSetVcpusFlags().
¶int virDomainSetVcpusFlags (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int nvcpus, unsigned int flags)
Dynamically change the number of virtual CPUs used by the domain. Note that this call may fail if the underlying virtualization hypervisor does not support it or if growing the number is arbitrarily limited. This function may require privileged access to the hypervisor.
may include VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE to affect a running domain (which may fail if domain is not active), or VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG to affect the next boot via the XML description of the domain. Both flags may be set. If neither flag is specified (that is, flags
is VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT), then an inactive domain modifies persistent setup, while an active domain is hypervisor-dependent on whether just live or both live and persistent state is changed.
Note that if this call is executed before the guest has finished booting, the guest may fail to process the change.
If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_MAXIMUM, then VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE must be clear, and only the maximum virtual CPU limit is altered; generally, this value must be less than or equal to virConnectGetMaxVcpus(). Otherwise, this call affects the current virtual CPU limit, which must be less than or equal to the maximum limit. Note that hypervisors may not allow changing the maximum vcpu count if processor topology is specified.
If flags
includes VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_GUEST, then the state of processors is modified inside the guest instead of the hypervisor. This flag can only be used with live guests and is incompatible with VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_MAXIMUM. The usage of this flag may require a guest agent configured.
Not all hypervisors can support all flag combinations.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | write | - |
domain | save | VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG |
domain | write | VIR_DOMAIN_VCPU_GUEST |
¶int virDomainShutdown (virDomainPtr domain)
Shutdown a domain, the domain object is still usable thereafter, but the domain OS is being stopped. Note that the guest OS may ignore the request. Additionally, the hypervisor may check and support the domain 'on_poweroff' XML setting resulting in a domain that reboots instead of shutting down. For guests that react to a shutdown request, the differences from virDomainDestroy() are that the guests disk storage will be in a stable state rather than having the (virtual) power cord pulled, and this command returns as soon as the shutdown request is issued rather than blocking until the guest is no longer running.
If the domain is transient and has any snapshot metadata (see virDomainSnapshotNum()), then that metadata will automatically be deleted when the domain quits.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | init-control | - |
¶int virDomainShutdownFlags (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Shutdown a domain, the domain object is still usable thereafter but the domain OS is being stopped. Note that the guest OS may ignore the request. Additionally, the hypervisor may check and support the domain 'on_poweroff' XML setting resulting in a domain that reboots instead of shutting down. For guests that react to a shutdown request, the differences from virDomainDestroy() are that the guest's disk storage will be in a stable state rather than having the (virtual) power cord pulled, and this command returns as soon as the shutdown request is issued rather than blocking until the guest is no longer running.
If the domain is transient and has any snapshot metadata (see virDomainSnapshotNum()), then that metadata will automatically be deleted when the domain quits.
If flags
is set to zero, then the hypervisor will choose the method of shutdown it considers best. To have greater control pass one or more of the virDomainShutdownFlagValues. The order in which the hypervisor tries each shutdown method is undefined, and a hypervisor is not required to support all methods.
To use guest agent (VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN_GUEST_AGENT) the domain XML must have <channel> configured.
Object | Permission | Condition |
domain | init-control | - |
¶int virDomainStartDirtyRateCalc (virDomainPtr domain, int seconds, unsigned int flags)
Calculate the current domain's memory dirty rate in next seconds
. The calculated dirty rate information is available by calling virConnectGetAllDomainStats.
¶void virDomainStatsRecordListFree (virDomainStatsRecordPtr * stats)
Convenience function to free a list of domain stats returned by virDomainListGetStats and virConnectGetAllDomainStats.
¶int virDomainSuspend (virDomainPtr domain)
Suspends an active domain, the process is frozen without further access to CPU resources and I/O but the memory used by the domain at the hypervisor level will stay allocated. Use virDomainResume() to reactivate the domain. This function may require privileged access. Moreover, suspend may not be supported if domain is in some special state like VIR_DOMAIN_PMSUSPENDED.
¶int virDomainUndefine (virDomainPtr domain)
Undefine a domain. If the domain is running, it's converted to transient domain, without stopping it. If the domain is inactive, the domain configuration is removed.
If the domain has a managed save image (see virDomainHasManagedSaveImage()), or if it is inactive and has any snapshot metadata (see virDomainSnapshotNum()) or checkpoint metadata (see virDomainListAllCheckpoints()), then the undefine will fail. See virDomainUndefineFlags() for more control.
¶int virDomainUndefineFlags (virDomainPtr domain, unsigned int flags)
Undefine a domain. If the domain is running, it's converted to transient domain, without stopping it. If the domain is inactive, the domain configuration is removed.
If the domain has a managed save image (see virDomainHasManagedSaveImage()), then including VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_MANAGED_SAVE in flags
will also remove that file, and omitting the flag will cause the undefine process to fail.
If the domain is inactive and has any snapshot metadata (see virDomainSnapshotNum()), then including VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_SNAPSHOTS_METADATA in flags
will also remove that metadata. Omitting the flag will cause the undefine of an inactive domain with snapshots to fail. Active domains will retain snapshot metadata until the (now-transient) domain halts, regardless of whether this flag is present. On hypervisors that support snapshots, but where snapshots do not use libvirt metadata, this flag has no effect.
If the domain is inactive and has any checkpoint metadata (see virDomainListAllCheckpoints()), then including VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_CHECKPOINTS_METADATA in flags
will also remove that metadata. Omitting the flag will cause the undefine of an inactive domain with checkpoints to fail. Active domains will retain checkpoint metadata until the (now-transient) domain halts, regardless of whether this flag is present. On hypervisors that support checkpoints, but where checkpoints do not use libvirt metadata, this flag has no effect.
If the domain has any nvram specified, the undefine process will fail unless VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_KEEP_NVRAM is specified, or if VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_NVRAM is specified to remove the nvram file.
¶int virDomainUpdateDeviceFlags (virDomainPtr domain, const char * xml, unsigned int flags)
Change a virtual device on a domain, using the flags parameter to control how the device is changed. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CURRENT specifies that the device change is made based on current domain state. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE specifies that the device shall be changed on the active domain instance only and is not added to the persisted domain configuration. VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_CONFIG specifies that the device shall be changed on the persisted domain configuration only. Note that the target hypervisor must return an error if unable to satisfy flags. E.g. the hypervisor driver will return failure if LIVE is specified but it only supports modifying the persisted device allocation.
This method is used for actions such changing CDROM/Floppy device media, altering the graphics configuration such as password, reconfiguring the NIC device backend connectivity, etc.
The supplied XML description of the device should contain all the information that is found in the corresponding domain XML. Leaving out any piece of information may be treated as a request for its removal, which may be denied. For instance, when users want to change CDROM media only for live XML, they must provide live disk XML as found in the corresponding live domain XML with only the disk path changed.